Next big debate : banning kill bots !

Witnesses said it looked bigger then this...

big badda boom.jpg
the more I think about the Dallas kill it the more I think it's the next big civil rights issue.

First I figured it was a stun grenade , but now it's more like they were out to blow up the guy.

Drones in war zones is one thing , drones used by local police is another .

Very grey area . You can use deadly force if it's a situation where you need to protect lives . But if a peep is just dealing wh a robot , is anyone's life in danger to justify deadly force ?

What does a far left drone care when their messiah is doing this American citizens abroad..

The far left does not care unless they can make it fit their debunked religious dogma.
Yeas Nays
Republican 211 3
Democratic 145 62

TOTALS 357 66

At least the Dems put up a fight !
Yeas Nays
Republican 211 3
Democratic 145 62

TOTALS 357 66

At least the Dems put up a fight !
Well over 2/3s of Democrats put up a fight to pass the Patriot Act. Same thing to renew it in 2006, including Senator Obama. In 2011, President Obama pushed again to renew it.

Now lie to me again and say it was only the Republicans who pushed for the Patriot Act.

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