NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

Mac. Is one of the "two sides" more likely to adhere to and rely on facts and evidence when developing their views on issues?

If so, which?
I don't know if we don't see what we're doing to ourselves, or if we've just become so hateful and narcissistic that we somehow think our "side" can "win". Or maybe nihilism is seeping in, and we're all so angry that we just to see it all burn. If that's the case, I'd be curious to know what the root cause is.

the root cause is that the Wingnuts fuck it up by voting against their own economic interests.

You show them a scary negro or a dude in a dress and they freak out and vote more of their rights away to rich people.

I've honestly tried reasoning with these people, some of them relatives, and you simply can't. Their racism, misogyny, etc... blinds them to reason.

And I voted republican for years, before I saw the light. I tried to play down the obvious racism that Reagan and the Bush Crime Family engaged in.

I don't do that anymore.
And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality.

Good thing nobody is doing that. Why are you pretending they are? Go on, specifically describe how the flag is being disrespected. Lay out to us, in detail, exactly what every human must do to "respect the flag", and explain why that's the case.

Your masters are furious with Trump and the Trumpflakes now. The media was trying to bury the issue of racist police brutality, because it's one of the tools conservatism uses to hold power, and the national media is very, very conservative. Everything was quieting down, then Trump pushed it front and center again.

Again, that's why we thank Trump and you for your help here.
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.
I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
Yep, in a world where black folks are constantly being told they should be afraid of police and police are constantly being told they should be afraid of black folks it is.

The inevitable result of constantly selling the masses on the idea that the exception is the rule is that the masses eventually buy it. :dunno:

Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.
Millions are out of food and water? What happened to the trillions we've spent on the Democrat "War on Poverty"?

War on poverty fed and housed millions

War on Poverty created an unbreakable inter-generational cycle of ignorance, poverty and government dependency all of which are vital for the health of the Democrat Party

It provided food, shelter, education, healthcare to millions

The cycle of poverty has been perpetrated by capitalists who used up inner city resources and then abandoned them

Capitalist build public housing and run public schools, you know the inner city public schools with a 40% drop out rate and a graduating class where 4 of 5 can't read or write? Really?
What you posted is exactly what needs communicated and actually might make a difference. I think that is what most find so frustrating. Everything that has been done, everything that has been accomplished, and everything we have to look forward to isn't apparently good enough. They want more.

They want more.

I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
The Police are addressing it, its not all that widespread either it just some bad eggs caught on tape and viral, but its caused the conversation and the attempted fix. Its a good thing.

When weed is fully legal, there will also be a lot less bullshit to harrass people over, and the lopsided incarceration figures for black folks will hopefully begin to subside.

I totally agree. It's the outrage over black folks simply having an option that I'm addressing.
This whole Race shit is like a problem that will never resolve itself on a micro scale.

On the macro, I think its the best its probably been in our Country's history.

On the micro, we have huge issues in minorities' OWN communities which are so widespread, they overshadow the thinking of the fence sitters and lend credence to the actual racists.

Its cray, yo!

The problems on the micro are varied, systemic and in part a legacy of the failures of social reform. Over policing and incarceration only exacerbates and perpetuates those problems. It's almost like it was by design.
I agree, except with the last part. I think its more-so residual side effect.
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.

Are you one of the millions of Americans without access to food or water?
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.

Are you one of the millions of Americans without access to food or water?

Who doesn't have access to food & water? Good Lord.
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.

Maybe if someone other than the board clown had written it, and left a few of his jokes out of it, fewer people would have laughed at it.
If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

The problem is even the "Exceptions" are treated like they are no big deal.

Take LaQuan McDonald. In that case, the suspect was shot 16 times, 9 times in the back, while he was lying on the ground. They got this clearly on video.

And here it is, three years later, and Officer 16 Shots still hasn't even started his trial yet.
I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
Yep, in a world where black folks are constantly being told they should be afraid of police and police are constantly being told they should be afraid of black folks it is.

The inevitable result of constantly selling the masses on the idea that the exception is the rule is that the masses eventually buy it. :dunno:

Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
Millions are out of food and water? What happened to the trillions we've spent on the Democrat "War on Poverty"?

War on poverty fed and housed millions

War on Poverty created an unbreakable inter-generational cycle of ignorance, poverty and government dependency all of which are vital for the health of the Democrat Party

It provided food, shelter, education, healthcare to millions

The cycle of poverty has been perpetrated by capitalists who used up inner city resources and then abandoned them

Capitalist build public housing and run public schools, you know the inner city public schools with a 40% drop out rate and a graduating class where 4 of 5 can't read or write? Really?

Capitalists raped our cities, used them up and then abandoned them

They are the reason we have poverty in our cities
I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
The Police are addressing it, its not all that widespread either it just some bad eggs caught on tape and viral, but its caused the conversation and the attempted fix. Its a good thing.

When weed is fully legal, there will also be a lot less bullshit to harrass people over, and the lopsided incarceration figures for black folks will hopefully begin to subside.

I totally agree. It's the outrage over black folks simply having an option that I'm addressing.
This whole Race shit is like a problem that will never resolve itself on a micro scale.

On the macro, I think its the best its probably been in our Country's history.

On the micro, we have huge issues in minorities' OWN communities which are so widespread, they overshadow the thinking of the fence sitters and lend credence to the actual racists.

Its cray, yo!

The problems on the micro are varied, systemic and in part a legacy of the failures of social reform. Over policing and incarceration only exacerbates and perpetuates those problems. It's almost like it was by design.
I agree, except with the last part. I think its more-so residual side effect.

I agree. I was just being facetious.
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.

Maybe if someone other than the board clown had written it, and left a few of his jokes out of it, fewer people would have laughed at it.

Which part of his OP do you consider clowning or joking?
Looks dead serious to me
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.

The following stupid people found this thread funny, yet could not write a rebuttal in defense of Trump and his behavior:

Typical of most Trump supporters, poorly educated, ignorant and vapid.

Are you one of the millions of Americans without access to food or water?

Who doesn't have access to food & water? Good Lord.

Millions of Puerto Ricans

Trump should be using the office of the President to call attention to the suffering in Puerto Rico instead of engaging in a silly war with the NFL
It has been united by war any other time it's a bitchfest..
In just my lifetime, we were united from Ike through LBJ. Then from Reagan through W. Trump's NFL schtick is not really any different from McCarthy or Nixon rants agaist the elite (with racist overtones). He is not a very subtle practioner. The Central Park 5 - not just the race fear but demonizing the "elites" who would not just free but pay damages to these guys - who were not just innocent but railroaded.
t's more than partisan bullshit, it's the Hobbes versus Locke debate playing out again right before our eyes and Hobbes is winning.
I'm genuinely curious about this comment. Can you elaborate on why you believe Hobbes is winning today? As I understand it, the debate is over the natural state of man and whether man has a right to overthrow government.

Hobbes, an absolutist, argued for the concentration of power in the hands of a the few at the expense of the political and social power of the commons because, as he argued, the natural state of man was conflict and immorality and thus required strict direction at the hands of a powerful ruling authority. In his time it was monarchy along with its attendant bureaucracy and aristocracy, in our time its an entrenched political establishment wedded to corporations and "special" interests.

Hobbes unlike the liberal thinkers of the following century didn't believe in the inherent goodness of human beings and thus he argued required strict control lest their baser impulses be unleashed upon one another, the American Founders (heavily influenced by Locke and others of a more liberal mind) took a distinctly different approach when they laid out a framework for decentralization of power and popular sovereignty .

IMHO the Hobbesian view looks far more like what we're experiencing nowadays.

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