NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

NO, that is absolutely a lie straight from Hell but it does illustrate the real problem.

NO one thinks shooting an unarmed is right, NO ONE. Your lies are the fuel for what is going on in the country.

Um, no, every time there is a shooting, you have a section that gets out on this board and tells us that it was okay, because the kid who got shot was a less than perfect person.

"Oh, look, Mike Brown shoved that store clerk (who cheated him). He deserved to be shot."

"oh, LaQuan McDonald had a juvy record. He deserved to be shot."

"Trayvon Martin smoked weed once. He deserved to be shot."

"Sandra Bland had unpaid tickets, she deserved to be locked up."
I like the way shits going.

Racial tension's always been here, its nothing new.

Police forces, if you have your ear to it....are addressing their tactics. Installing body cameras, prosecuting via internal affairs more than ever.

There's no racial "rules" to where you can live or what businesses you can patron.

We 're still allowed to be as disrespectful to our NON Royal Politicians... with no legal recourse, as ever.

Violent Crime rates are on the average, to below average scale for all of the 2000s.

We are still electing both "sides" to office on a fluctuating scale.

The internet has made a diversity of opinions way more widespread, and easier to find.

Youtube's given more a voice, and at least a place to vent.

Science, and the futurists working in the field, are doing AMAZING things which will shape the world in a COMPLETELY different way, if you at all keep up with the modern advances. Specifically, computers and the brain sciences are merging.

This is literally the best time probably ever to live in America.
What you posted is exactly what needs communicated and actually might make a difference. I think that is what most find so frustrating. Everything that has been done, everything that has been accomplished, and everything we have to look forward to isn't apparently good enough. They want more.

They want more.

I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
The only reason one fears the police is because you break the law.

Really? So, no one has ever been convicted of a crime they didn't commit.
And no one has ever got off for a crime they did commit?

I was making a point, you're just deflecting or something.

The point is that people do have something to fear from the police even if they haven't committed a crime. What's your point?
Come on people. This is a guy who did everything he could to keep from serving this country.

This is a man who stiffed people who worked for him.

This is a guy who cut off medical care for an infant because he was mad at his own kin.

He was able to find good in Nazi's, but can't in young people engaged in a silent protest? Over shooting unarmed people?

Every time Trump hits a new low, I'm astounded that his base supports him.

Meanwhile, millions are quickly running out of food and water and a nuclear powered country is announcing we are at war.
Why do you hate Puerto Ricans?
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

This forum is a perfect example of how split the country is, partisan hacks coming on day in day out and talking complete nonsense. But where did this nonsense come from? Probably from the rich people who control politics. The Koch brothers are spending millions of making sure their message gets out there, and it's working.
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their "side" angry and divided from other. It appears to be working just great.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

This forum is a perfect example of how split the country is, partisan hacks coming on day in day out and talking complete nonsense. But where did this nonsense come from? Probably from the rich people who control politics. The Koch brothers are spending millions of making sure their message gets out there, and it's working.
There have been forums with politically vitriolic disagreements like this one since the internet came onto the scene man. Im an eye witness to it.

Its easier to accept this next phrase if you read it in a friendly Jamaican accent....

errr ting gown be arright, mun

The problem seems to be getting worse all the time though. The US is becoming more and more partisan, the rich, especially the Koch brothers have got more and more power over the political system, and more worrying over the brains of many people who don't use them much. The US is on the way down.
Simplistic as usual, that "large section of the population" doesn't think "it's okay for the police to shoot unarmed black people during traffic stops and misdemeanor arrests" because they don't see the incident(s) you're referring to in the way you characterize them. They're being fed propaganda at the same rate you are, just by different sources and neither you nor they have the first clue as to what is really going on.

I think I've got a pretty good bead on it. Look, the point is, the Police in this country shoot 1200 americans every year. And yeah, most of those are probably "justified", even though other industrialized countries only need to shoot a handful a year.

But when we see a really outrageous action, like LaQuan McDonald, Phialdro Cruz, Mike Brown, and t here's still a bunch off you out there that take the police's side, people get upset.

Both sides are full of confirmation bias junkies that get off on the supposition that anyone that disagrees with you is evil, inhuman and immoral, the chattering classes know that and exploit it to the fullest.

I don't think that. I would categorize most Trump supporters as fearful and stupid. The One Percent has spent the last 40 years scaring the shit out of them, while diminishing their quality of life. They are smart enough to realize something is wrong, but too dumb to realize the root causes.
Millions are out of food and water? What happened to the trillions we've spent on the Democrat "War on Poverty"?
Something is wrong with you.

Can you show us these millions of Americans out of food and water? I know that there's about 1 Billion people in other parts of the world that do not have access to potable water like every single American. I think you're exaggerating
You know this country has turned a corner when a person who advocates for communication, listening, and cooperation is called divisive.
I get your point but your style doesn't always convey the neutrality you think it might.
I dunno. I'm definitely frustrated and concerned. The way stuff comes across online may not always be accurate.
Really mac, don't be frustrated do something meaningful. Invest in the black community, money talks, BS walks.
Really mac, don't be frustrated do something meaningful. Invest in the black community, money talks, BS walks.

You betray your true self and intentions with comments like this.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

This forum is a perfect example of how split the country is, partisan hacks coming on day in day out and talking complete nonsense. But where did this nonsense come from? Probably from the rich people who control politics. The Koch brothers are spending millions of making sure their message gets out there, and it's working.
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their "side" angry and divided from other. It appears to be working just great.

Yes, it's working for those who want this to work. Generally this isn't the people of the US, but a small select bunch of rich people who have decided to buy what they want.
You know this country has turned a corner when a person who advocates for communication, listening, and cooperation is called divisive.
I get your point but your style doesn't always convey the neutrality you think it might.
I dunno. I'm definitely frustrated and concerned. The way stuff comes across online may not always be accurate.
Really mac, don't be frustrated do something meaningful. Invest in the black community, money talks, BS walks.
Um, the point of the thread isn't about just race. It's about a little more than that.

I my point a little clearer now?
One thing I dont get about the Police, is that in like 100 if these videos I saw of them shooting someone dead...

and it WAS the perp's fault...

They had like a knife or a bat or just ran at the cop or some such....

Is like, why the lack of better solutions when dealing with human life...

most of these killings, some science could have resolved..... a fuggin tranq dart.

i dunno, they made freakin sonic tubes that can THROW a person backward

wtf, whys a dumb drug addicts hallucination gotta end in his death...when theres like 27 other options...i cant understand that.
Simplistic as usual, that "large section of the population" doesn't think "it's okay for the police to shoot unarmed black people during traffic stops and misdemeanor arrests" because they don't see the incident(s) you're referring to in the way you characterize them. They're being fed propaganda at the same rate you are, just by different sources and neither you nor they have the first clue as to what is really going on.

I think I've got a pretty good bead on it. Look, the point is, the Police in this country shoot 1200 americans every year. And yeah, most of those are probably "justified", even though other industrialized countries only need to shoot a handful a year.

But when we see a really outrageous action, like LaQuan McDonald, Phialdro Cruz, Mike Brown, and t here's still a bunch off you out there that take the police's side, people get upset.

Both sides are full of confirmation bias junkies that get off on the supposition that anyone that disagrees with you is evil, inhuman and immoral, the chattering classes know that and exploit it to the fullest.

I don't think that. I would categorize most Trump supporters as fearful and stupid. The One Percent has spent the last 40 years scaring the shit out of them, while diminishing their quality of life. They are smart enough to realize something is wrong, but too dumb to realize the root causes.

The question is, why does the US have such a high rate of police shootings? Why does the US have such a high rate of police officers being shot? And why does the US have such a high rate of people shooting people? And why does the US do NOTHING about it?
When Trump wraps himself in the flag, he makes sure he leaves one arm free,

so he can wave his Bible around.
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their "side" angry and divided from other. It appears to be working just great.

If you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

This forum is a perfect example of how split the country is, partisan hacks coming on day in day out and talking complete nonsense. But where did this nonsense come from? Probably from the rich people who control politics. The Koch brothers are spending millions of making sure their message gets out there, and it's working.
There have been forums with politically vitriolic disagreements like this one since the internet came onto the scene man. Im an eye witness to it.

Its easier to accept this next phrase if you read it in a friendly Jamaican accent....

errr ting gown be arright, mun

The problem seems to be getting worse all the time though. The US is becoming more and more partisan, the rich, especially the Koch brothers have got more and more power over the political system, and more worrying over the brains of many people who don't use them much. The US is on the way down.
Hey, youre free to believe it however you see it. Im very much enjoying my life here.
Eight years of a half Black democrat president and the Country is in worse shape racially than it was before Obama. What the hell happened?
I like the way shits going.

Racial tension's always been here, its nothing new.

Police forces, if you have your ear to it....are addressing their tactics. Installing body cameras, prosecuting via internal affairs more than ever.

There's no racial "rules" to where you can live or what businesses you can patron.

We 're still allowed to be as disrespectful to our NON Royal Politicians... with no legal recourse, as ever.

Violent Crime rates are on the average, to below average scale for all of the 2000s.

We are still electing both "sides" to office on a fluctuating scale.

The internet has made a diversity of opinions way more widespread, and easier to find.

Youtube's given more a voice, and at least a place to vent.

Science, and the futurists working in the field, are doing AMAZING things which will shape the world in a COMPLETELY different way, if you at all keep up with the modern advances. Specifically, computers and the brain sciences are merging.

This is literally the best time probably ever to live in America.
What you posted is exactly what needs communicated and actually might make a difference. I think that is what most find so frustrating. Everything that has been done, everything that has been accomplished, and everything we have to look forward to isn't apparently good enough. They want more.

They want more.

I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
The Police are addressing it, its not all that widespread either it just some bad eggs caught on tape and viral, but its caused the conversation and the attempted fix. Its a good thing.

When weed is fully legal, there will also be a lot less bullshit to harrass people over, and the lopsided incarceration figures for black folks will hopefully begin to subside.

I totally agree. It's the outrage over black folks simply having an option that I'm addressing.

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