Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?

It is quite ok for you to not believe in this event in the Bible, however I specifically said you must provide DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE............and you ONLY have your dribble?

And your complete LACK of understanding of the event is quite evident by your statement "rounding up EVERY living creature on earth........" Not how it is recorded, try to at least tell the TRUTH when attempting to ridicule the Word of God.

And, if this is your idea of "major sections,' then it's quite unproven and childish at best.

Much as a child you cling to a fairy tale about an ark.....unwilling to accept the concept of a parable

A storm of the magnitude of the great flood would have rained 20 inches an hour to flood the earth in 40 days. The greatest rainfall on record is only 12 inches. Meaning no living thing could have survived.
Since you don't believe in evolution......900,000 species of insect would have had to be saved, all the, species of birds, all amphibians and reptiles, even the lowly bacteria would have had to find its way onto your arc
And we haven't even gotten to the elephants and giraffes

Your bible is a book of fairy tales

........and yet again you have exhibited your ignorance of the Word of God........possibly you should actually educate yourself concerning the Word of God before you attempt to ridicule it..........It would be a help........and your math is "sketchy" at best, for in the animal, insect, plant world, new species are being discovered all the hold off on your ridicule before the "proper tabulation" is completed.
It is quite ok for you to not believe in this event in the Bible, however I specifically said you must provide DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE............and you ONLY have your dribble?

And your complete LACK of understanding of the event is quite evident by your statement "rounding up EVERY living creature on earth........" Not how it is recorded, try to at least tell the TRUTH when attempting to ridicule the Word of God.

And, if this is your idea of "major sections,' then it's quite unproven and childish at best.

Much as a child you cling to a fairy tale about an ark.....unwilling to accept the concept of a parable

A storm of the magnitude of the great flood would have rained 20 inches an hour to flood the earth in 40 days. The greatest rainfall on record is only 12 inches. Meaning no living thing could have survived.
Since you don't believe in evolution......900,000 species of insect would have had to be saved, all the, species of birds, all amphibians and reptiles, even the lowly bacteria would have had to find its way onto your arc
And we haven't even gotten to the elephants and giraffes

Your bible is a book of fairy tales

........and yet again you have exhibited your ignorance of the Word of God........possibly you should actually educate yourself concerning the Word of God before you attempt to ridicule it..........It would be a help........and your math is "sketchy" at best, for in the animal, insect, plant world, new species are being discovered all the hold off on your ridicule before the "proper tabulation" is completed.

A child clinging to his fairy tales

You have admitted your bible is made up stories throwing your entire belief structure on its ass

Now you see why god hates Christians?
It is quite ok for you to not believe in this event in the Bible, however I specifically said you must provide DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE............and you ONLY have your dribble?

And your complete LACK of understanding of the event is quite evident by your statement "rounding up EVERY living creature on earth........" Not how it is recorded, try to at least tell the TRUTH when attempting to ridicule the Word of God.

And, if this is your idea of "major sections,' then it's quite unproven and childish at best.

Much as a child you cling to a fairy tale about an ark.....unwilling to accept the concept of a parable

A storm of the magnitude of the great flood would have rained 20 inches an hour to flood the earth in 40 days. The greatest rainfall on record is only 12 inches. Meaning no living thing could have survived.
Since you don't believe in evolution......900,000 species of insect would have had to be saved, all the, species of birds, all amphibians and reptiles, even the lowly bacteria would have had to find its way onto your arc
And we haven't even gotten to the elephants and giraffes

Your bible is a book of fairy tales

........and yet again you have exhibited your ignorance of the Word of God........possibly you should actually educate yourself concerning the Word of God before you attempt to ridicule it..........It would be a help........and your math is "sketchy" at best, for in the animal, insect, plant world, new species are being discovered all the hold off on your ridicule before the "proper tabulation" is completed.

There is no ‘word of god,’ what you’re reading is the word of man, expressing his fear, ignorance, and hate.
.......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?

Still smarting over your "Freudian slip"? Did it ever occur to you that a handle might just be an anagram that spells a Latin term? There are handles in this forum that are spoonerisms too. As for the "absolute authority on all things truth" that must have struck a "guilty" nerve with you. Why else would you even raise the subject?

Still smarting from yours apparently are you not? It occurs to me that you chose your SN quite intentionally........and I don't really care one way or the other, although I do have to wonder why you didn't post it in pink...........and you have yet to reveal how you are not guilty of what you believe me to be guilty of.......smarting from being challenged to provide evidence? You are a weird person, and that pretty much describes the majority of your comments.......that, and childish.......but, hey, go for it.....

You made a false accusation because you responded to the wrong post initially. You went downhill from there because you are incapable of admitting your own mistakes. Your posts display unwarranted pride, the arrogance of immaturity and an unfortunate tendency to lie about others whom you have no knowledge of whatsoever. But don't let any of these observations prevent you from :dig: your own hole ever deeper. Have a nice day.
How does anyone know if someone went to hell or heaven?
Perhaps some of the saintly poseurs -- oops! -- posters on this thread have been vouchsaved a special revelation of the sinners writhing in eternal flames, the vision of which the Church Father Tertullian has assured us will be one of the especial pleasures of the Saved as they while away Eternity looking down over the balustades of Heaven.

Quote: Originally Posted by BreezeWood
Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

... there is no hell - or

Nice people can choose to reject the Bible, and go in happiness to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

QUOTE......"into the OuterWorld of the Everlasting" END QUOTE

What in the name of all that's good is the Outer World of the Everlasting?

May I ask..........."Are you a master herbalist?"

A summary of the comments I exchanged with you follows below:

Comment #162

(Me) That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ.........He cannot and will not "look upon sin." .

(You) Ironic!

(Me) Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

(You) The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Comment #163

(Me) Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

(You) The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

(Me) Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

Comment #165

Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........
The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

(You) Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

Comment #167

The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.
Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

(Me) .......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Comment #171

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.
Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

.......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?

Still smarting over your "Freudian slip"? Did it ever occur to you that a handle might just be an anagram that spells a Latin term? There are handles in this forum that are spoonerisms too. As for the "absolute authority on all things truth" that must have struck a "guilty" nerve with you. Why else would you even raise the subject?

Comment #185

and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?

Still smarting over your "Freudian slip"? Did it ever occur to you that a handle might just be an anagram that spells a Latin term? There are handles in this forum that are spoonerisms too. As for the "absolute authority on all things truth" that must have struck a "guilty" nerve with you. Why else would you even raise the subject?

Still smarting from yours apparently are you not? It occurs to me that you chose your SN quite intentionally........and I don't really care one way or the other, although I do have to wonder why you didn't post it in pink...........and you have yet to reveal how you are not guilty of what you believe me to be guilty of.......smarting from being challenged to provide evidence? You are a weird person, and that pretty much describes the majority of your comments.......that, and childish.......but, hey, go for it.....

(You) You made a false accusation because you responded to the wrong post initially. You went downhill from there because you are incapable of admitting your own mistakes. Your posts display unwarranted pride, the arrogance of immaturity and an unfortunate tendency to lie about others whom you have no knowledge of whatsoever. But don't let any of these observations prevent you from your own hole ever deeper. Have a nice day.

(Me) Please show me where I “responded to the wrong post initially…….” Seems to me I was responding by Quoting comments posted towards me…….don’t know how there could have been any mix up that way.

And, I do not see any “false accusation” which you say I made……..given all of this, it’s pretty clear that you and I should part ways……….and that suits me just fine…….
Go in peace, and may God bless you and yours……..
How does anyone know if someone went to hell or heaven?
Perhaps some of the saintly poseurs -- oops! -- posters on this thread have been vouchsaved a special revelation of the sinners writhing in eternal flames, the vision of which the Church Father Tertullian has assured us will be one of the especial pleasures of the Saved as they while away Eternity looking down over the balustades of Heaven.

Here is a quotation on the matter that I favour.

I cannot believe that there is any being in this universe who has created a human soul for eternal pain. I would rather that every god would destroy himself; I would rather that we all should go to eternal chaos, to black and starless night, than that just one soul should suffer eternal agony.

Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-99):
Hell doesn't even exist in the Old Testament. Like the Greek "Hades", "Sheol" was a place of mindless, unfeeling shadows flitting in the gloom under the earth, where the spirits of both the good and the evil went.

Later, the Greeks invented Tartarus for wicked souls and Titans, where they would suffer and be punished. Perhaps, as in the Middle East, this was from the influence, from Persia,of the dualistic Zoroastrians -- who did invent the notion of Hell as a place of torment.

Hell is merely an anthropological oddity, a diseased fantasy of fearful, weak minds.
14Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged.

15But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, and he himself is judged of no man.

16For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

So you all who aren't there have no comprehension of the OP. Pity...
Religions are based on ancient superstitions.

Religions provide the language for the laws, which you are right, are culturally colored.

What matters is the meaning, the use to establish good working relations and lasting principles/traditions that carry generations on a positive learning curve toward justice and peace; and the spirit of the laws, REGARDLESS which language is used to express them.

We don't have to agree which language we prefer to speak.
What matters is agreeing what concepts are universal and unifying to focus on.
It's not the good effect in the world that determines their value;
but the good value the truth has which then manifests as good in the world as a natural consequence, not a condition of judgment.
The basic story of Jesus (birthed by a virgin, fathered by a god, healed the sick, raised the dead, performed other miracles, persecuted and executed), was but a repeat of stories of other so-called sons of gods who preceeded him. That he existed at all is debated and if he did, he was a mere human, nothing more.
More and more people are abandoning the primitive, tribal abrahamic religions, of the pre-dark ages, daily. More and more church pews are empty.
Science is leaving less and less room for deities as advances continue.

I may have to re-think my opinion on the resurrection of the dead.

This ridiculous thread has been resussitated.

The basic story of Jesus (birthed by a virgin, fathered by a god, healed the sick, raised the dead, performed other miracles, persecuted and executed), was but a repeat of stories of other so-called sons of gods who preceeded him. That he existed at all is debated and if he did, he was a mere human, nothing more.
More and more people are abandoning the primitive, tribal abrahamic religions, of the pre-dark ages, daily. More and more church pews are empty.
Science is leaving less and less room for deities as advances continue.

BUT, are such people happier or do they lack a sense of real worth. Worth is not measured in what one knows, owns, creates --- worth is a realization that God is in control and loves us enough to save those who really seek after Him. Joy comes with finding what one is searching for. Depression comes from not having anything permanent to seek after. Are more people depressed today or are they more content?
Last edited:
Hell doesn't even exist in the Old Testament. Like the Greek "Hades", "Sheol" was a place of mindless, unfeeling shadows flitting in the gloom under the earth, where the spirits of both the good and the evil went.

Later, the Greeks invented Tartarus for wicked souls and Titans, where they would suffer and be punished. Perhaps, as in the Middle East, this was from the influence, from Persia,of the dualistic Zoroastrians -- who did invent the notion of Hell as a place of torment.

Hell is merely an anthropological oddity, a diseased fantasy of fearful, weak minds.

Hell was used by our Creator to deceive man into religion and keep them from knowing the Truth. The Truth is our Creator because He's the only thing that's real. Everything else was created (an illusion).

However, in this first age, God created entropy (Lucifer and the beast) to keep His people confused but at the same time, teach man how to build things until He got them to build His telescope and microscope to show man His infinite nature.

Soon, science will show man that there's no such thing as time or mass. All physical appearing things are only illusions formed by information (energy).
No worries!!!! Those that reject god and god's love will understand hell all to well for all eternity the split second after they die and open their eyes and see and feel the flames!!! Far too late then.

It always amuses me the obvious joy so-called Christians like you get out of imagining other people in hell. :D
No worries!!!! Those that reject god and god's love will understand hell all to well for all eternity the split second after they die and open their eyes and see and feel the flames!!! Far too late then.

It always amuses me the obvious joy so-called Christians like you get out of imagining other people in hell. :D

[ame=]Bad religion - you - YouTube[/ame]

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