Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

A Christian is someone that never has to tell anyone what their religion is.
You will know it by their actions.
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

The disagreement would be with "condescending," other than that, being "judgmental" and "a pain in the ass" to non-believers IS EXACTLY WHAT a Christian should be. See, it is commanded for us to Preach the Good News, and in so doing, those who are not of Christ come under "judgment" of the Gospel of Christ, and this causes them some sore discomfort and not only in their "ass," but in their hearts and minds as well. For when they are truly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they realize that their lives are "apart from God."

As for who God prefers the company of, it is well documented in the Holy Bible. Try reading it and discover the Truth.
Unless the great secret is that we are all the sons of God (women too, as the discarnate spirit is asexual). That is what the spirit world teaches. It is even in the bible.

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

That's funny............clearly you do not know that the Hebrew word used in the original text which was translated to "gods" meant "judges." People who do not know Scripture should try to avoid teaching others about Scripture, all they end up doing is revealing their inept awareness of Truth.

Are you trying to tell me that every time the King James bible says "Gods" it means Judges?
Because I can soon prove you wrong by the context of the hundreds of times the word "Gods" appears in both the old and new testament.

Besides the quote above from 1corinthians:6:19 is plainly saying that our bodies are temples of the holy Ghost.

Prove away, doesn't change the fact that in the particular Scripture what is meant by "gods" [which does not appear with a capital G] is judges...........

As for our bodies being "temples" yes, but that does not make us "Gods" as in equality with God Himself. As well, the true intent is referring to our "hearts," where the Holy Spirit resides.........He isn't in our big toe, or our little finger, although He can surely "flood" us with His presence and we can feel His presence all throughout our bodies. He resides in our hearts.

Salvation is a HEART THINGY! Be sure when you "prove away" to properly spell "Gods" and "gods," for the capitalization makes a huge difference in understanding Scripture.
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

The disagreement would be with "condescending," other than that, being "judgmental" and "a pain in the ass" to non-believers IS EXACTLY WHAT a Christian should be. See, it is commanded for us to Preach the Good News, and in so doing, those who are not of Christ come under "judgment" of the Gospel of Christ, and this causes them some sore discomfort and not only in their "ass," but in their hearts and minds as well. For when they are truly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they realize that their lives are "apart from God."

As for who God prefers the company of, it is well documented in the Holy Bible. Try reading it and discover the Truth.

I have faith that God hates to be around Christians

Just like the rest of us
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

The disagreement would be with "condescending," other than that, being "judgmental" and "a pain in the ass" to non-believers IS EXACTLY WHAT a Christian should be. See, it is commanded for us to Preach the Good News, and in so doing, those who are not of Christ come under "judgment" of the Gospel of Christ, and this causes them some sore discomfort and not only in their "ass," but in their hearts and minds as well. For when they are truly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they realize that their lives are "apart from God."

As for who God prefers the company of, it is well documented in the Holy Bible. Try reading it and discover the Truth.
Dan barker the ex fundamentalist "preacher" and ex christian song writer
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Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

The disagreement would be with "condescending," other than that, being "judgmental" and "a pain in the ass" to non-believers IS EXACTLY WHAT a Christian should be. See, it is commanded for us to Preach the Good News, and in so doing, those who are not of Christ come under "judgment" of the Gospel of Christ, and this causes them some sore discomfort and not only in their "ass," but in their hearts and minds as well. For when they are truly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they realize that their lives are "apart from God."

As for who God prefers the company of, it is well documented in the Holy Bible. Try reading it and discover the Truth.

I have faith that God hates to be around Christians

Just like the rest of us

Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......
The disagreement would be with "condescending," other than that, being "judgmental" and "a pain in the ass" to non-believers IS EXACTLY WHAT a Christian should be. See, it is commanded for us to Preach the Good News, and in so doing, those who are not of Christ come under "judgment" of the Gospel of Christ, and this causes them some sore discomfort and not only in their "ass," but in their hearts and minds as well. For when they are truly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they realize that their lives are "apart from God."

As for who God prefers the company of, it is well documented in the Holy Bible. Try reading it and discover the Truth.

I have faith that God hates to be around Christians

Just like the rest of us

Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name
I have faith that God hates to be around Christians

Just like the rest of us

Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

Well said. Just have to wonder why the "true god" seems so powerless to stop "what is being done in his name". Perhaps it might be that the god whose name is being abused is merely an effigy to protect the real god from having his name besmirched. Just an idle thought. No offense intended. :eusa_angel:
I have faith that God hates to be around Christians

Just like the rest of us

Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

.......and yet another who does not have any idea of Christianity.........which has nothing ot do with "religion." And, no, your faith does not have the same "legitimacy" as mine, for my faith is in the One True God, and not some made up "feel good" flavor of the month.

Now, certainly The Great I Am is not happy with a lot of what is done in His Name, but that does not in any way justify the idea that He prefers the company of atheists to His "called" children. That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ.........He cannot and will not "look upon sin." If you understood His Word, or anything about Christianity you would know this. But at least you claim to have a "faith," and a "god," whoever/whatever that "god" may's a start I suppose.
Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ........
.He cannot and will not "look upon sin." .

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ........
.He cannot and will not "look upon sin." .


Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........
Sadly, your "faith" is misplaced and misspent..........for if God "hates" being around Christians, He would not have established His salvation plan for mankind, and Jesus would have not taken upon Himself the form of man to bring His Gospel to mankind thus establishing Christianity.........your statement is without and semblance of logic or reason........just another "knock" against Christians, and as such, pretty much worthless.

But, go ahead, it's fun to watch you mumble your way to the future that awaits you......

I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

.......and yet another who does not have any idea of Christianity.........which has nothing ot do with "religion." And, no, your faith does not have the same "legitimacy" as mine, for my faith is in the One True God, and not some made up "feel good" flavor of the month.

Now, certainly The Great I Am is not happy with a lot of what is done in His Name, but that does not in any way justify the idea that He prefers the company of atheists to His "called" children. That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ.........He cannot and will not "look upon sin." If you understood His Word, or anything about Christianity you would know this. But at least you claim to have a "faith," and a "god," whoever/whatever that "god" may's a start I suppose.

I am afraid that my faith is superior to yours. My faith acknowledges the true God who can see through the petty, condescending, judegemental attitudes of many Christians. I have faith that a REAL God does not desire or require that followers erect phony monuments in his name and would prefer that the money be spent in helping your fellow man

Your faith is shallow to its very core and relies on superficial trappings of religion over a true appreciation of your fellow man regardless of what religion he calls himself

Yes, indeed, I have faith that God would prefer the company of an atheist who honors his fellow man to the superficial perceived superiority of Christians
I'm afraid my faith has the same legitimacy as your own. My faith is based on the true nature of god who rejects the callous, judgmental pettiness of most organized religions

A true god looks at the true nature of man and is appalled at what is being done in his name

.......and yet another who does not have any idea of Christianity.........which has nothing ot do with "religion." And, no, your faith does not have the same "legitimacy" as mine, for my faith is in the One True God, and not some made up "feel good" flavor of the month.

Now, certainly The Great I Am is not happy with a lot of what is done in His Name, but that does not in any way justify the idea that He prefers the company of atheists to His "called" children. That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ.........He cannot and will not "look upon sin." If you understood His Word, or anything about Christianity you would know this. But at least you claim to have a "faith," and a "god," whoever/whatever that "god" may's a start I suppose.

I am afraid that my faith is superior to yours. My faith acknowledges the true God who can see through the petty, condescending, judegemental attitudes of many Christians. I have faith that a REAL God does not desire or require that followers erect phony monuments in his name and would prefer that the money be spent in helping your fellow man

Your faith is shallow to its very core and relies on superficial trappings of religion over a true appreciation of your fellow man regardless of what religion he calls himself

Yes, indeed, I have faith that God would prefer the company of an atheist who honors his fellow man to the superficial perceived superiority of Christians

QUOTE: "who can see through the petty, condescending, judgmental attitudes....." END QUOTE...........No that's funny.........



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