Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

The only way to the Father is though the Son. There are no if's, ands or buts about it.

Unless the great secret is that we are all the sons of God (women too, as the discarnate spirit is asexual). That is what the spirit world teaches. It is even in the bible.

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Why not put the scriptures you quoted in context?

The Jews were about to stone Jesus as they pick up stones, Jesus says, "I've shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning me?" They say, "For a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy; and because you, being a man, make Yourself out to be God."

Then Jesus refers to Psalm 82:6 , "Hasn't it been written in your Law, 'I said, you are gods'? If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say to Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming'; because I said, 'I am the Son of God'? If I do not do the works of my Father, do not believe Me....."

Now let's look at the context of Psalm 82. The entire psalm is a rebuke aimed at unjust judges in contrast to the just Judge of all earth. Asaph , the author of the psalm is crying out for God to do something about the corrupt judges, then in verse 6 God speaks and says "I said, you are gods (Elohim), and all of you are the sons of the Most High.

The meaning of Psalms 82 doesn't imply that men are gods but rather refers to the fact that God has appointed judges to act in a dignified god-like manner in the discharge of their responsibilities.
I explained how the Greek interpretation of "ekklesia" to English was incorrectly translated to mean church when it should have been interpreted as "assembly" as it was in Acts 19:32,39 and 41.

The first complete English Bible was the Tyndale Bible and it did not use the word church anywhere. It used the word congregation. Sometime after this Bible the word congregation was replaced by church.
Oh, ho! Lonestar has sneaked the word "congregation" into this discussion!!

I bet Lonestar belongs to a coven of satanic Calvinists, and believes in pre-destination and that earthly riches are a sign of God's favor!!

Homo mercator vix aut nunquam potest Deo placere.

"The businessman seldom or never is pleasing to God."
---Thomas Aquinas
Do you have anything of intelligence to add to the discussion?

Seems to me all you bring to the table are snide remarks and veiled insults.

But I understand how powerful people like you think you are while hidden safely behind the anonymity of a computer screen and how sad a life you must lead to have to mock and ridicule those that are clearly intellectually superior than yourself.
Yup, Lonestar is a Calvinist devotee of Hell and Damnation !!

P.S. That should be "superior to yourself", NOT "than" !!

-- and "those who are", not "that".
Oh, ho! Lonestar has sneaked the word "congregation" into this discussion!!

I bet Lonestar belongs to a coven of satanic Calvinists, and believes in pre-destination and that earthly riches are a sign of God's favor!!

Homo mercator vix aut nunquam potest Deo placere.

"The businessman seldom or never is pleasing to God."
---Thomas Aquinas
Do you have anything of intelligence to add to the discussion?

Seems to me all you bring to the table are snide remarks and veiled insults.

But I understand how powerful people like you think you are while hidden safely behind the anonymity of a computer screen and how sad a life you must lead to have to mock and ridicule those that are clearly intellectually superior than yourself.
Yup, Lonestar is a Calvinist devotee of Hell and Damnation !!

P.S. That should be "superior to yourself", NOT "than" !!

-- and "those who are", not "that".

Feel better?

I had your figured out from the start and you didn't disappoint.
The Bible predates the birth of Christ unless you just want to forget about the Old Testament.
Calvinists have always preferred the violent, angry, tyrannical, unreasonable Monster of the Old Testament for their God rather than the gentle Jesus, meek and mild, of the New Testament. (Gee, I just thought of it -- the Jehovah of the Old Testament must have been a Texan!!)

This predilection of the Calvinists occasionally bore good fruits -- they were a bit more accepting of the Jews than most other Christians, which explains that old kill-joy Oliver Cromwell permitting Jews to dwell in England again -- after an exclusion of several hundred years.

But usually Calvinists have been smug and self-absorbed twerps, excessively devoted to worldly wealth and looking down at those not as saved as they are.
What!! You mean we are going to Texas!!

No!! Dear God!! Anything but that !!!

Obviously you've never been here.
Oh, I've been there!
Praise the Lord, it was just Purgatory, and not a Permanent Sentence!!

A Texan, having bragged at length to an Englishman about the superiority of Texas, concluded : "An' do you know that all o' little-bitty ol' England would fit into just one corner of Teexas?"
The Englishman replied, "Yes, and wouldn't it do wonders for the place."

Acts 13:38-39

For man to appreciate forgiveness he must understand what life and eternity would be without it.

◦Without forgiveness there would be no entry into heaven.
◦Without forgiveness every funeral service would be a prelude to hell.
◦Without forgiveness there would be no knowledge of love.
◦Without forgiveness there would be no hope for any person.
◦Without forgiveness all would be lost.
◦Without forgiveness there would be no mercy.
◦Without forgiveness there would be innumerable suicides.
◦Without forgiveness there would be unremovable guilt.


I am not judging you. I am telling you that you are not a Christian if you don't believe that all can be forgiven for their sins. And if they accept Jesus as their Savior they will be able to join Him in Heaven.

Catholics believe in purgatory. Show me where in the Bible does it reference purgatory.

You claim Catholics were the first Christians. Please link to that nonsense.

You can certainly believe what you wish but to be a Christian you must believe what Christ has taught us.

You have essentially stated that to be a Christian you must believe what YOU THINK Christ has taught us. No matter how sure of his teaching you are, no matter how right about those teaching you might be that is simply not true.

Your definition of ’Christian’ is incorrect. You are narrowly defining the term in a manner that reflects your faith. You might believe (and that would almost be a requirement of faith) that what you believe is correct and the other factions are misguided BUT that does not mean that they do not fall into the generally accepted definition of Christian. For one, you are interpreting Jesus words one way while other may read what was written differently. Because they read that differently does not mean that they are not Christian, even if they are incorrect it would not make them non-Christian.

All that is needed to be Christian is to believe in Jesus as savior. There are a million different factions (and Catholics really do fit in term though they tend to deny it) and even ones that have their own holy books. Mormons ARE Christians no matter how you other Christians might feel about that and regardless of the fact that they have an additional

It's not what I think, it's what the Bible says.
Again, according to YOUR reading of the bible. We can debate the finer points of that faith and that is a good thing, very healthy BUT debating what one person or another believes in and interprets passages of the bible does not start with saying that others are not Christian. That is not debate, offending a belittling to those that believe they are Christian.

Would you really take me seriously if I declared that you were not a Christian because something or the other that I completely misinterpreted in the bible? That is what you are doing with others.
I haven't attempted to fully define what a Christian is, I simply showed one of the major tenets of Christianity which is "forgiveness".
You did when you summarily declared that someone was NOT a Christian because they did not share your exact views on a specific sections of faith and the way it was interpreted through Jesus’ words and the bible.
Catholics in my opinion do not fit the Christian mold for the simple fact they pray to Mary as if she's equal to God and they give the Pope way to much power as if he's God's right hand man.

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, (1 Timothy 2:5)

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6)
That’s fine. You disagree with the tenants of there faith and there is real points to be made there BUT you are not starting with those points. You are starting with an insult, then demanding that they swallow that insult because….

The because does not matter. The conversation is not going to get past the fact that you challenged their faith.
Even the Roman Catholic understanding of "saints" doesn't compare very well with the Bible. In Catholic ideology the saints are in Heaven, in the Bible the saint are on earth. In Catholic ideology a person doesn't become a saint unless he/she is beatified or canonized by the Pope or prominent bishop. In the Bible, everyone who has received Jesus Christ by faith is a saint. In Catholic practice saints are revered, prayed to, and in some instances worshipped. In the Bible, saints are called to revere, worship and pray to God alone.
See above.

You alone do not get to decide that the word Christian does not include such and such faction. You are not the arbiter of the meaning of words. You get to decide what being a Christian means to you and how you peruse your faith. It is arrogant (not trying to be personal here, just making a point) to declare that someone is not a Christian because they do not agree with one of the cornerstones of YOUR faith.
The Bible predates the birth of Christ unless you just want to forget about the Old Testament.
Calvinists have always preferred the violent, angry, tyrannical, unreasonable Monster of the Old Testament for their God rather than the gentle Jesus, meek and mild, of the New Testament. (Gee, I just thought of it -- the Jehovah of the Old Testament must have been a Texan!!)

This predilection of the Calvinists occasionally bore good fruits -- they were a bit more accepting of the Jews than most other Christians, which explains that old kill-joy Oliver Cromwell permitting Jews to dwell in England again -- after an exclusion of several hundred years.

But usually Calvinists have been smug and self-absorbed twerps, excessively devoted to worldly wealth and looking down at those not as saved as they are.

And, again you reveal you ignorance of Scripture and Christianity.........Calvinsits are not the only people who believe in Jesus Christ, and should you study up on the teachings of Calvin (much of which I disagree with), you would see that you are simply ignorant of what Calvinists prefer........Not sure why you continue to offer comments on all things Christian as you are so woefully inept in your understanding of Christianity........guess it's your way of attempting to appear intellectual?

Sadly, it ain't working........but keep trying.
The only way to the Father is though the Son. There are no if's, ands or buts about it.

Unless the great secret is that we are all the sons of God (women too, as the discarnate spirit is asexual). That is what the spirit world teaches. It is even in the bible.

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

That's funny............clearly you do not know that the Hebrew word used in the original text which was translated to "gods" meant "judges." People who do not know Scripture should try to avoid teaching others about Scripture, all they end up doing is revealing their inept awareness of Truth.
So only Catholics believe Matt 16? Fact is the Bible does not say anything about Catholics.

You fail!

Bible says nothing about Methodists either and I never said only Catholics believe Matthew 16.

Point your finger all you want Lonestar but it does not make you right.
I respect what you believe.
If you do not see the harm of your ways when you go around telling others that THEIR Christian beliefs are wrong you are blind.

No it doesn't. But no one has claimed that the Methodist was the first Christian church.

You pointed to Matt. 16 to prove your point about Catholics.. Did you not?

When your beliefs about Christianity are wrong, I will point them out. I don't like ignorant Christians. You know the people that claim to be Christians but has no idea what the Bible teaches. Sadly there are many of those types out there.

So everyone that has a different interpretation of The Bible than you is an "ignorant Christian"
You are an arrogant Christian.
It seems that not all Christians agree with that statement:

Pope at Mass: Culture of encounter is the foundation of peace

I have Catholic relatives. They are great people but I hear some of the same things from them as how they are right and others wrong with their beliefs.
And I do not care for the massive waste of funds I see with them.
They do a lot of great stuff with hospitals and schools but there is little to no accountability of their $$$.
And the Pope thing, I do not get it but I want my own Pope mobile to ride around my property here. Do they come in black?
It seems that not all Christians agree with that statement:

Pope at Mass: Culture of encounter is the foundation of peace

I have Catholic relatives. They are great people but I hear some of the same things from them as how they are right and others wrong with their beliefs.
And I do not care for the massive waste of funds I see with them.
They do a lot of great stuff with hospitals and schools but there is little to no accountability of their $$$.
And the Pope thing, I do not get it but I want my own Pope mobile to ride around my property here. Do they come in black?

The bulletproof glass might be a bit excessive, unless you're in a bad neighborhood..
The only way to the Father is though the Son. There are no if's, ands or buts about it.

Unless the great secret is that we are all the sons of God (women too, as the discarnate spirit is asexual). That is what the spirit world teaches. It is even in the bible.

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

That's funny............clearly you do not know that the Hebrew word used in the original text which was translated to "gods" meant "judges." People who do not know Scripture should try to avoid teaching others about Scripture, all they end up doing is revealing their inept awareness of Truth.

Are you trying to tell me that every time the King James bible says "Gods" it means Judges?
Because I can soon prove you wrong by the context of the hundreds of times the word "Gods" appears in both the old and new testament.

Besides the quote above from 1corinthians:6:19 is plainly saying that our bodies are temples of the holy Ghost.
You have essentially stated that to be a Christian you must believe what YOU THINK Christ has taught us. No matter how sure of his teaching you are, no matter how right about those teaching you might be that is simply not true.

Your definition of ’Christian’ is incorrect. You are narrowly defining the term in a manner that reflects your faith. You might believe (and that would almost be a requirement of faith) that what you believe is correct and the other factions are misguided BUT that does not mean that they do not fall into the generally accepted definition of Christian. For one, you are interpreting Jesus words one way while other may read what was written differently. Because they read that differently does not mean that they are not Christian, even if they are incorrect it would not make them non-Christian.

All that is needed to be Christian is to believe in Jesus as savior. There are a million different factions (and Catholics really do fit in term though they tend to deny it) and even ones that have their own holy books. Mormons ARE Christians no matter how you other Christians might feel about that and regardless of the fact that they have an additional

It's not what I think, it's what the Bible says.
Again, according to YOUR reading of the bible. We can debate the finer points of that faith and that is a good thing, very healthy BUT debating what one person or another believes in and interprets passages of the bible does not start with saying that others are not Christian. That is not debate, offending a belittling to those that believe they are Christian.

Would you really take me seriously if I declared that you were not a Christian because something or the other that I completely misinterpreted in the bible? That is what you are doing with others.

You did when you summarily declared that someone was NOT a Christian because they did not share your exact views on a specific sections of faith and the way it was interpreted through Jesus’ words and the bible.
Catholics in my opinion do not fit the Christian mold for the simple fact they pray to Mary as if she's equal to God and they give the Pope way to much power as if he's God's right hand man.

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, (1 Timothy 2:5)

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6)
That’s fine. You disagree with the tenants of there faith and there is real points to be made there BUT you are not starting with those points. You are starting with an insult, then demanding that they swallow that insult because….

The because does not matter. The conversation is not going to get past the fact that you challenged their faith.
Even the Roman Catholic understanding of "saints" doesn't compare very well with the Bible. In Catholic ideology the saints are in Heaven, in the Bible the saint are on earth. In Catholic ideology a person doesn't become a saint unless he/she is beatified or canonized by the Pope or prominent bishop. In the Bible, everyone who has received Jesus Christ by faith is a saint. In Catholic practice saints are revered, prayed to, and in some instances worshipped. In the Bible, saints are called to revere, worship and pray to God alone.
See above.

You alone do not get to decide that the word Christian does not include such and such faction. You are not the arbiter of the meaning of words. You get to decide what being a Christian means to you and how you peruse your faith. It is arrogant (not trying to be personal here, just making a point) to declare that someone is not a Christian because they do not agree with one of the cornerstones of YOUR faith.

He's free to believe he's a Christian and I'm free to doubt him.

You can make any declarations you wish to make. I know what I am and where I stand and there is nothing you or anyone else could possibly do or say that would sway what I know to be true.

If anyone is insulted then they must not be too sure of themselves or their beliefs. Truth is Catholics pray to Mary and their Saints, they call their preacher "father", they create idols of Mary and Jesus' crucifixion and they pray to them, they in effect worship Mary, the Pope, the crucifix and saints. And none of that is in line with what the Bible tells us.

No I am not the arbiter, the Bible is.

Have a good Memorial Day weekend....I'm out of here!!
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

not just the Christians

Actually, the Creator is absolved to all of mankind and just slightly gives them an opportunity for Remission, otherwise oblivion as their parting reward.
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

not just the Christians

Actually, the Creator is absolved to all of mankind and just slightly gives them an opportunity for Remission, otherwise oblivion as their parting reward.

To spend eternity free from "selfish, condescending, judgmental Christians" would indeed be a "reward".
Actually, God prefers the company of Atheists to most Christians

Like most of us, God finds Christians to be selfish, condescending, judgemental and basically a pain in the ass to be around

not just the Christians

Actually, the Creator is absolved to all of mankind and just slightly gives them an opportunity for Remission, otherwise oblivion as their parting reward.

To spend eternity free from "selfish, condescending, judgmental Christians" would indeed be a "reward".
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.
- Mark Twain

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