Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

.......and yet another who does not have any idea of Christianity.........which has nothing ot do with "religion." And, no, your faith does not have the same "legitimacy" as mine, for my faith is in the One True God, and not some made up "feel good" flavor of the month.

Now, certainly The Great I Am is not happy with a lot of what is done in His Name, but that does not in any way justify the idea that He prefers the company of atheists to His "called" children. That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ.........He cannot and will not "look upon sin." If you understood His Word, or anything about Christianity you would know this. But at least you claim to have a "faith," and a "god," whoever/whatever that "god" may's a start I suppose.

I am afraid that my faith is superior to yours. My faith acknowledges the true God who can see through the petty, condescending, judegemental attitudes of many Christians. I have faith that a REAL God does not desire or require that followers erect phony monuments in his name and would prefer that the money be spent in helping your fellow man

Your faith is shallow to its very core and relies on superficial trappings of religion over a true appreciation of your fellow man regardless of what religion he calls himself

Yes, indeed, I have faith that God would prefer the company of an atheist who honors his fellow man to the superficial perceived superiority of Christians

QUOTE: "who can see through the petty, condescending, judgmental attitudes....." END QUOTE...........No that's funny.........



Ah yes......childish deflection

Will the real God forgive you for your sins?

I doubt it
That is nonsensical at best.

God looks at the precious blood of Jesus Christ........
.He cannot and will not "look upon sin." .


Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.
Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true

Something supposedly "true" would not be open for so many interpretations. If so, there would be only one Christian faith
Only to the carnal minded............those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit have an understanding that the intellectual elite will never achieve.......well, at least not in this life............but ONE DAY........

The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.
The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true

Something supposedly "true" would not be open for so many interpretations. If so, there would be only one Christian faith

Truth in the religious sense is an absolute. Given the discrepancies in so many religious texts it is apparent that none of them have a moratorium on it.

From a personal perspective absolute truth begins with always being true to oneself. Without that basis no other relationship can succeed.
The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

.......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?
The overweening pride in your personal holiness really comes through in your posts.

Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true

Something supposedly "true" would not be open for so many interpretations. If so, there would be only one Christian faith

Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........
Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true

Something supposedly "true" would not be open for so many interpretations. If so, there would be only one Christian faith

Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........

Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?
You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true
Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........
Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?
Of course they do not want to discuss it -- at least, not seriously.
It is so obvious that the Flood story is an evidence of the childish mythmaking of Bronze Age Middle Eastern near savages who knew little or nothing of reality. It is mildly interesting as anthropological evidence of the mental limitations of early humans, but to take the story literally is, at best, idiotic, and at worst, evidence of insanity.

As you mention, the Ark is too small for the animals, and there is not enough water on the planet Earth to even approach covering even modestly high mountains!!!

Of course, incoherent religious bumpkins can always wave their hand and say that God interceded and worked magic and miracles to make it all happen!! "God" is a meaningless word that saves the mentallly lazy from studying how the world actually works.

I think the standard phrase in clinical psychology is "magical thinking" -- normal in children and much, much too common in mentally challenged adults.
Or, possibly you mistake someone speaking the Truth spoken in the Word of God as "overweening pride?" Dunno..........what I have said is Biblical based, and thus Biblical Truth.........NOW, if you ARE SUGGESTING that I am PROUD to profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.............THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY CORRECT. For I will never be ashamed of Him.........and He will never be ashamed of me for standing up for His Truth.

When people make such comments as yours, it is quite often beneficial to FIRST view them in a mirror in order to assure they aren't doing that "pot - kettle" thingy in my opinion.

I have never been concerned with "personal holiness," for with out the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, I am nothing, nor could I be. Everything I am, I do, is because of Him and His enabling me to accomplish what He would have me to......

Truth is oft times mistaken for many things..........but it remains Truth.

Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

.......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?

Still smarting over your "Freudian slip"? Did it ever occur to you that a handle might just be an anagram that spells a Latin term? There are handles in this forum that are spoonerisms too. As for the "absolute authority on all things truth" that must have struck a "guilty" nerve with you. Why else would you even raise the subject?
By the way--why don't you guys post some biblical scripture that are not physically true.

I will start

Mark 7:17-19

When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable. 18 So He said to them, “Are you thus without understanding also? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, 19 because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?”

Not true--what man consume as food can defile him and the stomach does not purify all foods. Instead, food must be of a sufficient quality to keep man from being harmed. Even then, there are still certain foodstuffs, such as alcohol, that can uninhibit a human being in such a manner to make him immoral. All due to the influence of food.
You have faith that the Bible is the truth.....yet the Bible contains major sections that are obviously not true

Something supposedly "true" would not be open for so many interpretations. If so, there would be only one Christian faith

Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........

Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?

It is quite ok for you to not believe in this event in the Bible, however I specifically said you must provide DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE............and you ONLY have your dribble?

And your complete LACK of understanding of the event is quite evident by your statement "rounding up EVERY living creature on earth........" Not how it is recorded, try to at least tell the TRUTH when attempting to ridicule the Word of God.

And, if this is your idea of "major sections,' then it's quite unproven and childish at best.
Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........
Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?
Of course they do not want to discuss it -- at least, not seriously.
It is so obvious that the Flood story is an evidence of the childish mythmaking of Bronze Age Middle Eastern near savages who knew little or nothing of reality. It is mildly interesting as anthropological evidence of the mental limitations of early humans, but to take the story literally is, at best, idiotic, and at worst, evidence of insanity.

As you mention, the Ark is too small for the animals, and there is not enough water on the planet Earth to even approach covering even modestly high mountains!!!

Of course, incoherent religious bumpkins can always wave their hand and say that God interceded and worked magic and miracles to make it all happen!! "God" is a meaningless word that saves the mentallly lazy from studying how the world actually works.

I think the standard phrase in clinical psychology is "magical thinking" -- normal in children and much, much too common in mentally challenged adults.

Your self believed intellect equates to not much more than drool...........wipe your chin....
By the way--why don't you guys post some biblical scripture that are not physically true.

I will start

Mark 7:17-19

When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable. 18 So He said to them, “Are you thus without understanding also? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, 19 because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?”

Not true--what man consume as food can defile him and the stomach does not purify all foods. Instead, food must be of a sufficient quality to keep man from being harmed. Even then, there are still certain foodstuffs, such as alcohol, that can uninhibit a human being in such a manner to make him immoral. All due to the influence of food.

IF you are going to try and ridicule Scripture, at least be intellectually honest enough to properly quote Scripture in it's context........otherwise you are simply dabbling in deception.

Mark 7:1 .) Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 2 .) And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.
3 .) For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. 4 .) And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. 5 .) Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? 6 .) He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 .) Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 .) For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
9 .) And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10 .) For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11 .) But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 .) And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13 .) Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. 14 .) And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand:
15 .) There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. 16 .) If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. 17 .) And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable. 18 .) And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19 .) Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? 20 .) And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 .) For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22 .) Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 .) All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Even a child can understand that Jesus is speaking of the "defiling" of the "heart, the Spiritual man" NOT the physical is it that such an intellect does not?
Interesting how you automatically assume that the other person must be mistaken. Even more so that you then recommend that they use a mirror. Did it ever occur to you that you were just shown a mirror? We don't know how others see us so when someone drops a hint that is probably a clue that some introspection is probably overdue. Have a nice day.

.......and again, it's the pot - kettle thing.......

Possible because someone who chooses to use the screen name of "mocking you," or "laughing at you," pretty much sets the stage for what their comments are intended to do? Show me what I am "guilty" of that you are not.............or are you the absolute authority on all things truth?

Still smarting over your "Freudian slip"? Did it ever occur to you that a handle might just be an anagram that spells a Latin term? There are handles in this forum that are spoonerisms too. As for the "absolute authority on all things truth" that must have struck a "guilty" nerve with you. Why else would you even raise the subject?

Still smarting from yours apparently are you not? It occurs to me that you chose your SN quite intentionally........and I don't really care one way or the other, although I do have to wonder why you didn't post it in pink...........and you have yet to reveal how you are not guilty of what you believe me to be guilty of.......smarting from being challenged to provide evidence? You are a weird person, and that pretty much describes the majority of your comments.......that, and childish.......but, hey, go for it.....
Please post the "major sections" of the Word of God that are "obviously not true." And be sure to also post the definitive evidence that they are not truth...........your mere speculation or opinion will not serve as evidence..........

Oh please....Don't make it so easy

We can start with that flood thing and rounding up EVERY living creature on earth and fitting them on a single boat

Want to discuss what an ecological disaster 20,000 feet of water would cause and how long it would take to recover?

It is quite ok for you to not believe in this event in the Bible, however I specifically said you must provide DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE............and you ONLY have your dribble?

And your complete LACK of understanding of the event is quite evident by your statement "rounding up EVERY living creature on earth........" Not how it is recorded, try to at least tell the TRUTH when attempting to ridicule the Word of God.

And, if this is your idea of "major sections,' then it's quite unproven and childish at best.

Much as a child you cling to a fairy tale about an ark.....unwilling to accept the concept of a parable

A storm of the magnitude of the great flood would have rained 20 inches an hour to flood the earth in 40 days. The greatest rainfall on record is only 12 inches. Meaning no living thing could have survived.
Since you don't believe in evolution......900,000 species of insect would have had to be saved, all the, species of birds, all amphibians and reptiles, even the lowly bacteria would have had to find its way onto your arc
And we haven't even gotten to the elephants and giraffes

Your bible is a book of fairy tales

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