No better time for Mueller to subpoena Trump

He doesn’t have to avoid him all he has to do is tell him “ fuckoff”. You igmos are allways pumping and never get anywhere. Trump sent his answers mueller NOW has to get approval if he wants to try for his perjury trap, he won’t get it. All Trump has to do is say is I have nothing else to say to you. You stupid dimshits have played your cards and we will see what happens. Either Trump is clear or you dimshits get exterminated, doesn’t matter to us.
So what's going to happen when Trump is impeached?
Personally, i don't think he will be. I think he will be voted out. No matter what evidence of criminal activity is uncovered, the government will give the American people the choice in 2020.
well, watergate scandal was going on BEFORE Nixon was re-elected... it did not stop his supporters from voting him in for a second term... it was only a short time afterwards when Dean spilled the beans and Nixon's saturday night massacre that the public finally turned against him.... and he resigned.

Nixon’s case started from an a break-in at a DNC convention, which led to an investigation that involved illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration to included bugging of political opponents. Trump we find includes using a retired foreign government operative to elicit a FISA warrant that also involves the FBI to spy on a political opponent, paid for by the DNC. You can see the interesting similarities, while the Trump investigation offers no evidence of collusion. A fact admitted by Fiane Feinstein. So any evidence would shave to be so convincing as to sway a Republican Senate. I am willing to bet anything Trump will be around well into his re-election campaign
a bridge to Brooklyn.... but that's ok... it was your choice to buy in to it!

the sealed indictments could be for Don Jr, Kushner, or even his daughter and not duking out the subpoena for Pres Trump so Mueller can question him on obstruction of justice...? Maybe some of the sealed indictments are for Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Assange? makes no sense the new judge the president appointed recusing himself though, on the case working up to the supreme court??

there was conspiring to collude with a foreign government, we already know that by the acceptance of the Trump Tower meeting....

and by Roger Stone with wikileaks and the Russian agent who stole and delivered the emails to Assange...

was pres trump oblivious to it all? maybe, but likely not....
He doesn’t have to avoid him all he has to do is tell him “ fuckoff”. You igmos are allways pumping and never get anywhere. Trump sent his answers mueller NOW has to get approval if he wants to try for his perjury trap, he won’t get it. All Trump has to do is say is I have nothing else to say to you. You stupid dimshits have played your cards and we will see what happens. Either Trump is clear or you dimshits get exterminated, doesn’t matter to us.
tell the truth, no perjury

intentionally lie, perjury

it's not that complicated,

it's quite simple, really.
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

READ the full article here:
‘Preparing for the worst’: Mueller anxiety pervades Trump world

Mueller obsessives, political junkies and Washington insiders have been scrutinizing the president’s every mannerism, such as snapping at a CNN reporter for posing a “stupid question” about whether he wanted the new acting attorney general to stymie the Russia investigation.

“You can see it in Trump’s body language all week long. There’s something troubling him. It’s not just a couple staff screw-ups with Melania,” said a senior Republican official in touch with the White House. “It led me to believe the walls are closing in and they’ve been notified by counsel of some actions about to happen. Folks are preparing for the worst.”

Adding to the unease is a spate of anonymously sourced media reports suggesting Mueller’s self-imposed quiet period that started about two months before 2018 Election Day is about to transition into a Category 5 hurricane.

Mueller, as has been his custom throughout the investigation, hasn’t said a word about what’s next for his probe into the Trump 2016 campaign and whether it conspired with Russian hackers to win the White House. Instead, the special counsel has let his legal filings do the talking. On Wednesday, Mueller stirred the speculation pot yet again, delivering a one-page motion to a federal judge in Washington, D.C., confirming that former Trump campaign deputy Rick Gates “continues to cooperate with respect to several ongoing investigations” and still isn’t ready to be sentenced. Gates pleaded guilty in February to conspiracy against the U.S. and making a false statement in a federal investigation.

Late Thursday, Mueller and attorneys for Paul Manafort confirmed in a joint motion that they’ve been meeting since the former Trump campaign chairman’s mid-September guilty plea and requested a 10-day extension until Nov. 26 to file a status report that will help set the stage for the longtime GOP operative’s sentencing.

In and around Trump world, the pressure is tangible.

Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist and ally of longtime Trump associate Roger Stone said during a live-streamed video broadcast on Monday that he expects to be indicted by Mueller for perjury.

For his part, Stone told NBC’s “Meet the Press” in May that he was “prepared” for the possibility of an indictment. In the months since, the self-proclaimed dirty trickster has beefed up his legal team and even designated friends to be his spokesmen just in case a judge slaps a gag order on him.

White House

How Trump’s move to put a loyalist over Mueller is already backfiring


Also on indictment watch: Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, who has told his friends in recent weeks that he believes he could be facing charges from Mueller, according to one of those people.
As an insightful fellow poster has pointed out.....There is a credible possibility that our beloved Trump has ALREADY been subpoenaed ....Fun days
He doesn’t have to avoid him all he has to do is tell him “ fuckoff”.

You're "correct"......THAT is exactly what Hitler, Mussolini and Putin would have done....
So what's going to happen when Trump is impeached?
Personally, i don't think he will be. I think he will be voted out. No matter what evidence of criminal activity is uncovered, the government will give the American people the choice in 2020.
well, watergate scandal was going on BEFORE Nixon was re-elected... it did not stop his supporters from voting him in for a second term... it was only a short time afterwards when Dean spilled the beans and Nixon's saturday night massacre that the public finally turned against him.... and he resigned.

Nixon’s case started from an a break-in at a DNC convention, which led to an investigation that involved illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration to included bugging of political opponents. Trump we find includes using a retired foreign government operative to elicit a FISA warrant that also involves the FBI to spy on a political opponent, paid for by the DNC. You can see the interesting similarities, while the Trump investigation offers no evidence of collusion. A fact admitted by Fiane Feinstein. So any evidence would shave to be so convincing as to sway a Republican Senate. I am willing to bet anything Trump will be around well into his re-election campaign
Yes, the Mueller gang is nothing but harassment. If they had anything they would already have talked about it.
So what's going to happen when Trump is impeached?
Personally, i don't think he will be. I think he will be voted out. No matter what evidence of criminal activity is uncovered, the government will give the American people the choice in 2020.
well, watergate scandal was going on BEFORE Nixon was re-elected... it did not stop his supporters from voting him in for a second term... it was only a short time afterwards when Dean spilled the beans and Nixon's saturday night massacre that the public finally turned against him.... and he resigned.

Nixon’s case started from an a break-in at a DNC convention, which led to an investigation that involved illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration to included bugging of political opponents. Trump we find includes using a retired foreign government operative to elicit a FISA warrant that also involves the FBI to spy on a political opponent, paid for by the DNC. You can see the interesting similarities, while the Trump investigation offers no evidence of collusion. A fact admitted by Fiane Feinstein. So any evidence would shave to be so convincing as to sway a Republican Senate. I am willing to bet anything Trump will be around well into his re-election campaign
Yes, the Mueller gang is nothing but harassment. If they had anything they would already have talked about it.
So, because Mueller's team are NOT LEAKERS, you think they have nothing, while Pres Trump bashes Comey for being a LEAKER???

come on! How silly!
Another time to question Trump thread, the left have been wanting this since day one and have pushed for it, the OP says it's time, why? Because he wants it to happen and has wanted it for the last 2 years. Yes, the OP is crazy, however we all know that.
So what's going to happen when Trump is impeached?
Personally, i don't think he will be. I think he will be voted out. No matter what evidence of criminal activity is uncovered, the government will give the American people the choice in 2020.
well, watergate scandal was going on BEFORE Nixon was re-elected... it did not stop his supporters from voting him in for a second term... it was only a short time afterwards when Dean spilled the beans and Nixon's saturday night massacre that the public finally turned against him.... and he resigned.

Nixon’s case started from an a break-in at a DNC convention, which led to an investigation that involved illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration to included bugging of political opponents. Trump we find includes using a retired foreign government operative to elicit a FISA warrant that also involves the FBI to spy on a political opponent, paid for by the DNC. You can see the interesting similarities, while the Trump investigation offers no evidence of collusion. A fact admitted by Fiane Feinstein. So any evidence would shave to be so convincing as to sway a Republican Senate. I am willing to bet anything Trump will be around well into his re-election campaign
Yes, the Mueller gang is nothing but harassment. If they had anything they would already have talked about it.
So, because Mueller's team are NOT LEAKERS, you think they have nothing, while Pres Trump bashes Comey for being a LEAKER???

come on! How silly!
It's my opinion they have nothing on Trump and it's all designed for harassment.
It’s hard to find criminal intent when both sides admit and believe Comey has handled investigations improperly.
Thats not accurate at all. The public statement made before the election doesn't indicate any mishandling of the investigation or impropriety. Your point is thin and not relevant. And Trump admitted why he fired Comey.

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