No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

If you and three of your buddies rob a gas station and one of them shoots and kills the clerk, are you not all charged with being an accomplice to a homicide?

Which buddies was he with? Show a video where he is attached to anyone.

All the video we have shows he spent far more time with the police than he did with anyone else.

His prayer where he thanks the police for letting people in also seems pretty compelling.

In ALL of the video with him do you see a single cop looking afraid?
In, around, you're arguing semantics. Your version is actually worse because he entered the building ILLEGALLY after he stood there and watched his comrades break the windows open.

CLAIM: Footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol shows that Jacob Chansley, who participated in the riot sporting face paint, no shirt and a fur hat with horns, was “led through the Capitol by police the entire time he was in the building.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Court documents and video footage from the attack on the Capitol make clear that Chansley, who is widely known as the “QAnon Shaman” and is one of the most recognizable Jan. 6 rioters, entered the Capitol without permission, was repeatedly asked to leave the building and was not accompanied at all times.

no semantics here,, you flat out lied in your OP,,
as a mod you should know know better and close this thread,,
ManBearPig and his cohorts violently smashed their way into the building and this video proves it. He also plead GUILTY.

I now await all of the predictable excuses from The Cult.

Or, if you want to really hypothesize about what happened, it was all for show and he was in on it.

He smashes his way in, dressed in crazy clothes, shouting, making a big production. Then suddenly we switch to, he is calmly and quietly talking with police as they escort him around inside the building all alone.

So why the sudden change? Why did the press and democrat politicians refuse to show him being escorted around after the break in? Maybe it was intentional.

They could very well have had him wear a crazy outfit and act crazy as their poster boy for the insurrection narrative and to show how crazy ultra super mega maga is. He was their biggest used face for the whole thing and plastered him allover the news more than anyone else. They even gave him his nickname.

It's not hard to think perhaps he was staged. He breaks in dressed crazy and only show footage of him doing crazy things and then pleads guilty and goes to jail.

If you bring someone into your cause and brainwash him or pay him enough he will do anything.

Just a theory to explore.
Or, if you want to really hypothesize about what happened, it was all for show and he was in on it.

He smashes his way in, dressed in crazy clothes, shouting, making a big production. Then suddenly we switch to, he is calmly and quietly talking with police as they escort him around inside the building all alone.

So why the sudden change? Why did the press and democrat politicians refuse to show him being escorted around after the break in? Maybe it was intentional.

They could very well have had him wear a crazy outfit and act crazy as their poster boy for the insurrection narrative and to show how crazy ultra super mega maga is. He was their biggest used face for the whole thing and plastered him allover the news more than anyone else. They even gave him his nickname.

It's not hard to think perhaps he was staged. He breaks in dressed crazy and only show footage of him doing crazy things and then pleads guilty and goes to jail.

If you bring someone into your cause and brainwash him or pay him enough he will do anything.

Just a theory to explore.

He entered the building illegally and was asked to leave several times. Link in earlier post
He entered the building illegally and was asked to leave several times. Link in earlier post

Where is he asked to leave? He thanked the police for letting him and others in.

Evidence shows he was there legally.
On the basis that he already pleaded guilty to obstructing an official proceeding.

“The crime is codified as 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The relevant subsection reads:

(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

The term "official proceeding" is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1515(a)(1) to include proceedings before federal judges, Congress, federal government agencies, and regulators of insurance businesses.
The very plea he should be granted permission to withdraw. And if he succeeds, his confession can’t be used at trial. Imagine that.

So, aside from his physical presence there (trespass), what evidence do you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he met any other elements?
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You're talking about shit you pulled out of your ass
To review:
  • All the violence and injuries were perpetrated by BLM, the FBI and Antifa alone.
  • It was just tour that got a little frisky otherwise.
  • Ashili Babbitt was just standing there minding her own business in a tour line when she was shot by a black guy.
  • The election was rigged.
  • All the judges who have tossed out these "cases" are corrupt, including those appointed by Trump.
  • The Insurrection was just a Hollywood production made to make the GQP look bad.
  • When all those Republicans testified under oath to the committee about the scam, they were alien beings only visiting us that day.
  • When Trump and his henchmen pled the Fifth under oath, it was because they were victims.
  • All those Trump supporters who have admitted everything they did in the Insurrection, they weren't actually Trump supporters.
  • When MAGA star lawyer Jenna Ellis admitted she lied in court about the rigged election, she was kidding.
  • When the "Cyber Ninjas" found that Biden actually got MORE votes than first reported, it was Opposite Day.
  • The FOX hosts who told each other that this was bullshit, but that they were saying it for ratings, they were kidding.
  • All those GOP state election officials who say the election was free and fair are Chinese.
  • When FOX hosts mocked MAGA star lawyer Sidney Powell for her insane theories, they were talking about another Sidney Powell.
  • When Rupert Murdoch admitted it's bullshit, he was just goofing around because he's a big jokester.
  • When Steve Bannon was caught on tape laying out the whole rigged election fraud, that was someone else saying that.
So that's where we are. In the alternate universe.
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Yes, he did walk though an open door.

Can you show me video where Chansley committed one act of violence? I've yet to see one.

If not, I guess we could say that he was peaceful that day. Trespassing is not a violent offense.

So you can only be convicted of violent crime?

Newsflash. He was guilty of several offenses. Most serious was Obstructing a Government function

He’s far from the most heinous of offenders but he’s guilty and deserves the punishment he got.

Why this Q Kreep is your poster boy is anyone’s guess
Where is he asked to leave? He thanked the police for letting him and others in.

Evidence shows he was there legally.

Of course it does. Everyone knows entering a building within an angry mob who smash the windows and trespass is completely legal. That's why he plead guilty to a felony charge.

You're in a cult.
Neither did he break in.
No, he was delivering flowers.
Breaking and entering is defined as the entering of a building through force without authorization. The slightest force including pushing open a door is all that is necessary. Breaking also includes entering a building through fraud, threats, or collusion. To constitute entering, it is sufficient if any part of the accused’s body is introduced within a building. It is not considered breaking and entering if the premises are at the time open to the public or the person is licensed or privileged to enter.
Illegal trespass plus carrying a pointed pole (a weapon) at the very least.
ManBearPig and his cohorts violently smashed their way into the building and this video proves it. He also plead GUILTY.

I now await all of the predictable excuses from The Cult.

No one claimed he was escorted into the building, but once he was in the police escorted him all through it. Your video doesn't show Chansley smashing his way into the building. It shows about a dozen people going through the door before Chanesly.
What evidence are you looking for? “Obstructing an official proceeding” is exactly what these idiots did and exactly what this idiot already pleaded guilty of. You don’t think breaking into the Capitol and taking over the building is evidence of “obstructing an official proceeding”????

Good luck getting that withdrawn. This idiot deserves everything he has coming to him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The premise is that his plea gets withdrawn. Not a matter of luck.

It’s a matter of evidence having been withheld and a matter of the law and how a judge assesses it.

And if it’s withdrawn and a fair plea cannot be secured, there can then be a trial and his plea wouldn’t be admissible evidence at the trial. Just so you know.
Of course it does. Everyone knows entering a building within an angry mob who smash the windows and trespass is completely legal. That's why he plead guilty to a felony charge.

You're in a cult.

I see no evidence he was part of the group that committed the violence. You hurl the cult epithet around a lot, but you conform to the definition far more than I do.

You ignore evidence that exhonerats him of any crime save trespass. And, as it is a PUBLIC BUILDING, you will have a hard time making that charge stick too.

As far as his plea, when the entire legal system is railroading you, and the fbi has been PROVEN to have destroyed and hidden evidence, it is common to accept a plea.

Plea deals in this case prove nothing. And, as more and more prosecutorial misconduct is PROVEN, you are going to look more and more stupid.

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