NO comment from democrats

Meh. Why would you want to fly the U.S. flag over such a shithole? You act like something we should be proud of. It sullies the flag and our nation.

OH BOY! Another commie with a problem with the rule of law. You don't want detention centers, give the executive the authority to stop them at the borders or deport them quickly. But the people that committed criminal trespass should also find themselves in a detention facility. Agreed?

If you cared about the rule of law you would criticizing conditions at those centers. Or that asylum seekers (legal) are being treated worse than we treat Pedroā€™s, rapists and murderers. But you arenā€™t. Therefore I am guessing your outrage is selective.

Cry me a fucking river, it's proven 90% of "asylum seekers" are criminals trying to commit immigration fraud. It's the fraudsters that are clogging up the system and causing the overcrowding. Then congress only approved funding to handle the situation a couple of weeks ago, it takes time for the money to get into the system. Commies in the US are the ones encouraging the invasion of our borders, it''s the typical Cloward and Piven strategy, they intended to overload the system so let them deal with it.


Show me data from a reputable source for that 90 percent being ā€œcriminalsā€.

And regardless, you completely miss the point: they are legal and in accordance with our laws. You do understand that yes?

Someone coached to evade our laws are not legal, they are illegal. They are taught just enough to get through the initial screening and disappear. Then we have to spend additional resources to try to find and deport them.

Only about 28% of those that do show up are actually granted asylum.

How many people are granted asylum?

Nearly 20,500 individuals in FY 2016. In fiscal year (FY) 2016, the most recent year for which data are available, 20,455 individuals were granted asylum, which is about 28 percent out of the 73,081 cases. Approval rates varied by immigration court from about 10 percent to 80 percent.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Asylum Process - National Immigration Forum


Being denied asylum is not an indicator of fraud or illegality. It is a legal process, they have that right to seek it, and up until their case is determined they are 100% legal.

Those asylum seekers, being detained in conditions worse than US jails, are not convicted criminals. They are legal, whether you like them or consider them subhuman, they are here legally until their claim is adjucated.

So why are we treating them worse than convicted pedos?
Meh. Why would you want to fly the U.S. flag over such a shithole? You act like something we should be proud of. It sullies the flag and our nation.

OH BOY! Another commie with a problem with the rule of law. You don't want detention centers, give the executive the authority to stop them at the borders or deport them quickly. But the people that committed criminal trespass should also find themselves in a detention facility. Agreed?

If you cared about the rule of law you would criticizing conditions at those centers. Or that asylum seekers (legal) are being treated worse than we treat Pedroā€™s, rapists and murderers. But you arenā€™t. Therefore I am guessing your outrage is selective.

Cry me a fucking river, it's proven 90% of "asylum seekers" are criminals trying to commit immigration fraud. It's the fraudsters that are clogging up the system and causing the overcrowding. Then congress only approved funding to handle the situation a couple of weeks ago, it takes time for the money to get into the system. Commies in the US are the ones encouraging the invasion of our borders, it''s the typical Cloward and Piven strategy, they intended to overload the system so let them deal with it.


Speaking of funding...didnā€™t Trump declare a state of emergency? Wasnā€™t he going to grab funding from all over for his wall? But...he couldnā€™t..use any of it to improve conditions eh? They even turned away people donating supplies.

Nope, you don't understand the law he used to move the funding. But people went on strike to prevent the government from buying beds. Go figure.

So why didnā€™t he use that funding to improve conditions at border facilities? Simple question. My guess is, he doesnā€™t want to.
Meh. Why would you want to fly the U.S. flag over such a shithole? You act like something we should be proud of. It sullies the flag and our nation.

OH BOY! Another commie with a problem with the rule of law. You don't want detention centers, give the executive the authority to stop them at the borders or deport them quickly. But the people that committed criminal trespass should also find themselves in a detention facility. Agreed?

If you cared about the rule of law you would criticizing conditions at those centers. Or that asylum seekers (legal) are being treated worse than we treat Pedroā€™s, rapists and murderers. But you arenā€™t. Therefore I am guessing your outrage is selective.

Cry me a fucking river, it's proven 90% of "asylum seekers" are criminals trying to commit immigration fraud. It's the fraudsters that are clogging up the system and causing the overcrowding. Then congress only approved funding to handle the situation a couple of weeks ago, it takes time for the money to get into the system. Commies in the US are the ones encouraging the invasion of our borders, it''s the typical Cloward and Piven strategy, they intended to overload the system so let them deal with it.


Speaking of funding...didnā€™t Trump declare a state of emergency? Wasnā€™t he going to grab funding from all over for his wall? But...he couldnā€™t..use any of it to improve conditions eh? They even turned away people donating supplies.

Yeah I think the courts ruled he couldn't use apportioned military money to build the wall because Congress is the one that helps create the budget. His order would be unconstitutional.

Black letter law disagrees and the activist judges will be overturned. Just like he was upheld on using immigration for not approving federal grants by giving more points to the jurisdictions that say they will cooperate with the feds.

OH BOY! Another commie with a problem with the rule of law. You don't want detention centers, give the executive the authority to stop them at the borders or deport them quickly. But the people that committed criminal trespass should also find themselves in a detention facility. Agreed?

If you cared about the rule of law you would criticizing conditions at those centers. Or that asylum seekers (legal) are being treated worse than we treat Pedroā€™s, rapists and murderers. But you arenā€™t. Therefore I am guessing your outrage is selective.

Cry me a fucking river, it's proven 90% of "asylum seekers" are criminals trying to commit immigration fraud. It's the fraudsters that are clogging up the system and causing the overcrowding. Then congress only approved funding to handle the situation a couple of weeks ago, it takes time for the money to get into the system. Commies in the US are the ones encouraging the invasion of our borders, it''s the typical Cloward and Piven strategy, they intended to overload the system so let them deal with it.


Speaking of funding...didnā€™t Trump declare a state of emergency? Wasnā€™t he going to grab funding from all over for his wall? But...he couldnā€™t..use any of it to improve conditions eh? They even turned away people donating supplies.

Yeah I think the courts ruled he couldn't use apportioned military money to build the wall because Congress is the one that helps create the budget. His order would be unconstitutional.

Black letter law disagrees and the activist judges will be overturned. Just like he was upheld on using immigration for not approving federal grants by giving more points to the jurisdictions that say they will cooperate with the feds.


We'll find out when the next hearing is over won't we? Til then his move was not constitutional. The President doesn't make the budget nor does he get to chose money that was allocated in the budget be spent elsewhere.
Meh. Why would you want to fly the U.S. flag over such a shithole? You act like something we should be proud of. It sullies the flag and our nation.
Defending criminals how very leftist of you.
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?
OH BOY! Another commie with a problem with the rule of law. You don't want detention centers, give the executive the authority to stop them at the borders or deport them quickly. But the people that committed criminal trespass should also find themselves in a detention facility. Agreed?

If you cared about the rule of law you would criticizing conditions at those centers. Or that asylum seekers (legal) are being treated worse than we treat Pedroā€™s, rapists and murderers. But you arenā€™t. Therefore I am guessing your outrage is selective.

Cry me a fucking river, it's proven 90% of "asylum seekers" are criminals trying to commit immigration fraud. It's the fraudsters that are clogging up the system and causing the overcrowding. Then congress only approved funding to handle the situation a couple of weeks ago, it takes time for the money to get into the system. Commies in the US are the ones encouraging the invasion of our borders, it''s the typical Cloward and Piven strategy, they intended to overload the system so let them deal with it.


Show me data from a reputable source for that 90 percent being ā€œcriminalsā€.

And regardless, you completely miss the point: they are legal and in accordance with our laws. You do understand that yes?

Someone coached to evade our laws are not legal, they are illegal. They are taught just enough to get through the initial screening and disappear. Then we have to spend additional resources to try to find and deport them.

Only about 28% of those that do show up are actually granted asylum.

How many people are granted asylum?

Nearly 20,500 individuals in FY 2016. In fiscal year (FY) 2016, the most recent year for which data are available, 20,455 individuals were granted asylum, which is about 28 percent out of the 73,081 cases. Approval rates varied by immigration court from about 10 percent to 80 percent.

Fact Sheet: U.S. Asylum Process - National Immigration Forum


Being denied asylum is not an indicator of fraud or illegality. It is a legal process, they have that right to seek it, and up until their case is determined they are 100% legal.

Those asylum seekers, being detained in conditions worse than US jails, are not convicted criminals. They are legal, whether you like them or consider them subhuman, they are here legally until their claim is adjucated.

So why are we treating them worse than convicted pedos?

When they miss their court dates, a deportation order is issued and they become fugitives. As for the rest of your propaganda, we disagree. No one is intentionally mistreated.

Defending criminals how very leftist of you.
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?


Defending criminals how very leftist of you.
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?
The Federal Government is NOT breaking the law you fucking MORON.And yes the democrats REFUSED to give funding for on on going crisis all the while claiming there was none, they are DIRECTLY responsible for over crowding and the current conditions. add to that YOUR lefty buddies are demanding NO ONE sell materials to the Government to fix the problem I don't see you taking them to task at all. Hypocrite and Liar.
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?
The Federal Government is NOT breaking the law you fucking MORON.And yes the democrats REFUSED to give funding for on on going crisis all the while claiming there was none, they are DIRECTLY responsible for over crowding and the current conditions. add to that YOUR lefty buddies are demanding NO ONE sell materials to the Government to fix the problem I don't see you taking them to task at all. Hypocrite and Liar.

Sorry to disappoint you but they are breaking the law on how long kids can be held in those facilities (dumbass).
What defense are you talking about. I am more incensed at the assholes that are degrading our flag by flying over those shitholes of human misery. Take it however you want.
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?
The Federal Government is NOT breaking the law you fucking MORON.And yes the democrats REFUSED to give funding for on on going crisis all the while claiming there was none, they are DIRECTLY responsible for over crowding and the current conditions. add to that YOUR lefty buddies are demanding NO ONE sell materials to the Government to fix the problem I don't see you taking them to task at all. Hypocrite and Liar.

Sorry to disappoint you but they are indeed breaking the law On how long kids can be held in those facilities.

1. I've seen no proof that the asylum detainees are being treated badly. Other than AOC crying at a chain link fence near an empty parking lot and complaining about the drinking water arrangements.

2. If they are asylum seekers they need to utilize a designated point of entry. Otherwise they are illegal foreign nationals who've entered the country illegally who should be deported asap with no chance of ever being considered for citizenship.

3. If they are asylum seekers why aren't they requesting the United States intervene in the affairs that caused them to leave the country they are from? If they haven't signed a official request for this, or refuse to do so, then asylum should be denied at the border prior to their being granted asylum.

4. If they feel so strongly that they need to take down the the flag of the United States and replace it one of another country then they should be rounded up, along with their immediate family, and deported to that country since it's their country of preference and any future request for access to the United States by those individuals be denied.


Last edited:
You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.

You are openly siding with criminals that illegally flew a Mexican Flag over a US facility, as for the rest you are openly claiming that enforcing US law is wrong, very very leftist of you.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?
The Federal Government is NOT breaking the law you fucking MORON.And yes the democrats REFUSED to give funding for on on going crisis all the while claiming there was none, they are DIRECTLY responsible for over crowding and the current conditions. add to that YOUR lefty buddies are demanding NO ONE sell materials to the Government to fix the problem I don't see you taking them to task at all. Hypocrite and Liar.

Sorry to disappoint you but they are indeed breaking the law On how long kids can be held in those facilities.

Quote the law please.

And you are openly supporting criminals who are breaking US law and abusing children. How rightist of you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.
You have not linked to any law that you claim the US has violated, go figure.
They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.
You have not linked to any law that you claim the US has violated, go figure.
According to the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Actā€”a bill signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2008ā€”children cannot be held by CBP for more than 72 hours. After those three days, they must be transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the division of the Department of Health and Human Services in charge of unaccompanied children. While CBP detention facilities are built for the short-term holding of adults, ORR runs shelters specially designed for children (and the agency can also place children with sponsors in the U.S.).

The government is currently in clear violation of that law: In recent years, children have regularly been kept in CBP detention for longer than 72 hours. The law does introduce some latitude during "extraordinary circumstances," but the length of time children have spent in CBP detention has extended much longer than just a few days over the limit. For instance, some of the children in Clint had been in CBP detention for three weeks.

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.
You have not linked to any law that you claim the US has violated, go figure.
According to the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Actā€”a bill signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2008ā€”children cannot be held by CBP for more than 72 hours. After those three days, they must be transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the division of the Department of Health and Human Services in charge of unaccompanied children. While CBP detention facilities are built for the short-term holding of adults, ORR runs shelters specially designed for children (and the agency can also place children with sponsors in the U.S.).

The government is currently in clear violation of that law: In recent years, children have regularly been kept in CBP detention for longer than 72 hours. The law does introduce some latitude during "extraordinary circumstances," but the length of time children have spent in CBP detention has extended much longer than just a few days over the limit. For instance, some of the children in Clint had been in CBP detention for three weeks.
Your own link provides an exception and does NOT list how long that exception is, keep lying it suits you.
Wrong dumb ass the democrats are SOLELY responsible for the crowding since YOUR party chose to block funding claiming there was NO EMERGENCY at all.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.

When you don't have the people to supervise, activities necessarily cease. Get over it. Flores was one of the the famous sue and settle scams the moabama admin pulled, it needs to be challenged, no time like the present.

And how on earth did a 6 year old find the courthouse in an unfamiliar city all by himself? BTW, your link says an attorney did represent him, they just didn't show up with him and they gave no disposition.

They arenā€™t the ones breaking the law. You are. And what is with asking for indefinite detention for kids and removing programs for education and recreation and legal help? That is you. Do you enjoy seeing a three old facing an immigration judge by herself?



To which part?

'Willful Recklessness': Trump Pushes for Indefinite Family Detention - Rewire.News

Trump administration nixes educational, recreational activities for migrant children in U.S. custody

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

With 90% not showing for court, detention is warranted.

We have no obligation to educate or provide recreation for anyone in detention.

From your third link:

ā€œWe were representing a 3-year-old in court recently

So you lied about them being alone, they had an attorney, most likely paid for by the taxpayers.


And statements like that in regards to children, are exactly people with views like yours are accused of supporting child abuse. The Flores settlement is a legal settlement that requires the government to provide legal assistance and education to detained migrant children.

Here is a six year old, appearing without an attorney. Are you going to make some new excuses? A Defendant Shows Up in Immigration Court by Himself. Heā€™s 6. ā€” ProPublica

These are just kids you know. Not subhumans.

When you don't have the people to supervise, activities necessarily cease. Get over it. Flores was one of the the famous sue and settle scams the moabama admin pulled, it needs to be challenged, no time like the present.

And how on earth did a 6 year old find the courthouse in an unfamiliar city all by himself? BTW, your link says an attorney did represent him, they just didn't show up with him and they gave no disposition.


The Flores agreement was reached in 1997. Obama wasnā€™t in office then.

So you think it should be acceptable to abuse migrant children in detention? Seriously? Because by challenging the minimum humane standards it lays out it sure does sound like it.

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