No criminal charges against Biden

"Hur's report explicitly compares Biden's response to the federal investigation with former president Trump's. Where Biden sat for an interview and was cooperative with investigators, "Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite," Hur Wrote, "According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice."

In early January 2023, CBS News reported that classified documents had been found at Mr. Biden's private office. The White House later disclosed that more documents with classification markings had been found by his lawyers in the garage and an adjacent room of his Wilmington home in mid-December 2022. The special counsel's report confirms that FBI agents recovered materials from these locations."

All from your link.

Hur outlines material distinctions between former President Trump and Mr. Biden in their handling of sensitive documents. In Mr. Biden's case, the special counsel found there wasn't evidence that he had personally moved the documents. He cooperated with the investigation, and he may have forgotten about the documents.

Trump, however, given multiple chances to return documents taken from the White House after his presidency, he "allegedly did the opposite" of what Mr. Biden did, According to the indictment against the former president, Hur notes, Trump "not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice."
So your position is if a bank robber gives the money back when caught there is no crime.

Mark my word.... Biden will step aside and pull out of the race in two weeks...
I will not argue with your assessment. Democrats and President Biden are celebrating no charges have been filed. They want to overpower the fact that no charges are being filed is because the defendant is not competent to stand trial. That is explosive!
What about the part where he says that Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified information, after being vp, when he was a private citizen?

To a writer who has been vetted to see classified information to work on his memoir... not a big deal.

Look, man, I know you guys are desperate to find something in this report to glom onto, but you lost.
Don't you wish! This is huge. When a Special Council says President Biden has diminished faculties and would not be legally responsible regarding the trial, that's HUGE!


We will see and you will be disappointed
Biden has plenty of time to make money off the documents the stole, once they didn’t help him anymore he returned
Oh, I don't know, perhaps 18 USC 793(e) having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over documents relating to the national
defense, did willfully retain the documents
Who said they were related to national defense? They weren't even highly classified documents.

There is no difference between Biden's and Pence's cases. Where's the outrage and hissy-fits over Pence not being charged?
The greatest administration in U.S history! Over 80M massive votes!
if it was so great and if the election was legit we wouldn't be going through this political persecution of a former president and strong opposition for 2024. People who are in jeopardy of losing power will do anything to maintain it. and they will get to a point where they won't care if they do it in full view of everyone.

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