"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships..."

The American Republic is unique both in form and intent with regard to safeguarding the civil liberties afforded each person as a consequence of one's humanity. Chief among these liberties, and among the most fundamental, is the right to due process and equal protection of the law.

To deny same-sex couples these fundamental liberties, therefore, would violate the tenets of personal freedom enshrined in the Constitution, to the detriment of the Republic and its society as a whole.
Western Rome lasted about 11 centuries, Eastern Rome about 11 centuries.

Communication, industry and transpiration stayed fairly even for many centuries.

That is not the case here with our technology speeding us willy nilly into the future without preparation or stability.

The USA may well collapse within a century.
Probably not more than ten years before we start feeling the worst effects of our folly.
Very true. The value of normalizing same sex relationships has never been passed on to any succeeding culture. Whereas chariots became wagons, homosexuality ends the same way, with the slaughter of gays. Every time. If it had been passed on, we would have had same sex marriage for thousands of years by now.

Likely it is NOT homosexuality itself, which is benign, it is the acceptance of homosexuality that comes as part of a civilization's decline. Gibbon records it as a loss of faith, breakdown of the family, substance abuse, unfettered sexual license all that he summed up as loss of civic virtue. By the time a civilization reaches the point of normalizing same sex relationships, it is already quite sick. It's not a cause, it's a symptom of something very wrong. Once the breakdown has reached the point of acceptance, it might be so far gone that it's impossible to correct. It has to go all the way down to total collapse.

In countries today that have normalized homosexuality for some time are already faltering. They are being overrun and replaced by islam and a people who will not normalize nor value same sex relationships in much the same way as the barbarians sacked Rome did not.

Suddenly, it is all clear to me! We are destined to falter and fail, while Muslim countries, who do not tolorate homosexuality, will prevail because they remain virtuous!!!!!

Unfortunately that may be true. The very civilized and enlightened Rome, with the most poweful military in the world was sacked by barbarians. Extinguishing that enlightened civilization ushered in the dark ages.

The dark ages only happened in western Europe and lasted as long as it did because the church took the place of the social institutions formerly maintained by the Roman government and centralized and secluded from people what had been learned in the centuries before. The eastern empire lasted almost until the beginning of the Renaissance. During the dark ages, the Arabs invented algebra, algorithms, named the stars, and went through a cultural renaissance until the Muslims took over and undermined all progress in the region. Religion undermines progress, and your religious objections to cultural progress is the same as those the Muslims had in 1100 in Baghdad.
Suddenly, it is all clear to me! We are destined to falter and fail, while Muslim countries, who do not tolorate homosexuality, will prevail because they remain virtuous!!!!!

Unfortunately that may be true. The very civilized and enlightened Rome, with the most poweful military in the world was sacked by barbarians. Extinguishing that enlightened civilization ushered in the dark ages.

The dark ages only happened in western Europe and lasted as long as it did because the church took the place of the social institutions formerly maintained by the Roman government and centralized and secluded from people what had been learned in the centuries before. The eastern empire lasted almost until the beginning of the Renaissance. During the dark ages, the Arabs invented algebra, algorithms, named the stars, and went through a cultural renaissance until the Muslims took over and undermined all progress in the region. Religion undermines progress, and your religious objections to cultural progress is the same as those the Muslims had in 1100 in Baghdad.

The Church kept alive whatever spark remained of civilization. If you say I have religious objections, would you please cite them. I have never raised a religious objection. If you know of one, please enlighten us all.
I don't remember Edward Gibbon using that as an argument in his monumental "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

Nonetheless, it is irrelevant. Read the OP. Your argument does not conform with reality or history or logic.

According to Gibbon, the Roman Empire succumbed to barbarian invasions in large part due to the gradual loss of civic virtue among its citizens.

Civic virtue has nothing to do with this topic. What Gibons argued was that a corrupt body politic, the deterioration a social institutions, an empire whose boundaries were larger than non-conquest resources could allow, economic stagnation, and many other factors led to the empire's demise. Nonetheless, there are still Romans and there is still a Rome.

What you just described is about the loss of civic virtue. :cuckoo:
Nazi Germany was viciously anti-gay and is that the type of society we wish to imitate?

muslims are viciously anti-homo, and this is the religion you leftists coddle and love.

(1) false deflection

(2) false derivative analogy

You are a far right reactionary anti-Islamic birfer, so I am not worried about your condemnation in the slightest.

A Christian-dominated republic would devalue our Founders' efforts to create a framework that eventually would empower all society's members.
Unfortunately that may be true. The very civilized and enlightened Rome, with the most poweful military in the world was sacked by barbarians. Extinguishing that enlightened civilization ushered in the dark ages.

The dark ages only happened in western Europe and lasted as long as it did because the church took the place of the social institutions formerly maintained by the Roman government and centralized and secluded from people what had been learned in the centuries before. The eastern empire lasted almost until the beginning of the Renaissance. During the dark ages, the Arabs invented algebra, algorithms, named the stars, and went through a cultural renaissance until the Muslims took over and undermined all progress in the region. Religion undermines progress, and your religious objections to cultural progress is the same as those the Muslims had in 1100 in Baghdad.

The Church kept alive whatever spark remained of civilization. If you say I have religious objections, would you please cite them. I have never raised a religious objection. If you know of one, please enlighten us all.

Don't play that game with me, Katzndogz. You have made your religious values abundantly clear over the course of your stay here on USMB. You object to evolution. If that were based on science then it wouldn't make sense because if you knew anything about evolution you couldn't reasonably object to it. Its based on the fact that you are a creationist. Your objections to homosexuality are also based in your religious dogma, because science doesn't support your position.
According to Gibbon, the Roman Empire succumbed to barbarian invasions in large part due to the gradual loss of civic virtue among its citizens.

Civic virtue has nothing to do with this topic. What Gibons argued was that a corrupt body politic, the deterioration a social institutions, an empire whose boundaries were larger than non-conquest resources could allow, economic stagnation, and many other factors led to the empire's demise. Nonetheless, there are still Romans and there is still a Rome.

What you just described is about the loss of civic virtue. :cuckoo:

Right, I understand that. What I put forth in my argument is that civic virtue has nothing to do with homosexuality in response to your conflation of the acceptance of homosexuality and loss of civic virtue as related.
Civic virtue has nothing to do with this topic. What Gibons argued was that a corrupt body politic, the deterioration a social institutions, an empire whose boundaries were larger than non-conquest resources could allow, economic stagnation, and many other factors led to the empire's demise. Nonetheless, there are still Romans and there is still a Rome.

What you just described is about the loss of civic virtue. :cuckoo:

Right, I understand that. What I put forth in my argument is that civic virtue has nothing to do with homosexuality in response to your conflation of the acceptance of homosexuality and loss of civic virtue as related.

What they are is all symptoms of a culture that is very, very sick. In fact, terminal.
Religion undermines progress...

That is not true.

Sorry. Let me qualify that statement: religion, in some cases, can and has undermined cultural progress e.g. Islam in Baghdad circa 1100, Catholocism before Luther and his protest (and I concede that his protest contributed to the Renaissance), and during the abolition movement (while I concede that religion also contributed to abolition as well) and currently with religious pushback against real science (evolution and climate change) and marriage equality.
Probably not more than ten years before we start feeling the worst effects of our folly.

And what happens, specifically? Men marry men, women marry women, and then, according to you, calamitous events begin to occur.

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