"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships..."

Romans accecpted homosexuality and 500 years later, their empire collapsed

What more proof do you need?
The homos sent the straight guys to REMA camps then to the lions.

Straights always get the shaft.
What you just described is about the loss of civic virtue. :cuckoo:

Right, I understand that. What I put forth in my argument is that civic virtue has nothing to do with homosexuality in response to your conflation of the acceptance of homosexuality and loss of civic virtue as related.

What they are is all symptoms of a culture that is very, very sick. In fact, terminal.

According to what standard? The Bible? Based on what facts? Your opinion?
The American Republic is unique both in form and intent with regard to safeguarding the civil liberties afforded each person as a consequence of one's humanity. Chief among these liberties, and among the most fundamental, is the right to due process and equal protection of the law.

To deny same-sex couples these fundamental liberties, therefore, would violate the tenets of personal freedom enshrined in the Constitution, to the detriment of the Republic and its society as a whole.

Meh. They were never denied those things.

They have the exact same liberties, the same due process and legal protection that all other individuals have.
The American Republic is unique both in form and intent with regard to safeguarding the civil liberties afforded each person as a consequence of one's humanity. Chief among these liberties, and among the most fundamental, is the right to due process and equal protection of the law.

To deny same-sex couples these fundamental liberties, therefore, would violate the tenets of personal freedom enshrined in the Constitution, to the detriment of the Republic and its society as a whole.

Meh. They were never denied those things.

They have the exact same liberties, the same due process and legal protection that all other individuals have.

This idiotic argument again. Are you willfully blind?

Can two straight people who love each other marry and benefit from that marriage anywhere in the US? Yes. Can two gay people who love each other marry and benefit from that marriage anywhere in the US? No.

Now try to come up with some other argument, please, since that garbage you just offered up is no argument at all.
Religion undermines progress...

That is not true.

Sorry. Let me qualify that statement: religion, in some cases, can and has undermined cultural progress e.g. Islam in Baghdad circa 1100, Catholocism before Luther and his protest (and I concede that his protest contributed to the Renaissance), and during the abolition movement (while I concede that religion also contributed to abolition as well) and currently with religious pushback against real science (evolution and climate change) and marriage equality.

Better, but still too broad a brush. Religion did as much as Gutenberg to spread literacy throughout Europe and beyond. Religion has acted as a repository of history and culture that might otherwise have been lost at crucial points in history. It has historically represented an opportunity - perhaps the only viable one - for untold millions to access education and opportunity that they otherwise would almost certainly not have



"The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has its roots in the Academy of the Lynxes (Accademia dei Lincei) which was founded in Rome in 1603 as the first exclusively scientific academy in the world."

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Probably not more than ten years before we start feeling the worst effects of our folly.

And what happens, specifically? Men marry men, women marry women, and then, according to you, calamitous events begin to occur.

Name 3.

One event that does not occur can explain - whether or not one accepts the reasoning today - why many cultures might not view that orientation as falling under the broadly understood conception of "marriage," rightly or wrongly.
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Romans accecpted homosexuality and 500 years later, their empire collapsed

What more proof do you need?

But in Biblical terms, 500 years is like two weeks.
If you look at a timeline of the Roman Empire, the decline parallels the rise of Christianity but that's not necessarily a cause and effect.

Rise of Christianity, increased acceptance of homosexuality, entrusting the role of defending the Empire to barbarian mercenaries, migration of cultures, end of territorial expansion which Rome depended on for revenue, lack of budgetary controls, clashes of Christianity vs. paganism, and environmental issues are just of few of the reasons historians credit the decline.

The decline of the Roman Empire was a process spanning many centuries; there is no consensus when it might have begun, when it ended, nor the cause(s). I think the fall the Roman Empire was a series of misfortunes which, in combination, proved to be catastrophic.
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Rome was a depraved slave culture. Rome was a great place to live if you were one of the nobles. If you were poor or a slave, it was a shithole, and you had no rights to speak of.

But of course it's a leftist's dream....you guys are really enamored of the whole slave culture thing, always have been.
Are you people UNAWARE of how all those British FAGS, were faggoting each other, and how they had names like Bertie??!!! They'd be speaking Kraut right now if our straight great grandfathers hadn't pulled their sodomite asses out of the Somme!

Poor fake. So uneducated and clueless:

"The mass influx of slaves during this time period first was a sign of great wealth and power, but later destabilized an already fragile Roman class system. Farms originally run by small business families throughout Italy were soon gobbled up and replaced by enormous slave run plantations owned by the aristocratic elite. Cheap slave labor replaced work for the average citizen and the rolls of the unemployed masses grew to epidemic proportions. These issues had a great destabilizing effect on the social system which had a direct role in the demise of the Republic. As the rift between Senatorial elite (optimates) and social reformers (populares) grew, the use of the unemployed, landless, yet citizen mobs were an overwhelming ploy grinding away at the ability of the Senate to govern.

"Though there are many factors involved in the Fall of the Republic, slavery and its effects rippled throughout every aspect of that turbulent time period.

"Not only did slavery help push the Roman lower classes into organized mobs, but the slaves themselves understandably revolted against oppression. "

Roman Slavery
Are you people UNAWARE of how all those British FAGS, were faggoting each other, and how they had names like Bertie??!!! They'd be speaking Kraut right now if our straight great grandfathers hadn't pulled their sodomite asses out of the Somme!

Actually, quite a lot of British people DO speak German. It's the second most popular foreign language there.
I think he was channeling Otto from A Fish Called Wanda...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YKbYLb5GVc]A Fish Called Wanda - Otto - YouTube[/ame]
Probably not more than ten years before we start feeling the worst effects of our folly.

And what happens, specifically? Men marry men, women marry women, and then, according to you, calamitous events begin to occur.

Name 3.


Shit, I'll pos rep the first person who can come up with one good reason that makes any sense at all.

I guess the anti-gay eruptions of late in Russia are a signal of that nation's imminent ascension.

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