No Federal Aid for Harvey, none! Both voted no for Sandy relief

Fucking idiots think only Republicans or Conservatives live in Texas.

Like children. Wanting to withhold Federal aid.

Simple solution.

Withhold the money from the Fed. That will solve your problem.

No one is withholding federal money from Texasss.
The bright spot is that liberals don't know enough to come in out of the rain.
For protection they stand with their backs to the wind.
The hurricane-force wind blows up their asses.
They inflate and blow away like obscene tumbleweeds.
Now America needs a good way to recycle them.
Perhaps grind, form into pellets and fire boilers to make electricity?
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

Uh no. It's not some government conspiracy to create a natural disaster. It is simply because the right environmental conditions have presented to intensify the storm. Low head wind shear and the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico have helped change Harvey from a tropical storm to a possible Category 4 hurricane at landfall.

Dale Smith is a damn liar. He's also stupid.
This is AMERICA folks. If for no other reason or situation, emergencies are the times and places where we disregard all the politics and nonsense and come together as one. Get your check books ready and wait a few days to decide if and who might need a few bucks to get through the tough situation your fellow American may find themselves at no fault of their own. Whether it be a can of beans and some hot dogs and a soda pop for a few little kids or some families next electric bill, be prepared to pitch in with a helping hand.
Wouldn't you feel good knowing you did your part?
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

LOL ^^^; Dale Smith is a damn liar, and very stupid.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

That's not INCOME TAX. Texas is one of 7 states without an INCOME TAX.

"While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming."

States With No Income Tax: Is it Really Cheaper to Live in One?

Hey, moron, I lived in Michigan that had a state income tax but had no sales tax on any product that wasn't alcohol or tobacco.

Consumption taxes versus state income taxes pretty much even out for the average serf. Let me guess, you believe that the serfs are not being taxed enough unless there is a state income tax on top of sales tax and federal income tax? Why is that? Because welfare cases like you are worried that the gravy train might stop down?
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

LOL ^^^; Dale Smith is a damn liar, and very stupid.

Bite me, you marxist sack of shit. I know exactly of what I speak.
This is AMERICA folks. If for no other reason or situation, emergencies are the times and places where we disregard all the politics and nonsense and come together as one. Get your check books ready and wait a few days to decide if and who might need a few bucks to get through the tough situation your fellow American may find themselves at no fault of their own. Whether it be a can of beans and some hot dogs and a soda pop for a few little kids or some families next electric bill, be prepared to pitch in with a helping hand.
Wouldn't you feel good knowing you did your part?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

When Texas goes low, the rest of the nation goes high.
Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

That's not INCOME TAX. Texas is one of 7 states without an INCOME TAX.

"While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming."

States With No Income Tax: Is it Really Cheaper to Live in One?

Hey, moron, I lived in Michigan that had a state income tax but had no sales tax on any product that wasn't alcohol or tobacco.

Consumption taxes versus state income taxes pretty much even out for the average serf. Let me guess, you believe that the serfs are not being taxed enough unless there is a state income tax on top of sales tax and federal income tax? Why is that? Because welfare cases like you are worried that the gravy train might stop down?

Non-sequitur. Many states have an income tax and a sales tax. Fact is you said Texas had an income tax, then said that the sales tax IS and income tax. No... a sales tax is closer to an "Outcome" tax than it is an income tax. Do you know what income means?
This is AMERICA folks. If for no other reason or situation, emergencies are the times and places where we disregard all the politics and nonsense and come together as one. Get your check books ready and wait a few days to decide if and who might need a few bucks to get through the tough situation your fellow American may find themselves at no fault of their own. Whether it be a can of beans and some hot dogs and a soda pop for a few little kids or some families next electric bill, be prepared to pitch in with a helping hand.
Wouldn't you feel good knowing you did your part?

Back in September of 2005, we had three blocks worth of people just in my neighborhood that contributed blankets, clothing, bottled water and canned goods to take to Reunion Arena after Hurricane Katrina. Pick-up trucks just like the ones we sent were lined up to drop stuff off. It took four pick-ups to hold what we took in from around 40 households that was done on a spur of the moment. People really are good at heart when the rubber meets the road.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.
Smart people...really smart people know that Harvey was manipulated by Soros!
Soros my arse !! Its the Rothschilds that caused it. It was all arranged at the Council of 200 Annual meeting in Leipzig in 1352. Trump knows about it and so did Obama.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

That's not INCOME TAX. Texas is one of 7 states without an INCOME TAX.

"While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming."

States With No Income Tax: Is it Really Cheaper to Live in One?

Texas does not have a state income tax and I live in Texas. We have Sales and Property Taxes and other taxes like State Inspection stickers...
Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

That's not INCOME TAX. Texas is one of 7 states without an INCOME TAX.

"While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming."

States With No Income Tax: Is it Really Cheaper to Live in One?

Hey, moron, I lived in Michigan that had a state income tax but had no sales tax on any product that wasn't alcohol or tobacco.

Consumption taxes versus state income taxes pretty much even out for the average serf. Let me guess, you believe that the serfs are not being taxed enough unless there is a state income tax on top of sales tax and federal income tax? Why is that? Because welfare cases like you are worried that the gravy train might stop down?

Non-sequitur. Many states have an income tax and a sales tax. Fact is you said Texas had an income tax, then said that the sales tax IS and income tax. No... a sales tax is closer to an "Outcome" tax than it is an income tax. Do you know what income means?

Texans get to deduct their sales tax off of their income tax return........and "yes", I know what "income" is but I bet YOU don't according to Black's Law dictionary and it's not based on one bartering one's time in exchange for something of value. What you don't know could fill several libraries. Income tax laws do not apply to me because I am no longer a "U.S citizen" since I got out from under the U.C.C. Consumption taxes, yes........
Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

Hey, dumb ass, Texas has a state income take of 8.5 percent.......

BTW, don't you find it just a tad odd that this "storm" that was classified as a "tropical storm" less than 48 hours ago has now become a Cat 4? Ever heard of the weather modification program? Using weather as a force multiplier for full spectrum dominance? This was just a low pressure zone a little over a week ago...I know because I have been tracking it since then.

They do not have a state income tax.

A state sales tax of 8.5 percent IS a state income tax, dumb ass. BTW, how much tax do you little marxists believe that people should have extorted from them to satisfy you commie sacks of crapola?

That's not INCOME TAX. Texas is one of 7 states without an INCOME TAX.

"While individuals and businesses in all 50 states pay federal income tax, residents in 41 states also pay state income tax. Seven states have no state income tax at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming."

States With No Income Tax: Is it Really Cheaper to Live in One?

Texas does not have a state income tax and I live in Texas. We have Sales and Property Taxes and other taxes like State Inspection stickers...

8.5 % state sales tax = State income tax

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