No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

And so ... Hitlary. Now that's someone you can take seriously? :lmao:

What a hack
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Duh, Trump is running against the DC establishment you idiot.
T-rump is herding Sheeple..

Go pick your fro dummy.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Yanno, I have great respect for recent Fed toppers but living former presidents and S.o.S. ... not so much. I can understand how one such as Trump would seem the anti-Christ to any politician.

It is interesting to note that much of his support comes from normally Dem circles. It's all a bit weird.
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?

Yes, Trump and Hillary change views like their clothing
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...
i'm never going to say that this president was a great president. but we've had far worse and congress didn't obstruct them from the day they were inaugurated. i'm not sure how you lead under those circumstances.

First two years of his presidency he had a congress that was controlled by his party, and he still couldn't get things done.

The ironic thing is, for years Democrats said, "If Republicans were more like John McCain, we could actually support them", and the minute the GOP nominated the actual John McCain, Democrats rejected him for the pinup boy. So now you act all surprised when the GOP goes nuts and nominates a Nazi who promises to crack some heads?

democrats need to start building their back bench. they need to put democrats in statehouse jobs, and local jobs and start developing the depth that the GOP has. what republicans can't have is all three branches of government. clearly they can't even be trusted with two. it is irksome when democrats get one million more votes in House races than the GOP and the GOP still usurps the House because of gerrymandering. that too needs to be changed and that will come from the courts at some point.

depth didn't help the GOP this time. They had lots of qualified candidates and they nominated Trump anyway. Meanwhile, the Democrats came way too close to nominating Comrade Bernie.

What should happen is both parties need to realize, "Hey, the people elected us to get some work done, let's get some work done". If Trump is winning, it's because he's created the illusion of someone who can get shit done.

Have no illusions... if Hillary wins, she's a one-term president who will have a 30% approval rating. And that assumes that we don't have a recession, which we probably will. The democrats will get slaughtered in the 2018 midterms and the GOP will be in a great position in 2020. Heck, I might even vote for them if they nominate someone who isn't batshit crazy.

I'm so sorry. You're mistaken.

The House was controlled by democrats those first two years.

The senate wasn't. The republicans refused to relinquish control by use of the filibuster.

If you remember in 2008, the democrats technically had those 60 seats for a short time. The problem was that the senators weren't in their seats.

Al Franken would have been the 60th person but he wasn't sworn in to take his seat until July 2009. Which meant only 59 seats were filled with democrats.

By the time that Al Franken was sworn in two democratic senators were dying.

Robert Byrd and Teddy Kennedy had those seats but they weren't in them to cast their votes. So the democrats had 58 votes.

Both died. The man who replaced Teddy Kennedy was a republican so that lost the 60 seats.

The democrats never, once had the 60 votes to overcome the republican non stop filibuster.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Duh, Trump is running against the DC establishment you idiot.
T-rump is herding Sheeple..

Go pick your fro dummy.
That's a conk, Ofay....
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
i'm never going to say that this president was a great president. but we've had far worse and congress didn't obstruct them from the day they were inaugurated. i'm not sure how you lead under those circumstances.

First two years of his presidency he had a congress that was controlled by his party, and he still couldn't get things done.

The ironic thing is, for years Democrats said, "If Republicans were more like John McCain, we could actually support them", and the minute the GOP nominated the actual John McCain, Democrats rejected him for the pinup boy. So now you act all surprised when the GOP goes nuts and nominates a Nazi who promises to crack some heads?

democrats need to start building their back bench. they need to put democrats in statehouse jobs, and local jobs and start developing the depth that the GOP has. what republicans can't have is all three branches of government. clearly they can't even be trusted with two. it is irksome when democrats get one million more votes in House races than the GOP and the GOP still usurps the House because of gerrymandering. that too needs to be changed and that will come from the courts at some point.

depth didn't help the GOP this time. They had lots of qualified candidates and they nominated Trump anyway. Meanwhile, the Democrats came way too close to nominating Comrade Bernie.

What should happen is both parties need to realize, "Hey, the people elected us to get some work done, let's get some work done". If Trump is winning, it's because he's created the illusion of someone who can get shit done.

Have no illusions... if Hillary wins, she's a one-term president who will have a 30% approval rating. And that assumes that we don't have a recession, which we probably will. The democrats will get slaughtered in the 2018 midterms and the GOP will be in a great position in 2020. Heck, I might even vote for them if they nominate someone who isn't batshit crazy.

I'm so sorry. You're mistaken.

The House was controlled by democrats those first two years.

The senate wasn't. The republicans refused to relinquish control by use of the filibuster.

If you remember in 2008, the democrats technically had those 60 seats for a short time. The problem was that the senators weren't in their seats.

Al Franken would have been the 60th person but he wasn't sworn in to take his seat until July 2009. Which meant only 59 seats were filled with democrats.

By the time that Al Franken was sworn in two democratic senators were dying.

Robert Byrd and Teddy Kennedy had those seats but they weren't in them to cast their votes. So the democrats had 58 votes.

Both died. The man who replaced Teddy Kennedy was a republican so that lost the 60 seats.

The democrats never, once had the 60 votes to overcome the republican non stop filibuster.

Wrong. Obamacare was voted in 60-39 with all 60 votes being Democrats and the two independents who caucused with the Democrats. All 39 votes were Republican.

You're just wrong, Holmes
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

You mean the people who put us 19 trillion dollars in mean those people.....? The same people who are not educating our children in public schools? You mean those guys?
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?

Yes, Trump and Hillary change views like their clothing
Not true. Trump has been consistent on his positions and proposals on important issues throughout this campaign while Clinton has provided no positions or proposals on important issues in this capaign.
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.
Even more reason to support him. They're all corrupt Globalist Elite assholes. Time for real change.
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy.

Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.

Define "qualified"
you are aware that trumpsters don't care. they see it as a badge of honor. the more stupid, offensive and course their guy is, the happier they are.

that's what happens when people hate their country

No, they don't hate their country.

It becomes to easy to judge Trump's support by the "Deplorables" who are the most vocal. I'll even admit I do it from time to time. (Actually, a lot.)

But the reality is, Trump is the symptom of a bigger problem. The two party system has failed, conventional politics have failed. We have problems, they don't get addressed, and people are frustrated.

So the Democrats tried to nominate a socialist, and the Republicans have nominated a fascist. Because people are fed up with politics as usual.

And have no illusions. The alternative to Trump is more of the same. More gridlock and more petty bickering.


I have been saying it since the start of this cycle...

The first thing Hillary should do day one is invite Paul Ryan for dinner and talk about introducing different voting and campaign financing system...

In truth Paul Ryan would be the winner but the big winner would be USA.

The way the US is heading it is going to vote for an extreme candidate who the people didn't actually want, they just didn't want the other candidate.

I would propose,
  • End to winner takes all states
  • Proportional votes to allocated
  • Double or triple the number of EC votes and make it more representative of the actual populations it represents
  • Introduce STV (Single Transfer Voting, Preference Voting) with Proportional Representation(Multi seat districts)
  • Reverse Citizens United and look at making all campaigns public funded.
I would see as the result... Multiple Party(with a stronger whip) system which closer reflects the people they represent rather than a big tent of hidden deals and back scratching. Alliances will form and break over issues and time periods.
Gerrymandering gone...

Congressmen instead of spending over half their time raising money to get reelected, can now do their job.
Respectively disagree.

Rearranging the deck chairs isn't the answer.

Real change can only be made by private individuals working at the very local level.
Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.
In fact, Hillary has no qualifications for the office other than being Mrs. Bill Clinton.

As First Lady, she was a disaster. It was her refusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena that led to an independent prosecutor, the Bill Clinton sex scandal and perjured testimony and to his impeachment.

As a senator she accomplished nothing but making a fool of herself, as when she called General Petraeus a liar, or claiming credit for the work other people did, as in CHIP which was put together by Orin Hatch and Ted Kennedy and without any input from Clinton. She was appointed Secretary of State not because anyone believed she was qualified but because Obama needed to unify the Democratic Party after she had run a bitter, racist campaign against him, and the stench of her stint in the State Department still overwhelms most of America.

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