No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Won't matter anyway, he and Clinton are both one term presidents who will do nothing more then hold the place for the next guy. As long as trump don't nuke anyone, or Hillary doesn't get anymore people killed or die her self all will be as it was for the last 12 years.

What makes you think she would be a bad president.... She was a very popular and successful Senator and SOS....

She is liked on both side of the aisles, she has the ability to actually get things done... Republicans often praise her as a person you can do a deal with.

Good or bad is all a matter of perspective. No matter how the election turns out neither Trump or Clinton will be effective because Congress hates them. Hillary would probably have a better time working with them, but Trump don't.
They don't hate their country, they hate idiots like you, smarmy know-it-all types who keep thinking "we know whats best for you, and we are going to force you to do it".

again, the homophobe with the gay man as an avatar complains about having to bake cakes, and ignore the fact his homophobic buddies die a lot worse to gay folks.

I've known gay folks who've been fired for being gay, I've know gay folks who've been beaten up for being gay.

Being made to keep the promises you made to provide services--- meh, not so much.

My issue wouldn't be about me baking a cake, its my issue with your glee at forcing others to do it,. unlike you I am not a narcissistic twat who wants everyone to follow their rules, and live their way, and have fun their way.

And you knowing this makes you such a fucking martyr. like most of your progressive friends, you probably sniff your own farts when you gleefully say things like this.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
evidence of what?
They don't hate their country, they hate idiots like you, smarmy know-it-all types who keep thinking "we know whats best for you, and we are going to force you to do it".

again, the homophobe with the gay man as an avatar complains about having to bake cakes, and ignore the fact his homophobic buddies die a lot worse to gay folks.

I've known gay folks who've been fired for being gay, I've know gay folks who've been beaten up for being gay.

Being made to keep the promises you made to provide services--- meh, not so much.

My issue wouldn't be about me baking a cake, its my issue with your glee at forcing others to do it,. unlike you I am not a narcissistic twat who wants everyone to follow their rules, and live their way, and have fun their way.

And you knowing this makes you such a fucking martyr. like most of your progressive friends, you probably sniff your own farts when you gleefully say things like this.

You have a very mistaken image of yourself.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man
No, it makes perfect sense to have a free market within the US economy and qualified trade agreements with other countries. Renegotiating trade agreements and imposing tariffs where necessary in no way limits your freedom as a businessman to move your company anyplace you choose, it simply changes the economic environment in a way that makes it unprofitable to move it to less developed countries because of cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations, or to countries that maintain an unfair competitive advantage by manipulating their currencies.

I am a pragmatist, not an ideologue, so I am more interested in practical outcomes than what is ideologically correct. Right now because of our trade imbalances, the US is selling off its assets, real estate, corporations, even technologies, to pay for our standard of living. If you had to sell off your assets to pay your bills, would you consider that a sustainable policy? Of course not, and it is not a sustainable policy for our nation, either. Redefining our trade relations will help reduce our trade deficits and prevent jobs from leaving out country and many even bring some of those jobs home, and it will allow us to come closer to living on what we earn rather than having to sell off our country to pay our bills.

Of course there will be political fallout from this change of policy. Countries that have benefited from the current trade imbalance will rage against us, but I believe Americans will be better off reducing our trade deficit and keeping our jobs at home amid all the foreign outrage than it is now.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
None of the GOP'ers just crawl out from under your rock?

So you have no one who did or advised on major decisions involving the job saying your candidate can actually do it...

This is not political for a lot of these... Trump has praised some of these guys...
still don't know what your point is.
They don't hate their country, they hate idiots like you, smarmy know-it-all types who keep thinking "we know whats best for you, and we are going to force you to do it".

again, the homophobe with the gay man as an avatar complains about having to bake cakes, and ignore the fact his homophobic buddies die a lot worse to gay folks.

I've known gay folks who've been fired for being gay, I've know gay folks who've been beaten up for being gay.

Being made to keep the promises you made to provide services--- meh, not so much.

My issue wouldn't be about me baking a cake, its my issue with your glee at forcing others to do it,. unlike you I am not a narcissistic twat who wants everyone to follow their rules, and live their way, and have fun their way.

And you knowing this makes you such a fucking martyr. like most of your progressive friends, you probably sniff your own farts when you gleefully say things like this.

You have a very mistaken image of yourself.

I see myself just fine. Sorry I don't knuckle under when called names. You progressives have gone soft.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

I see this as an OUTSTANDING development! Let's look at the history of the living presidents, shall we?

Jimmy Carter; Handpicked by the Rockefeller family and a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission, 33rd degree free mason

George H Bush, Trilateral Commission and Skull and Bones member that helped to orchestrate the assassination of JFK. Knights of Malta, 33rd degree Freemason. Bohemian Grove attendee

Bill Clinton, CFR member and Jesuit trained at Georgetown, 33rd degree Freemason, Knight of Malta, Bohemian HGroive attendee

GW Bush, Skull and Bones member, Knights Of Malta, 33rd degree Freemason, Bohemian Grove attendee

Barry Soetoro, mentored by a known communist that was introduced to a Jesuit priest for "community organizing" training and Bilderburg attendee and speaker at the CFR.

Now, let's look at the Secretary of States going back to James Baker, a part of the Carlye group that made out like bandits due to 9/11 when the 240 billion dollars worth of ten year oil and gas securities ( illegally purchased during the Ruble collapse in 1991) were allowed to pass through with out the "sniff test" of the SEC when the Fed bank used their emergency powers to allow trades to go through with no scrutiny. Baker was also a member of the CFR. His influential family brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise a race purification' study program at Rice University. The Baker's family wealth and power came from their representing thew Iluminati Harriman clan that got their seed money from the Rothschilds, like the Rockefellers, Fords, JP Morgans, Warburgs, etc, etc.....

Madeleine Albright: Hired by national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, (a globalist and current adviser to the Barrypuppet). She was Secretary of State when Bill "drop trou" was president that when asked if the sanctions on Iraq that had contributed to the death of 500,000 children was worth it? Her reply....

Lesley Stahl (of CBS News): “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”
Madeleine Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.” She is also (you guessed it) a member of the CFR AND the Trilateral Commission.

Colin Powell: Bohemian Grove attendee, CFR member AND Trilateral Commission member.

Condi Rice: CFR and Trilateral Commission member.

Hillary Clinton: CFR member and being backed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers for CEO of USA.INC

John Kerry: Skull and Bones, CFR member and regular speaker at the Trilateral Commission meetings.

As far as the former and current heads of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank goes? Why in the hell would ANY one give a flying fuck as to what these minions of this parasitic entity has to say about anything? How fucking STUPID are you people that care about their opinions? These are the elites, the establishment that has been sucking this country dry since the days of Woodrow Wilson. The very fact that these slime balls have a boner against Trump should only encourage his supporters.

Seriously, if you don't know about the origins and goals of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and how it's passage was back-doored then you really need to STFU about politics and EDUCATE yourself. If you don't know about the Jesuit order, Knights Of Malta, you need to read up on them both. Recall and research JFK's speech about secret societies and those that take secret oaths.

The OP's post only HELPS and solidifies support for Trump for those that are in the "know".

ahhh....ahhh.. Bilderbergers, Trilateralists! Freemasons! CFR! Bohemian Grove! Illuminati!!!

Hey, the Lizard People called, they are feeling totally left out they didn't make your list of crazy!

As usual, you prove that you don't have a friggin' clue.......have a heapin' helpin' of sand since your head is down there anyway. (snicker)
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

The intelligence of the anti-Hitlety enthusiasts are off the charts on the high end compared to those that buy into the crook that is Hitlery. It would take less than an hour of serious research to find out what a crooked POS she is and her ties to the Bush crime family. Drug dealing, money laundering, outright theft from the Haitian people, the funds that Leo Wanta wanted to repatriate to the people of the United States, etc, etc. She makes Al Capone seem like a mere piker by comparison. The leftard clown posse will never open their eyes or do any vetting when it comes to her because they are afraid of what they will it's "full speed ahead and load the wagon, who cares if the donkey is blind"'s all about the "D" in front of the name.
The intelligence of the anti-Hitlety enthusiasts are off the charts on the high end compared to those that buy into the crook that is Hitlery.

Look around you.....count how many 2 time Scrub voters are now trying to sell you T-rump...
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

The intelligence of the anti-Hitlety enthusiasts are off the charts on the high end compared to those that buy into the crook that is Hitlery. It would take less than an hour of serious research to find out what a crooked POS she is and her ties to the Bush crime family. Drug dealing, money laundering, outright theft from the Haitian people, the funds that Leo Wanta wanted to repatriate to the people of the United States, etc, etc. She makes Al Capone seem like a mere piker by comparison. The leftard clown posse will never open their eyes or do any vetting when it comes to her because they are afraid of what they will it's "full speed ahead and load the wagon, who cares if the donkey is blind"'s all about the "D" in front of the name.
The intelligence of the anti-Hitlety enthusiasts are off the charts on the high end compared to those that buy into the crook that is Hitlery.

Look around you.....count how many 2 time Scrub voters are now trying to sell you T-rump...

Is this the same Bush that served two terms whose family is thicker than thieves witht he Clintons that are supported by the same banking oligarchs like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds? That belong to the same exclusive establishment club like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderburg group? Do you have any idea about the ideologies of these groups? I thouigh the leftard clown posse was against elitists and the uppercrust that have been sucking off the labor of the serfs? So why are you backing a POS like Hitlery?

So Dale has given the tin hat conspiracy theories view point...

Thanks for you contribution, now back to your cell and we will get your meds...

Thanks for showing that you have no clue about the agenda of the CFR, and the TC or read any of their white papers. Your world view and who really pulls the strings shows and proves that you are merely an idiot. Have some sand with Joe...he has joined the "head in the sand " club. (snicker)
No, it makes perfect sense to have a free market within the US economy and qualified trade agreements with other countries

It makes no sense to an economist, but apparently you know better. Not sure how. But regardless, you can call it whatever you want, but it isn't a free market. Free markets are when we decide what business we want to engage in for ourselves. When government decides, that is socialism, not free trade. That you support socialist decisions doesn't make those decisions free market
No, it makes perfect sense to have a free market within the US economy and qualified trade agreements with other countries

It makes no sense to an economist, but apparently you know better. Not sure how. But regardless, you can call it whatever you want, but it isn't a free market. Free markets are when we decide what business we want to engage in for ourselves. When government decides, that is socialism, not free trade. That you support socialist decisions doesn't make those decisions free market
If you understood my post, you would understand the government is not telling you where to do business but only changing the economic envirornment is a way that will benefit you and all other Americans.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Won't matter anyway, he and Clinton are both one term presidents who will do nothing more then hold the place for the next guy. As long as trump don't nuke anyone, or Hillary doesn't get anymore people killed or die her self all will be as it was for the last 12 years.

What makes you think she would be a bad president.... She was a very popular and successful Senator and SOS....

She is liked on both side of the aisles, she has the ability to actually get things done... Republicans often praise her as a person you can do a deal with.

Good or bad is all a matter of perspective. No matter how the election turns out neither Trump or Clinton will be effective because Congress hates them. Hillary would probably have a better time working with them, but Trump don't.
Congress doesn't hate them and there is strong support in Congress and among the public for most of Trump's proposals. If you look at the few proposals Clinton has put forward, you will see there is little support for them in Congress.
No, it makes perfect sense to have a free market within the US economy and qualified trade agreements with other countries

It makes no sense to an economist, but apparently you know better. Not sure how. But regardless, you can call it whatever you want, but it isn't a free market. Free markets are when we decide what business we want to engage in for ourselves. When government decides, that is socialism, not free trade. That you support socialist decisions doesn't make those decisions free market
If you understood my post, you would understand the government is not telling you where to do business but only changing the economic envirornment is a way that will benefit you and all other Americans.

Government preventing me from doing business outside our borders is not government telling me "where to do business?"

As for protectionism "is a way that will benefit you and all other Americans," remind me how you know that the field of economics is wrong again? I've asked you and haven't seen your answer, I must have missed that.

As for your view that it's government's job to restrict my rights for the "benefit" of all, straight out of the Communist Manifesto, Karl. And it leads to the predictable results
Your problem, and the perfect illustration of my point, is that the mere suggestion of equivalence between the two is risible...

Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.

Define "qualified"

There's relevant professional experience....... Also the intangibles, such as intelligence and temperament.....
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Won't matter anyway, he and Clinton are both one term presidents who will do nothing more then hold the place for the next guy. As long as trump don't nuke anyone, or Hillary doesn't get anymore people killed or die her self all will be as it was for the last 12 years.

What makes you think she would be a bad president.... She was a very popular and successful Senator and SOS....

She is liked on both side of the aisles, she has the ability to actually get things done... Republicans often praise her as a person you can do a deal with.

Good or bad is all a matter of perspective. No matter how the election turns out neither Trump or Clinton will be effective because Congress hates them. Hillary would probably have a better time working with them, but Trump don't.
Congress doesn't hate them and there is strong support in Congress and among the public for most of Trump's proposals. If you look at the few proposals Clinton has put forward, you will see there is little support for them in Congress.

May support the ideas but my gut tells me a presidant trump will get told no more then a presidant hillery
Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.

Define "qualified"

There's relevant professional experience....... Also the intangibles, such as intelligence and temperament.....

Hillary? "Temperament?" :lmao: You have to be kidding ...

OK, so she was first lady with no actual power. She was a Senator who voted for Iraq and accomplished shit on her own. Then she was Secretary of State where she sold the time on her schedule for donations to the Clinton foundation. That's her great "professional experience" to be President? Classic.

And what good is experience even if it did exist when she doesn't remember any of it as she testified repeatedly under oath? Don't recall, don't recall, don't recall ...

As for "intelligent," what has she ever pointed out to you that you found insightful? All she does is parrot the Democrat party. Evidence, counselor?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man
No, it makes perfect sense to have a free market within the US economy and qualified trade agreements with other countries. Renegotiating trade agreements and imposing tariffs where necessary in no way limits your freedom as a businessman to move your company anyplace you choose, it simply changes the economic environment in a way that makes it unprofitable to move it to less developed countries because of cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations, or to countries that maintain an unfair competitive advantage by manipulating their currencies.

I am a pragmatist, not an ideologue, so I am more interested in practical outcomes than what is ideologically correct. Right now because of our trade imbalances, the US is selling off its assets, real estate, corporations, even technologies, to pay for our standard of living. If you had to sell off your assets to pay your bills, would you consider that a sustainable policy? Of course not, and it is not a sustainable policy for our nation, either. Redefining our trade relations will help reduce our trade deficits and prevent jobs from leaving out country and many even bring some of those jobs home, and it will allow us to come closer to living on what we earn rather than having to sell off our country to pay our bills.

Of course there will be political fallout from this change of policy. Countries that have benefited from the current trade imbalance will rage against us, but I believe Americans will be better off reducing our trade deficit and keeping our jobs at home amid all the foreign outrage than it is now.
"Comparative Advantage" is a basic economic principle, usually encountered in the second week of an introductory economics class....

Do you have any idea why it is important?
Rumsfeld and Cheney support Trump which should tell you something.

That's a deal breaker right there....

What you'd say if they supported Hillary, right? :lmao: Couldn't make the stupid that you are up. I support who I support. No one else's view would change my mind. Maybe their arguments, but that someone supports one side or another would never make me change my vote.

Then again it wouldn't for you either, Larry. You're lying. Don't you have some ugly chicks in a lounge to pick up somewhere?

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