No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

Good! Tells me Trump is onto something. It isn't a popularity contest among the elites ya know.
You know who else is manifestly unqualified?


Think she might be onto something?

What? That makes no fuckingsensewhatsoever.
You take the judgement of these people as validation of your enthusiasm for the least qualified presidential candidate ever....

If that is your measure, you might be able to do better...
Don't be so hard on your hitlery....:lol:

I applaud your energy, but you're gonna have to work harder to challenge Bripat...
I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

And anyone that is happy about the direction that America is headed, can listen to those who have put US on this course.

The rest of US will vote for change.
Did you cast one or more votes for Scrub?

Fuck off.
I take that as a "yes".....

Why are you dispensing advice?

NO, you can take that as I didn't feel like answering a question filled with partisan rhetoric.

SO, Fuck off.

If you want to get an answer, ask the question, less like a dick.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

That high level government politicians and policy makers don't endorse Trump is why most of his supporters support him.

Hillary on the other hand is a quintessential politician heavily endorsed by bureaucrats and she can't get 30 people to come to her rallies and her "supporters" overwhelmingly are trying to decide whether to vote or wash their hair that day.

You seem to have a great argument ... for Trump ...

I don't support him because of his anti-capitalist policies. But to be scared by that the highest level bureaucrats don't support him? That's just comic ...
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I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.

Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

And anyone that is happy about the direction that America is headed, can listen to those who have put US on this course.

The rest of US will vote for change.
Did you cast one or more votes for Scrub?

Fuck off.
I take that as a "yes".....

Why are you dispensing advice?

NO, you can take that as I didn't feel like answering a question filled with partisan rhetoric.

SO, Fuck off.

If you want to get an answer, ask the question, less like a dick.

It seemed like the mot juste when addressing a squealing little twat....

So how about we cut to the " yes/no" part...
So you have no one who did or advised on major decisions involving the job saying your candidate can actually do it...

This is not political for a lot of these... Trump has praised some of these guys...
You did, didn't you....we don't want any of the GOP'ers support....if we did,,we would not have pushed Trump....GOPer support hurts Trump, not helps....

Who is this "we"?
Not you...:lol:

You've got that right, O.....

But that doesn't tell me who "we" are....
You just answered your question for us IBS....:lol:

What is it with you Drudge Dross and responding to reasonable questions?
I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.
Reminds me of a Dice Clay line....

"You can blindfold these people with dental floss."
I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.

Trump has not recently said since his softening anything about deporting illegals. He is even talking about the wall less. Limited to one statement every other appearance. Republicans love illegals as much as demacrats do and have zero interest or intention of deporting any of them. Trump is the same.

Manufacturing jobs that are over seas will never come back. Not the big three auto makers, not Apple, not carrier, not any of them. Those jobs now belong to 8 year old kids in shit hole countries. What would be nice is if 99% of generation cupcake would die so we could replace them with a better generation who are free thinkers to develop new stuff to be made here creating new jobs.

100% agree on Russia, but I feel we should challenge them when they do shit like buzz our ships and shit. When they pulled that shit before we got right up in their face and backed them down. A purge in government and the military would help here a ton since daddy booosh, slick will, Bush Jr and Bammy have inserted limp waisted people to be in charge. This country is in no shape to deal with Russia now.

As far as policy in the primary, Trumps only policy was to run down the clock and get the hell out of there. He never answered a question with anything more then "that's terrible, we make stupid deals, we are lovers, I'll build a wall mexico will pay for it, and trust me. Only now has Trump been seriously talking policy and itsnreally nothing more then talking points handed to him by Mitch McConnell.
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

Your reply is nothing but stupidity.. The whole point of this ASININE thread is a fail... Donald Trump will END the pipe dreamz of the Globalist traitors who wish to destroy American exceptionalism.... Not only do we NOT expect their endorsement, WE DON'T FUCKING WANT IT.
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

Your reply is nothing but stupidity.. The whole point of this ASININE thread is a fail... Donald Trump will END the pipe dreamz of the Globalist traitors who wish to destroy American exceptionalism.... Not only do we NOT expect their endorsement, WE DON'T FUCKING WANT IT.
So far I can define "we" as you and O........

Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

I see this as an OUTSTANDING development! Let's look at the history of the living presidents, shall we?

Jimmy Carter; Handpicked by the Rockefeller family and a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission, 33rd degree free mason

George H Bush, Trilateral Commission and Skull and Bones member that helped to orchestrate the assassination of JFK. Knights of Malta, 33rd degree Freemason. Bohemian Grove attendee

Bill Clinton, CFR member and Jesuit trained at Georgetown, 33rd degree Freemason, Knight of Malta, Bohemian HGroive attendee

GW Bush, Skull and Bones member, Knights Of Malta, 33rd degree Freemason, Bohemian Grove attendee

Barry Soetoro, mentored by a known communist that was introduced to a Jesuit priest for "community organizing" training and Bilderburg attendee and speaker at the CFR.

Now, let's look at the Secretary of States going back to James Baker, a part of the Carlye group that made out like bandits due to 9/11 when the 240 billion dollars worth of ten year oil and gas securities ( illegally purchased during the Ruble collapse in 1991) were allowed to pass through with out the "sniff test" of the SEC when the Fed bank used their emergency powers to allow trades to go through with no scrutiny. Baker was also a member of the CFR. His influential family brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise a race purification' study program at Rice University. The Baker's family wealth and power came from their representing thew Iluminati Harriman clan that got their seed money from the Rothschilds, like the Rockefellers, Fords, JP Morgans, Warburgs, etc, etc.....

Madeleine Albright: Hired by national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, (a globalist and current adviser to the Barrypuppet). She was Secretary of State when Bill "drop trou" was president that when asked if the sanctions on Iraq that had contributed to the death of 500,000 children was worth it? Her reply....

Lesley Stahl (of CBS News): “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”
Madeleine Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.” She is also (you guessed it) a member of the CFR AND the Trilateral Commission.

Colin Powell: Bohemian Grove attendee, CFR member AND Trilateral Commission member.

Condi Rice: CFR and Trilateral Commission member.

Hillary Clinton: CFR member and being backed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers for CEO of USA.INC

John Kerry: Skull and Bones, CFR member and regular speaker at the Trilateral Commission meetings.

As far as the former and current heads of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank goes? Why in the hell would ANY one give a flying fuck as to what these minions of this parasitic entity has to say about anything? How fucking STUPID are you people that care about their opinions? These are the elites, the establishment that has been sucking this country dry since the days of Woodrow Wilson. The very fact that these slime balls have a boner against Trump should only encourage his supporters.

Seriously, if you don't know about the origins and goals of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and how it's passage was back-doored then you really need to STFU about politics and EDUCATE yourself. If you don't know about the Jesuit order, Knights Of Malta, you need to read up on them both. Recall and research JFK's speech about secret societies and those that take secret oaths.

The OP's post only HELPS and solidifies support for Trump for those that are in the "know".
No Butcher, No Baker, No Candle-Stick Maker has publicly endorse Hillary. No CEO of Toys-R-us, No Residential Housing Community President, No Head of a local Neighborhood Watch Organization has come out to endorse Hillary.

Again...SO WHAT?!
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

The intelligence of the anti-Hitlety enthusiasts are off the charts on the high end compared to those that buy into the crook that is Hitlery. It would take less than an hour of serious research to find out what a crooked POS she is and her ties to the Bush crime family. Drug dealing, money laundering, outright theft from the Haitian people, the funds that Leo Wanta wanted to repatriate to the people of the United States, etc, etc. She makes Al Capone seem like a mere piker by comparison. The leftard clown posse will never open their eyes or do any vetting when it comes to her because they are afraid of what they will it's "full speed ahead and load the wagon, who cares if the donkey is blind"'s all about the "D" in front of the name.
The media highlighted today that the cast of 'West Wing' has 'rallied' together to endorse Hillary.

SO WHAT? I don't know them, don't watch the show, and don't give a damn who they support. Last I checked they only have 1 vote each, the same as I do.

Barbara Streisand says she'll leave the US if Trump wins...

AND? Barb, 'don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya'!

'No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump' some of the 'architects' of the mess that the country is in today don't support Trump. Sounds like a BONUS to me. Dem's have been saying they hate the Bush's guts for years, so why are they suddenly concerned about who they will and will not vote for?

I personally don't scan social media or the news before I walk into the polling booth to see who endorses a candidate and who doesn't. Your choice regarding who to vote for should be a PERSONAL decision based on what YOU think, not what any celebrity or famous person thinks'.

I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

And so ... Hitlary. Now that's someone you can take seriously? :lmao:

What a hack
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Of course they don't support Trump. Trump isn't one of the good ol boys in the Republican club.

I'm surprised you would even think they would support him. LOL
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
If it's true, then despite this and the massive amounts of money Clinton is spending on advertising - an estimated 36 times what Trump is spending - this is a clear message that the American people believe it is time for a change from the world these dinosaurs have created and that Trump is the man who can be trusted to bring about those changes.

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