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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

The pitiful and pathetic (and let's throw in sick) one is you, Mrs. Sherri. While innocent people are getting beheaded or their throats slit, killed by suicide or car bombers, massacred while praying in their churches, etc. by your friends, all you can think about is Israel and the Jews. This happens to be the Middle East forum, not exclusively the forum for you to bash Israel. Why aren't you on the Israel/Palestine forum if all you want to do is post about this conflict?

Sally---try to understand------depravity in the form of rape, mutilation and murder is
HOLY for sherri------it is the manner in which she worships isa/allah

Then she would have enjoyed this:
Tanzania: Suspected Islamists Murder Christian Youth Leader With Machete, Wound Two Others | MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

yes----she will enjoy reading about it and she will fantasize that she will SEE
more of it
Sherri exemplifies the true spirit of a Christian. While her Christian detractors spew self righteous hate and vile towards her.
That's odd...

In all this sidebar-chatter about Sherri's reliability and credibility as a purveyor of both fact and opinion related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and her methodologies for dealing with contention...

"...You seem really stupid..."
I must have missed the bit in the New Testament where Jesus of Nazareth was teaching that his followers were to accuse those who think differently of spewing 'fucking lies' or calling people who think differently as 'really stupid', or any of a thousand-and-one other insults that your 'bud' routinely hurls at anyone who dares to dispute what she says or her interpretations and lopsided spin-doctoring of events and facts.

But maybe I misunderstood my old readings on the subject. Maybe Jesus - affirmed by the Holy Spirit, of course - says that it's OK to call people 'fucking liars' and 'really stupid' when they argue with you.

Spirit of a True Christian indeed.

Silly me... go figure... who am I to argue with someone who has the ear of God and who has been called to be his Messenger?!!!

You seem unfamiliar with the words of Jesus.

He had words harsher then that to say.

"It is obvious that Jesus, who is God in flesh, the great loving teacher, also said some harsh things to people. He called them hypocrites, fools, blind people, blind guides, whitewashed tombs, lawless, of their father the devil, and liars."

Did Jesus ever say anything mean to anyone? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

And you have not a word in your post addressing the thread topic!

Sherri, I cannot believe you are trying to justify using filthy language including the F word. Come on now. The scriptures declare, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. You need to repent while there is breath in you to do it with. The path to heaven is narrow, Sherri. Not wide. Your Southern Baptist preacher who has promised you once saved always saved has lied to you. It is not true. Listen to this - When Jesus spoke to the multitudes there were someon that asked him the following question... listen to what Jesus said, Sherri, because I believe he is giving you a warning here:

It is written:

Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved?

And he said unto them,

Strive to enter in at the strait gate, for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and will not be able.
When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut the door, and ye begin to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us, and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are.

Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drink in thy presence, and thou has taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are, depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.

There shall be gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. -LUKE 13: 24 - 28

The author of the book Goliath has not spoken the truth about Israel. I would not recommend the book to anyone. Bad book.
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..............................................^^^ I may be a little rusty in my Christian theology, but I doubt Sherri's dropping the "F" bomb invalidates her 'salvation'. . :cool:
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Regardless, was anyone stopping you from answering those questions, or didn't you want to answer them?
Ask a single direct question, and not your usual incoherent rambling rant, and I will be happy to answer it. . :cool:

Forget about it. Instead why not take a trip to Iran, get a soapbox, place it in front of where the Ayatollahs meet and start talking about how you want the Shia eliminated because you feel they are non believers. I really am sorry you are having a difficult time following me that you have to call it my "usual incoherent rambling." I am willing to bet that the majority of readers understand what I am saying. Too bad you are not as intelligent as they are.
You start out by saying, "forget about it".

Then you immediately ask me why I don't travel to Iran with a soapbox to confront the Ayatollahs?

Was that the question you have been dying to ask me?? . :confused: :cuckoo:
Ask a single direct question, and not your usual incoherent rambling rant, and I will be happy to answer it. . :cool:

Forget about it. Instead why not take a trip to Iran, get a soapbox, place it in front of where the Ayatollahs meet and start talking about how you want the Shia eliminated because you feel they are non believers. I really am sorry you are having a difficult time following me that you have to call it my "usual incoherent rambling." I am willing to bet that the majority of readers understand what I am saying. Too bad you are not as intelligent as they are.
You start out by saying, "forget about it".

Then you immediately ask me why I don't travel to Iran with a soapbox to confront the Ayatollahs?

Was that the question you have been dying to ask me?? . :confused: :cuckoo:

I thought you would enjoy shooting off your mouth to the Ayatollahs about what you think of the Shia. Think of the good time you will have there for a while. You will be getting authentic Persian cuisine, and they might even throw in a little caviar. You will have fond memories of this enjoyable time while sitting in Evian Prison or some other prison because you don't believe as they do.
More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.
More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

"Two years ago today, Israeli ground forces entered Gaza, killing scores – including Kamal and Wafaa Awajah's son, Ibrahim. Jen Marlowe's film tells the anguished, hopeful story of one family in Gaza."

A DVD can be purchase, contact [email protected].

As I keep illustrating, all Max Blumenthal documents in his book Goliath is the Truth about Israel.

I discuss what he writes and I show this is backed up by sources on the ground.

The beautiful thing about Truth is that it cannot be buried, it is always brought into the Light.
Clip from the review on Blumenthals "Goliath" book that flopped:

Where to begin? First, to the extent that “self-appointed enforcers” tried to limit debate on Israel, it was much worse in the 1980s. The last two decades have seen an explosion of robust discussion. How Eric Alterman might suppress that is unclear. As for the book’s supposedly unusual interviewees, they appear regularly, everywhere from Charlie Rose to The New York Times, Haaretz and the Forward.

Blumenthal doesn’t know the history and ignores the inconvenient bits of the present, which is one reason his book has flopped. Worse, he thinks he knows all he needs to know, and just what readers need to know. He describes Israel’s assault on Gaza without telling of the thousands of rockets bombarding Negev towns for years beforehand. He touchingly recounts the 2004 assassination of Hamas founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi but doesn’t mention the hundreds of Israelis killed by Rantissi’s suicide bombers. The Palestinians are guilty of nothing. Israel’s actions are entirely unprovoked, motivated by pure racism.

Strangest of all are his accounts of his interviews with prominent Israelis, from novelist David Grossman to politician Shai Hermesh, in which he preaches to them, browbeats them and then finds them storming out on him — or in Grossman’s case, asking Blumenthal to throw away his phone number. Why? Obviously, they’re unwilling to hear the truth.

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More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

"Jan 12th, 2009"

"Parash Hill, a nature reserve in southern Israel, is a great spot for a picnic. With lush green fields and a view all the way to the Mediterranean, it is a serene and picturesque place where residents of Sderot come to quietly enjoy nature. But in a nationobsessed with the glories of its latest military adventure, Parash Hill is now a place for Israelis to gather and watch the death unfold."

Israeli Sightseers Flock to Border to Watch Gaza Killings -- News from Antiwar.com
As Sherri has given us exerpts thus far 4 chapters ad nauseum of Blumenthals anti semitic book - I felt it was necessary to provide "the Other Side" of the story. It's called the truth. Have a nice day, everyone.

- Jeri
352 names released, all children Israel killed in Gaza in Cast Lead

Operation Cast Lead: 352 children killed

"DCI-Palestine*confirms the deaths of*352 children (names below) as a direct result of Israel's military offensive "Operation Cast Lead" in the Gaza Strip between*27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009.*"

And DCI-Palestine confirms deaths of*five children caused*indirectly by Operation Cast Lead: 1 baby born prematurely during a raid and unable to survive for long;*3 children*killed by*unexploded ordnance*on 23 January;*and 1 child who*had undergone heart surgery a week before the offensive,*was of weak constitution, and died in June unable to overcome health complications from*inhalation of white phosphorous fumes in Cast Lead.

DCI/PS - Operation Cast Lead: 352 children killed

Jeremiah-----I have grown cynical ......when it comes to WRITERS-----I always
keep in mind---"this guy makes a living doing this writing stuff.....he has to write
something he can sell" Charles Dickens was paid per 1000 words. but he
managed to be brilliant anyway. What can a non-brilliant writer do to sell?
I have a feeling that Blumenthal is not brillliant------I know that URI AVNERI is
not........ I wonder how blumenthal is doing--...financially. Son of a carter
associate? carter's kids are living off a "not for profit" "charitable" organization

The information provided in the 'FORWARD' article-----based on Blumenthal's
own comments-----seems to indicate that Blumenthal is hysterical over the
fact that his book is not SELLING-------poor guy.......maybe he is hungry
As Sherri has given us exerpts thus far 4 chapters ad nauseum of Blumenthals anti semitic book - I felt it was necessary to provide "the Other Side" of the story. It's called the truth. Have a nice day, everyone.

- Jeri

You have failed to prove even one statement Max Blumenthal makes in his book Goliath is false.

All goes far in proving you and Truth do not know each other.

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