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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

More discussion of Ch 4 Goliath

We learn about the orders soldiers in Cast Lead are being given.

Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar interviews a tank commander named Ohad.

Ohad says his orders were to shoot a shell at any car that came within 200 meters of him. They were told to cleanse neighborhoods, to include buildings. The commander told them homes were to be shelled and said clearly that every house was to get a shell. Ohad told the filmmaker he feels good about what he did, he is proud of what he did.

Gideon Levy who writes for Haaretz and opposed Cast Lead noted the horrors were only being reported on back pages of daily newspapers Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv, with few details provided. If Israels MSM was to address on the toll of the assault on Gaza at all, it was to stress inconveniences caused to Israelis Jewish public.

It was only towards the end of Gaza a horror in Gaza truly made it to being discussed by MSM in prime time news. It was a broadcast by Izeldeen Abuelaish, a fertility doctor and widower who was raising 8 children on his own in Jaboliyah refugee camp in Gaza. The doctor was Harvard trained and he had spent 8 years previously working in Israel helping Israelis have children. On January 10, he appeared on Israeli TV Channel 10 and he was sobbing uncontrollably. And he described how a tank shelled upon his house and decapitated 2 of his daughters and tore the bodies of two more of his children into shreds.

The distraught doctor screamed that they were dead, they were hit in the head, and he cried out to God, to Allah.

The next day the distraught doctor was interviewed in Sheeba Medical Center where is surviving children were there in intensive care. He told reporters his daughers supported peace and had no weapons and they had wanted to move with him to Canada where he had a job. As he was being interviewed, a woman named Levana Stern lunged at the dr through reporters and shrieked that he must have had weapons in his house and he should be ashamed and all of the reporters should be ashamed. The doctor in dismay simply commented that they dont want to see the other side.

Only in Fascist Israel can we see such as this!
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Maybe the Palestinians should not have fired so many rockets into Israel, to trigger Operation Cast Lead in the first place?

Maybe the Palestinians should not have hidden their war-assets and personnel and operational bases within heavily-populated areas, thereby using their own neighbors as human shields on a grand scale beggaring anything that the Israelis have ever been accused of?

Don't want to get your neighborhoods shot up?

Don't use 'em to fire rockets from.

Don't fire on the IDF from your schools and mosques and hospitals.

Don't embed your launchers and weapons caches and operational bases and leadership cadre amongst your civilian population or use them as neighborhood-caliber human shields.

That way, Blumenthal would have had nothing to write about.


It was the Palestinians' choice.

They chose poorly.

As usual.

Welcome to your consequences.
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Maybe the Palestinians should not have fired so many rockets into Israel, to trigger Operation Cast Lead in the first place?

Maybe the Palestinians should not have hidden their war-assets and personnel and operational bases within heavily-populated areas, thereby using their own neighbors as human shields on a grand scale beggaring anything that the Israelis have ever been accused of?

Don't want to get your neighborhoods shot up?

Don't use 'em to fire rockets from.

Don't fire on the IDF from your schools and mosques and hospitals.

Don't embed your launchers and weapons caches and operational bases and leadership cadre amongst your civilian population or use them as neighborhood-caliber human shields.

That way, Blumenthal would have had nothing to write about.


It was the Palestinians' choice.

They chose poorly.

As usual.

Welcome to your consequences.

Kondor----it is clear that you do not understand shariah law----It is a legal
system under which sherri, sunni, et al function. -------Al Azhar University
is recognized as the voice of AUTHORITY by 100s of millions of isa/allah respecters.

Here it is according to the interpretation of the holy koran---as per AL AZHAR

It is legal and DESIRABLE for any isa/allah respecter to kills jews---of
any age or gender, anywhere and any time. -----HOWEVER it is not
legal for jews to OPPOSE those legal and holy actions. Ask sunni----
it is the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of sunni muslims who recognize the
AUTHORITATIVE interpretation of isa/allah's will for the WORLD
Maybe the Palestinians should not have fired so many rockets into Israel, to trigger Operation Cast Lead in the first place?

Maybe the Palestinians should not have hidden their war-assets and personnel and operational bases within heavily-populated areas, thereby using their own neighbors as human shields on a grand scale beggaring anything that the Israelis have ever been accused of?

Don't want to get your neighborhoods shot up?

Don't use 'em to fire rockets from.

Don't fire on the IDF from your schools and mosques and hospitals.

Don't embed your launchers and weapons caches and operational bases and leadership cadre amongst your civilian population or use them as neighborhood-caliber human shields.

That way, Blumenthal would have had nothing to write about.


It was the Palestinians' choice.

They chose poorly.

As usual.

Welcome to your consequences.

No justifications exist for targeting civilians as Israel did in Cast Lead.

They are clear war crimes, there are no doubts of that.
Once again, since we are Americans, I think we can all value the fact that different people have different opinions as to the contents of books and articles of others. I don't know why Mrs. Sherri doesn't post on the Israel/Palestine forum since this a subject with which she is obsessed. Being that she is not posting there, I would imagine she missed something posted by a retired Army Intelligence man who is not Jewish.

"There is nothing that guarantees peace. Political guarantees are mental aberration.

Separations and quarantines only is a temporary measures that improves the potential to avoid confrontation. Security barriers only provide obstacles to overcome, a physical resistance between belligerent opponents.

Peace is achieved by mentally achieving an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

It is very important to understand who Max Blumenthal is and where he fits in the game. You must also understand that many of the catch phrases Blumenthal uses are exactly the same as those used by people like Diana Buttu, esq; as in the older video P F Tinmore gave to us. He is one of the believers that attempts to suggest that since 1893, the Zionist have had this plan toonfine the most number of Palestinians in the smallest possible space. Which is almost the exact same script that Diana Buttu sung from. These people are promoting the adoption of a Palestine that is an Islamic Waqf, and the dismantlement of the Jewish National Home. The "solemn declaration" that the Arab Higher Committee made in 1947, that said: “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child;" is one way concept - only allowed to be used by the Hostile Arab Palestinian. That is, it is absolutely essential that if the Jewish opponent adopts the same philosophy, it must be demonized.

Having said that, Arnon Sofer is not mad. He adopted the best possible alternative (separation) as a means of preventing a confrontation with an opponent that has made a "solemn declaration" that said: “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."

Be cautious of the Max Blumenthal's and the Diana Buttu's. They have an agenda and are consummate wordsmiths.


Silly Sally,

Nothing here rebutting the truth of one single statement Max Blumenthal writes in Goliath.

LMAO at SIlly Sally, how pathetic and pitiful you are!

Laugh all you want to, Mrs. Sherri. I think most people with a head on their shoulders would take the opinion of a smart man working in Intelligence than anything a sick person in some little burg has to say. The pathetic and pitiful one is you, and I think most readers realize it by now. You certainly are good for a laugh, though. Very entertaining!!! I think the stuff Marg posted also showed up Mr. Blumenthal, but since what he says is appreciated by your sick mind set, you think he is the tops.

Still not a word to rebut Truth of a single thing said by Max Blumenthal in Goliath.

You and Truth do not know each other.

Doubt if your English is good enough to even read it, such is the plight of the ignorant.

And no idea who you are quoting in that copyright violation of yours, in quotes with the source unnamed and no link, but nothing said there rebuts the truth of a thing written in Goliath either.
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More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

More discussion of Ch 4 Goliath

We learn about the orders soldiers in Cast Lead are being given.

Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar interviews a tank commander named Ohad.

Ohad says his orders were to shoot a shell at any car that came within 200 meters of him. They were told to cleanse neighborhoods, to include buildings. The commander told them homes were to be shelled and said clearly that every house was to get a shell. Ohad told the filmmaker he feels good about what he did, he is proud of what he did.

Gideon Levy who writes for Haaretz and opposed Cast Lead noted the horrors were only being reported on back pages of daily newspapers Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv, with few details provided. If Israels MSM was to address on the toll of the assault on Gaza at all, it was to stress inconveniences caused to Israelis Jewish public.

It was only towards the end of Gaza a horror in Gaza truly made it to being discussed by MSM in prime time news. It was a broadcast by Izeldeen Abuelaish, a fertility doctor and widower who was raising 8 children on his own in Jaboliyah refugee camp in Gaza. The doctor was Harvard trained and he had spent 8 years previously working in Israel helping Israelis have children. On January 10, he appeared on Israeli TV Channel 10 and he was sobbing uncontrollably. And he described how a tank shelled upon his house and decapitated 2 of his daughters and tore the bodies of two more of his children into shreds.

The distraught doctor screamed that they were dead, they were hit in the head, and he cried out to God, to Allah.

The next day the distraught doctor was interviewed in Sheeba Medical Center where is surviving children were there in intensive care. He told reporters his daughers supported peace and had no weapons and they had wanted to move with him to Canada where he had a job. As he was being interviewed, a woman named Levana Stern lunged at the dr through reporters and shrieked that he must have had weapons in his house and he should be ashamed and all of the reporters should be ashamed. The doctor in dismay simply commented that they dont want to see the other side.

Only in Fascist Israel can we see such as this!

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More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

More discussion of Ch 4 Goliath

We learn about the orders soldiers in Cast Lead are being given.

Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar interviews a tank commander named Ohad.

Ohad says his orders were to shoot a shell at any car that came within 200 meters of him. They were told to cleanse neighborhoods, to include buildings. The commander told them homes were to be shelled and said clearly that every house was to get a shell. Ohad told the filmmaker he feels good about what he did, he is proud of what he did.

Gideon Levy who writes for Haaretz and opposed Cast Lead noted the horrors were only being reported on back pages of daily newspapers Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv, with few details provided. If Israels MSM was to address on the toll of the assault on Gaza at all, it was to stress inconveniences caused to Israelis Jewish public.

It was only towards the end of Gaza a horror in Gaza truly made it to being discussed by MSM in prime time news. It was a broadcast by Izeldeen Abuelaish, a fertility doctor and widower who was raising 8 children on his own in Jaboliyah refugee camp in Gaza. The doctor was Harvard trained and he had spent 8 years previously working in Israel helping Israelis have children. On January 10, he appeared on Israeli TV Channel 10 and he was sobbing uncontrollably. And he described how a tank shelled upon his house and decapitated 2 of his daughters and tore the bodies of two more of his children into shreds.

The distraught doctor screamed that they were dead, they were hit in the head, and he cried out to God, to Allah.

The next day the distraught doctor was interviewed in Sheeba Medical Center where is surviving children were there in intensive care. He told reporters his daughers supported peace and had no weapons and they had wanted to move with him to Canada where he had a job. As he was being interviewed, a woman named Levana Stern lunged at the dr through reporters and shrieked that he must have had weapons in his house and he should be ashamed and all of the reporters should be ashamed. The doctor in dismay simply commented that they dont want to see the other side.

Only in Fascist Israel can we see such as this!

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Silly Sally,

Nothing here rebutting the truth of one single statement Max Blumenthal writes in Goliath.

LMAO at SIlly Sally, how pathetic and pitiful you are!

Laugh all you want to, Mrs. Sherri. I think most people with a head on their shoulders would take the opinion of a smart man working in Intelligence than anything a sick person in some little burg has to say. The pathetic and pitiful one is you, and I think most readers realize it by now. You certainly are good for a laugh, though. Very entertaining!!! I think the stuff Marg posted also showed up Mr. Blumenthal, but since what he says is appreciated by your sick mind set, you think he is the tops.

Still not a word to rebut Truth of a single thing said by Max Blumenthal in Goliath.

You and Truth do not know each other.

Doubt if your English is good enough to even read it, such is the plight of the ignorant.

And no idea who you are quoting in that copyright violation of yours, in quotes with the source unnamed and no link, but nothing said there rebuts the truth of a thing written in Goliath either.

there is nothing to support anything that Blumenthal has said-----remember? -----
in a courtroom the stuff that you quoted is called "heresay"

I have already rebutted your IDIOTIC stuff in which you describe the people of
Sderot as SITTING ON THE GRASSY HILLS-----watching and having picnics---
during the three week period that comprised "CAST LEAD"------During that approximately 20 days -----about 80 BOMBS landed on Sderot-----some four per day. Only
an idiot would make the claim that the kids were running over the grassy hills-----they
were stuck in bomb shelters as the blumenthal idiot well knows. Sderot is a small
town-----entirely civilian and -----residential of young families----that is why your fellow
baby murderers like to bomb that little town. The bombs launched by the pigs and
and dogs did hit their usual targets------schools-----playgrounds----etc for the glory of
the pile of dung you worship.
"...No justifications exist for targeting civilians..."
Stop firing rockets into Israel and parking your launchers and bases and leadership within civilian neighborhoods, and the IDF will refrain from attacking those neighborhoods.

In the tense environment of Urban Combat nobody is safe, once the shooting starts.

Solution: Don't start launching, or make the other guy come-in after you.

All fixed.
"...No justifications exist for targeting civilians..."
Stop firing rockets into Israel and parking your launchers and bases and leadership within civilian neighborhoods, and the IDF will refrain from attacking those neighborhoods.

In the tense environment of Urban Combat nobody is safe, once the shooting starts.

Solution: Don't start launching, or make the other guy come-in after you.

All fixed.

Kondor----you missed again. sherri functions under a legal code and a creed
which defines all Jews ----regardless of age and gender as COMBATANTS----
against islam This interpretation of the holy koran was made by the
koranic scholars of AL AZHAR U. many decades ago I first heard
about it about 45 years ago . It justified the airplane hijackings and
shoot outs at airports of that time and ANY terrorist attack in Israel ----and
of course the HOLY BOMB ON ASS SLUT SHAHIDAS that came a bit later.

to be precise---early on the ruling referred to all Israelis----but it was
extended to include all jews. Thus it is silly of you to suggest to
sherri----that launching bombs on the heads of Israeli children should stop---
for her doing so pleases her "god"
Laugh all you want to, Mrs. Sherri. I think most people with a head on their shoulders would take the opinion of a smart man working in Intelligence than anything a sick person in some little burg has to say. The pathetic and pitiful one is you, and I think most readers realize it by now. You certainly are good for a laugh, though. Very entertaining!!! I think the stuff Marg posted also showed up Mr. Blumenthal, but since what he says is appreciated by your sick mind set, you think he is the tops.

Still not a word to rebut Truth of a single thing said by Max Blumenthal in Goliath.

You and Truth do not know each other.

Doubt if your English is good enough to even read it, such is the plight of the ignorant.

And no idea who you are quoting in that copyright violation of yours, in quotes with the source unnamed and no link, but nothing said there rebuts the truth of a thing written in Goliath either.

there is nothing to support anything that Blumenthal has said-----remember? -----
in a courtroom the stuff that you quoted is called "heresay"

I have already rebutted your IDIOTIC stuff in which you describe the people of
Sderot as SITTING ON THE GRASSY HILLS-----watching and having picnics---
during the three week period that comprised "CAST LEAD"------During that approximately 20 days -----about 80 BOMBS landed on Sderot-----some four per day. Only
an idiot would make the claim that the kids were running over the grassy hills-----they
were stuck in bomb shelters as the blumenthal idiot well knows. Sderot is a small
town-----entirely civilian and -----residential of young families----that is why your fellow
baby murderers like to bomb that little town. The bombs launched by the pigs and
and dogs did hit their usual targets------schools-----playgrounds----etc for the glory of
the pile of dung you worship.

When I see Mrs. Sherri start in like this, I wonder if something better than Lithium is on the market. I have to laugh at her calling anyone ignorant when she keeps on repeating the same old stuff as if the Middle East forum was set up to exclusively discuss Israel and Palestine. There already is a forum to discuss Israel and Palestine, and there certainly are other countries in the Middle East where things are happening.
"...No justifications exist for targeting civilians..."
Stop firing rockets into Israel and parking your launchers and bases and leadership within civilian neighborhoods, and the IDF will refrain from attacking those neighborhoods.

In the tense environment of Urban Combat nobody is safe, once the shooting starts.

Solution: Don't start launching, or make the other guy come-in after you.

All fixed.

Targeting civilians is a war crime.
"...No justifications exist for targeting civilians..."
Stop firing rockets into Israel and parking your launchers and bases and leadership within civilian neighborhoods, and the IDF will refrain from attacking those neighborhoods.

In the tense environment of Urban Combat nobody is safe, once the shooting starts.

Solution: Don't start launching, or make the other guy come-in after you.

All fixed.

Targeting civilians is a war crime.
So is parking war-assets amongst them and using them as neighborhood-scale human shields, en masse.

If it's a choice between YOUR neighborhood getting clobbered or allowing you to continue clobbering MINE, yours loses every time, if I have the firepower to enforce my will.

War's a bitch... especially when you start the rumble, like the Palestinians so oftentimes do, and cannot finish it...
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More from Chapter 4 of Goliath , the Chapter entitled The Hill of Shame.

As Cast Lead is ongoing, Israel bars intl reporters from entering Gaza.

Reporters must report from Parash Hill with all the Israeli revelers. This leads reporters to nickname the lookout "The Hill of Shame."

Across Gaza, many Israeli crimes are reported.

Unarmed civilians were attacked by the IDF with tank shells and torn to pieces with fleshette darts.

Children were burned with white phosphorous chemical weapons and were treated at Gaza hospitals.

A few children were killed with D.I.M.E. weapons which stands for Dense Inert Medical Explosive. ( Internet research from past operations shows these are weapons produced in the US which contain depleted uranium in them. And they cause cancer in rats, and they typically blow off limbs*of persons they strike. In Cast Lead, we see children targeted and killed with these weapons).

A group of women in Gaza waving white flags were targeted by the IDF and shot to death.

A family in Gaza eating lunch was struck by the IDF with a missile and killed.

IDF soldiers killed a 8 year old boy named Ibrahim Awajah in Gaza. His mother Wafaa told documentary filmmaker Jen Marlowe after soldiers killed him they used his corpse for target practice.

More discussion of Ch 4 Goliath

We learn about the orders soldiers in Cast Lead are being given.

Israeli filmmaker Nurit Kedar interviews a tank commander named Ohad.

Ohad says his orders were to shoot a shell at any car that came within 200 meters of him. They were told to cleanse neighborhoods, to include buildings. The commander told them homes were to be shelled and said clearly that every house was to get a shell. Ohad told the filmmaker he feels good about what he did, he is proud of what he did.

Gideon Levy who writes for Haaretz and opposed Cast Lead noted the horrors were only being reported on back pages of daily newspapers Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv, with few details provided. If Israels MSM was to address on the toll of the assault on Gaza at all, it was to stress inconveniences caused to Israelis Jewish public.

It was only towards the end of Gaza a horror in Gaza truly made it to being discussed by MSM in prime time news. It was a broadcast by Izeldeen Abuelaish, a fertility doctor and widower who was raising 8 children on his own in Jaboliyah refugee camp in Gaza. The doctor was Harvard trained and he had spent 8 years previously working in Israel helping Israelis have children. On January 10, he appeared on Israeli TV Channel 10 and he was sobbing uncontrollably. And he described how a tank shelled upon his house and decapitated 2 of his daughters and tore the bodies of two more of his children into shreds.

The distraught doctor screamed that they were dead, they were hit in the head, and he cried out to God, to Allah.

The next day the distraught doctor was interviewed in Sheeba Medical Center where is surviving children were there in intensive care. He told reporters his daughers supported peace and had no weapons and they had wanted to move with him to Canada where he had a job. As he was being interviewed, a woman named Levana Stern lunged at the dr through reporters and shrieked that he must have had weapons in his house and he should be ashamed and all of the reporters should be ashamed. The doctor in dismay simply commented that they dont want to see the other side.

Only in Fascist Israel can we see such as this!

Israeli soldiers told to cleanse Gaza

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People in Israel dont like to see themselves in the mirror, words spoken by this Israeli filmmaker about the prospects of her film being shown in Israel.
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you still miss the point Kondor-----this is not a discussion about right and
wrong------it is a discussion about RELIGION and IDEOLOGY. The launching
of nail bombs into Israel has been determined on FAITH----to be both
legal and holy just as the SHAHIDS who tie bombs to their bodies act
LEGALLY and are HOLY. Keep in mind----this law is not unique.
The government of Egypt has demanded the release of Shaykh Abdel
and directed the 1993 bombing of the world trade center. At least six
americans died. -----but the egyptian government considers the ruling of
AL AZHAR to be an IMPERATIVE------Shaykh Abdel Rahman is a MUJAHAD.
"...Israeli soldiers told to cleanse Gaza..."

They were told to clear-out houses and buildings and city-blocks and sections of neighborhoods, to eliminate enemy positions and cover for the enemy.

If they had 'cleansed Gaza' every one of the Gazans would be dead or living in Egypt or Jordan.

They were told to cleanse the neighborhood , to shoot into cars and buildings and houses .

All documented by an Israeli filmmaker in her film.
"...Israeli soldiers told to cleanse Gaza..."

They were told to clear-out houses and buildings and city-blocks and sections of neighborhoods, to eliminate enemy positions and cover for the enemy.

If they had 'cleansed Gaza' every one of the Gazans would be dead or living in Egypt or Jordan.

They were told to cleanse the neighborhood , to shoot into cars and buildings and houses .

All documented by an Israeli filmmaker in her film.
Yes, I'm sure that Israeli leftists and surrender-monkeys 'documented' such things.

When you have the context for such orders (for example, is [or were] the IDF folk being fired-upon from such location?), then we'll have a more objective and clear and complete picture, on a case-by-case basis.

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