No more boosters for me

And. I've posted many studies that say it was effective.
But wait. This isn’t about whether it’s effective.

It’s about why the vast majority of severe COVID seems to happen just to the unvaccinated.

It’s not about drugs. Neither group is getting drugs.

One group got vaccinated. They seem to be doing a lot better.
But wait. This isn’t about whether it’s effective.

It’s about why the vast majority of severe COVID seems to happen just to the unvaccinated.

It’s not about drugs. Neither group is getting drugs.

One group got vaccinated. They seem to be doing a lot better.
Yawn. I've shown the studies of cheap drugs used in many places of this world that would negate the use of a dang LEAKY VACCINE.

The 2015 study on the chickens show the potential that the vaccines are the problem.

Again, why didn't they develop a traditional alternative? It's about money and you know it.

Besides, corticosteroids, programmed cell death protein (PD)-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibition, cytokine-adsorption devices, intravenous immunoglobulin, and antimalarial agents could be potentially useful and reliable approaches to counteract cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients.

When I learned that Fauxi and the CCP developed a bioweapon to attack the human respiratory system, I got the jab.

I've had no side effects thus far

However, I am not EVER getting the booster. At this point I'll take my chances and use any of the myriad of other options available to me.

The "myriad of other options?" Like? How about using your brain as an option?
The "myriad of other options?" Like? How about using your brain as an option?
Most have Natural Immunity in this country. They need a study on THAT. Which actually trains all parts of the body and not a single protein that we have NO CLUE the long term effects.

Yawn. I've shown the studies of cheap drugs used in many places of this world that would negate the use of a dang LEAKY VACCINE.

The 2015 study on the chickens show the potential that the vaccines are the problem.

Again, why didn't they develop a traditional alternative? It's about money and you know it.

You mean like this study which shows no effect?

Or this study which showed no effect?

Or this one?

This one did show a good effect.

But was retracted due to faulty data.

This one did show an even BIGGER effect.

But was retracted due to falsified data.

The vaccine is working. There's NO doubt about it. No data exists that would show anywhere NEAR the same efficacy. Especially, and don't take this lightly, given you yourself state it has to be taken EARLY which just isn't going to happen in a large percentage of patients in the best case scenario even if they eliminated every barrier to getting it. People just don't go to the doctor.
The vaccine is working. There's NO doubt about it. No data exists that would show anywhere NEAR the same efficacy. Especially, and don't take this lightly, given you yourself state it has to be taken EARLY which just isn't going to happen in a large percentage of patients in the best case scenario even if they eliminated every barrier to getting it. People just don't go to the doctor.
nope, if it was working, you wouldn't need booster shots. you are a demofk through and though ain't you?
You mean like this study which shows no effect?

Or this study which showed no effect?

Or this one?

This one did show a good effect.

But was retracted due to faulty data.

This one did show an even BIGGER effect.

But was retracted due to falsified data.

The vaccine is working. There's NO doubt about it. No data exists that would show anywhere NEAR the same efficacy. Especially, and don't take this lightly, given you yourself state it has to be taken EARLY which just isn't going to happen in a large percentage of patients in the best case scenario even if they eliminated every barrier to getting it. People just don't go to the doctor.
I knew you would do that. Many show no effect and many show effect. You CHERRY PICK DATA I GAVE YOU. I understood that you would do this

Here, we summarize the clinical and pathologic features of the cytokine storm in COVID-19. Our review shows that SARS-Cov-2 selectively induces a high level of IL-6 and results in the exhaustion of lymphocytes. The current evidence indicates that tocilizumab, an IL-6 inhibitor, is relatively effective and safe. Besides, corticosteroids, programmed cell death protein (PD)-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibition, cytokine-adsorption devices, intravenous immunoglobulin, and antimalarial agents could be potentially useful and reliable approaches to counteract cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients.
The vaccine is working. There's NO doubt about it. No data exists that would show anywhere NEAR the same efficacy. Especially, and don't take this lightly, given you yourself state it has to be taken EARLY which just isn't going to happen in a large percentage of patients in the best case scenario even if they eliminated every barrier to getting it. People just don't go to the doctor.
With Doctors like you I can understand why. Just now you cherry picked data and tried to minimize the studies that showed that the drugs worked. That is why places around the world used them to try and STOP people from getting to the hospital. Many have reported great results.

But you just go.......nope. They are lying..I'm a God because I'm a doctor in America and not India.

Doctors don't see their patients........LIKE YOU.........Create a bottle neck at URGENT Care. Patients get NOTHING but a oxygen monitor......Then they get low readings and it's too late. That is the idiotic reason why so many died in the United States.

Places with over a billion people don't have time for that nonsense. They handed out the drugs and said TAKE THEM IF POSITIVE RIGHT AWAY.

Of course you deny that and post 4.9 million more dead there. CHERRY PICKING ARTICLES with nothing to back it up.

Where did they hide the bodies from the world in INDIA. Surely if another 5 million people died there we would know it.
Just now you cherry picked data and tried to minimize the studies that showed that the drugs worked
Is that an actual criticism? Because why wouldn’t it equally apply to you? The studies you cite are flawed in very significant ways. Lack of blinding. Bad enrollment methods. Poor randomization. The better studies with better techniques don’t show the same results. If this were SO effective, it would be extremely consistent in the data. If it were 90% effective, few of any trials would fail to show a treatment benefit. That’s not the case

Doctors see “great results” isn’t how we practice medicine anymore. That shit works in infomercials. Not with doctors doing actual medicine.

This isn’t about data. This is about rationalization. You won’t admit the vaccine works. You need an alternative. You’re emotionally driven to believe anything that allows you to believe that the vaccine isn’t good.
But wait. This isn’t about whether it’s effective.
LOL. Countries have used the drugs and it's effective according to them and studies. Why isn't used here? Because we have the best gov't money can buy and the FDA has Moderna Tattoed on it's ass.

It’s not about drugs. Neither group is getting drugs.
No shit sherlock. That is the point.

One group got vaccinated. They seem to be doing a lot better.
And yet they fit the definition of a Leaky vaccine. Which means they are the real threat and SUPER SPREADERS.

Let me take this jab so I can SPREAD THE DISEASE. The virus mutates around it and doesn't care about the jab. That is WHY WE SHOULD USE THE ACTUAL WHOL ANTIGEN LIKE INDIA DID.

In that way your body LEARNS THE WHOLE VIRUS not just the spike that is causing the damage in Adverse Effects.
This isn’t about data. This is about rationalization. You won’t admit the vaccine works. You need an alternative. You’re emotionally driven to believe anything that allows you to believe that the vaccine isn’t good.
BS. The only data I need to see is deaths per country and how they did it. We suck at it. WORST STATS ON EARTH.

I'm not taking that LEAKY VACCINE.......I don't care how you LOVE IT. mRNA is NEW TECHNOLOGY......and you HAVE NO CLUE THE LONG TERM EFFECTS OF IT.

Why are you staying away from the Leaky vaccine

Nitazoxanide inhibits host enzymes, which impairs the posttranslational processing of viral proteins. It also has inhibitory effects on proinflammatory cytokines. With the exception of a Phase 2b/3 trial for uncomplicated influenza, the evidence for clinical activity of nitazoxanide against other viruses is limited or of low quality.4

Rope a Dope......The study contradicts itself right there. It inhibits cytokines which kills your ass with Covid. but the study is LOW QUALITY.

Riddle me this.............if the drug kills the thing that kills you is that such a bad thing?

My reading on that drug is it has BAD ADVERSE EFFECTS...........soooo might not be the greatest. But if your about to die of Covid in a Cytokine Storm might be worth a shot IF NOT APPROVED.

But fuck it..............NOT ALLOWED TO TRY IT.....The FDA says so.
I knew you would do that. Many show no effect and many show effect. You CHERRY PICK DATA I GAVE YOU. I understood that you would do this

Here, we summarize the clinical and pathologic features of the cytokine storm in COVID-19. Our review shows that SARS-Cov-2 selectively induces a high level of IL-6 and results in the exhaustion of lymphocytes. The current evidence indicates that tocilizumab, an IL-6 inhibitor, is relatively effective and safe. Besides, corticosteroids, programmed cell death protein (PD)-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibition, cytokine-adsorption devices, intravenous immunoglobulin, and antimalarial agents could be potentially useful and reliable approaches to counteract cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients.
It’s a nice article. Talking about blocking inflammatory pathways is exactly where we started. IL6 inhibitors have been used since the days of the first wave in New York. Efficacy isn’t great but it’s something. Biggest trial I’ve seen gives an odds ratio of survival of like 0.9. We don’t use them, we are using JAK inhibitors instead, which are generally about as effective with I think fewer adverse effects. I don’t think anyone mixes them. Probably too toxic.

Talking about mechanisms is only the first step. Next step is seeing if it actually works in real people. Lots of things seem like slam dunks on paper but fail when actually attempted in real life. This is true for things like mRNA vaccines. It could have failed just as easily. I’m glad it didn’t. Even it’s success is only a partial one. Thing is, that success is absolutely far greater than anything else. It just blows them out of the water. If we had any drug which prevented severe COVID to the same degree as vaccination, it would be SO obvious.

You’re out of your league Donny.

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