No one is buying it anymore

Who was at the top when all those things started?

It's like changing the Captain after the ship hit the Iceberg, and then blaming the new Captain for the sinking ship.
Trump handed Biden a recovering economy, low energy prices, a secure border, low inflation, and Biden screwed it all up.
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Maybe whoever is running the country needs to send Xiden to the showers?

I vote the entire DNC needs those lovely gas showers Hitler invented.........
Give the DNC a fitting end to their Nazi-esque tyranny of traitorism and murder.

Trump handed Biden a recovering economy, low energy prices, a secure border, low inflation, and Biden screwed it all up.
Trump handed Biden nothing during the Transition. The world wide production cuts Trump negotiated in his final year meant rising oil prices and huge profits for his pals in Saudi Arabia and oil producers everywhere. Consumers? Not so much. But Donnie never did.

America can't survive much more of dementia-ravaged incompetence, liberal lies, and failed Democrat policies...
Biden was the ultimate "bait and switch" on the American people. He was going to be the great uniter, good ol Centrist Joe. Instead we got a brain damaged stooge from the Lunatic Left.
The response to the pandemic caused the oil glut, the labor shortage, and the supply chain issues. Causing the cut in oil production, a rise in labor costs and shortages of workers and supplies. But of course its #SAULBIDEN 2022#.
Biden was handed a stable border, a stable Afghanistan, a stable Ukraine and a stable economy. He and his Democrat puppet masters turned it all upside down within a year.
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Seriously. Things turned to shit literally to the DAY Biddum assumed office! He is like an albatross of gloom and misery upon the nation.
That's amazing. Just like how the economy magically turned to great as soon and the Baby Trump was crowned. Unemployment dropped from like 30% or 42% down to 4.7% almost overnight thanks to the Big Baby.

Everyone believe him too.
Who was at the top when all those things started?

It's like changing the Captain after the ship hit the Iceberg, and then blaming the new Captain for the sinking ship.
Progs destroyed everything and cheated to get empowered again. The Banana Republic lives.
Trump handed Biden nothing during the Transition. The world wide production cuts Trump negotiated in his final year meant rising oil prices and huge profits for his pals in Saudi Arabia and oil producers everywhere. Consumers? Not so much. But Donnie never did.
Lol, first thing Biden did was cut the Keystone pipeline and then gave putin his pipeline. Which gave him the money to go to war with Ukraine. now he blames putin for his screw ups.
Biden was handed a stable border, a stable Afghanistan, a stable Ukraine and a stable economy. He and his Democrat puppet masters turned it all upside down within a year.
The Neo-GOP groomer have groomed you well. The border was a hot mess. Trump of course lied about stopping illegals and drugs. Benedict Donald had already abandoned the Afghan Government and Army by evacuating most all of our troops without enforcing most of the conditions on the Taliban of the so called conditioned based 'Skedaddle Accords'. The economy was sputtering to life but hardly stable.
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Lol, first thing Biden did was cut the Keystone pipeline and then gave putin his pipeline. Which gave him the money to go to war with Ukraine. now he blames putin for his screw ups.
Not a single drop on energy flowed from either pipeline. The oil bubble was already in play before Biden was the nominee. Putin derived not a single Ruble from Nord Stream 2 gas.
Not a single drop on energy flowed from either pipeline. The oil bubble was already in play before Biden was the nominee. Putin derived not a single Ruble from Nord Stream 2 gas.
He is now, Biden has screwed the pooch. He has always been a screw up.
Trump handed Biden nothing during the Transition. The world wide production cuts Trump negotiated in his final year meant rising oil prices and huge profits for his pals in Saudi Arabia and oil producers everywhere. Consumers? Not so much. But Donnie never did.
That lie has already been debunked by the actual production numbers, liar.

America can't survive much more of dementia-ravaged incompetence, liberal lies, and failed Democrat policies...
He's Trying his Best.. :)

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