No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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I think the you whites need to understand that you guys have not worked near as hard as we have.
"We" have? So you are possessed with the souls of millions of beings. Is your name Legion?
I told you along time ago on anther thread that I am talking about this fro the macro level. So either that's how you will discuss it or you will not participate. There are 40 million blacks here. About 10 million live in poverty. What I have done or do not do ends that. It doesn't reduce that number. So then there is no point of asking me how I supposedly conquered something when this society has not conquered it.
Wow, you're an authoritarian little prick, aren't you? Maybe the problem with blacks is that too many think like you do. Those that don't listen to your shrill irrelevant voice can and do succeed in life. You sell hate. I'd encourage any black folks, well anyone period, to chose a positive path and optimistic outlook. We choose our own destiny.

It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.
I told you along time ago on anther thread that I am talking about this fro the macro level. So either that's how you will discuss it or you will not participate. There are 40 million blacks here. About 10 million live in poverty. What I have done or do not do ends that. It doesn't reduce that number. So then there is no point of asking me how I supposedly conquered something when this society has not conquered it.
Wow, you're an authoritarian little prick, aren't you? Maybe the problem with blacks is that too many think like you do. Those that don't listen to your shrill irrelevant voice can and do succeed in life. You sell hate. I'd encourage any black folks, well anyone period, to chose a positive path and optimistic outlook. We choose our own destiny.

It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.

I am not sniveling about race. I am putting in your face the lies you tell yourselves about how people are getting extra things at the expense others by showing you and those like you just how long it has been that whites have been given every right and government handout this nation has had to give at the expse of others. .

So why don't you or one of the other racists here givem e the webstor address the fre black stuff agency so I can get all hat extra stuff I was supposed to be getting because I lived off my skin color.

You have psychosis. That's a real serious mental disorder. Get help.
I told you along time ago on anther thread that I am talking about this fro the macro level. So either that's how you will discuss it or you will not participate. There are 40 million blacks here. About 10 million live in poverty. What I have done or do not do ends that. It doesn't reduce that number. So then there is no point of asking me how I supposedly conquered something when this society has not conquered it.
Wow, you're an authoritarian little prick, aren't you? Maybe the problem with blacks is that too many think like you do. Those that don't listen to your shrill irrelevant voice can and do succeed in life. You sell hate. I'd encourage any black folks, well anyone period, to chose a positive path and optimistic outlook. We choose our own destiny.

It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.

I am not sniveling about race. I am putting in your face the lies you tell yourselves about how people are getting extra things at the expense others by showing you and those like you just how long it has been that whites have been given every right and government handout this nation has had to give at the expse of others. .

So why don't you or one of the other racists here givem e the webstor address the fre black stuff agency so I can get all hat extra stuff I was supposed to be getting because I lived off my skin color.

You have psychosis. That's a real serious mental disorder. Get help.
English. Please! Yes, you are sniveling about race. Not me. I grew up poor and lived dirt poor until maybe 33yo after my business started picking up. Nobody gave me anything. You're a liar. You can only see black/white, you have a toggle switch for a brain. There are millions of dirt poor whites and have no clue what the goodies are that you speak of.

We all know slavery and racism happened. You've brought nothing new to the table, you just want to pick your scab and get sympathy. You get none from me, I chose to not be a victim.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
I told you along time ago on anther thread that I am talking about this fro the macro level. So either that's how you will discuss it or you will not participate. There are 40 million blacks here. About 10 million live in poverty. What I have done or do not do ends that. It doesn't reduce that number. So then there is no point of asking me how I supposedly conquered something when this society has not conquered it.
Wow, you're an authoritarian little prick, aren't you? Maybe the problem with blacks is that too many think like you do. Those that don't listen to your shrill irrelevant voice can and do succeed in life. You sell hate. I'd encourage any black folks, well anyone period, to chose a positive path and optimistic outlook. We choose our own destiny.

It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.

I am not sniveling about race. I am putting in your face the lies you tell yourselves about how people are getting extra things at the expense others by showing you and those like you just how long it has been that whites have been given every right and government handout this nation has had to give at the expse of others. .

So why don't you or one of the other racists here givem e the webstor address the fre black stuff agency so I can get all hat extra stuff I was supposed to be getting because I lived off my skin color.

You have psychosis. That's a real serious mental disorder. Get help.
English. Please! Yes, you are sniveling about race. Not me. I grew up poor and lived dirt poor until maybe 33yo after my business started picking up. Nobody gave me anything. You're a liar. You can only see black/white, you have a toggle switch for a brain. There are millions of dirt poor whites and have no clue what the goodies are that you speak of.

We all know slavery and racism happened. You've brought nothing new to the table, you just want to pick your scab and get sympathy. You get none from me, I chose to not be a victim.

The problem you have with everything you say is that there is documented evidence supporting me. You don't. You cannot show me one law or policy hat was made to deny whites of opportunity. So while there are poor whites, they are not poor because of the same things that made blacks poor. Also as we look at poverty, 1 in 9 whites are poor, 1 in 4 backs. So all your false equivalences simply have no merit based upon the facts..

You enter this discussion with an opinion. Opinions do you no good when you are dealing with someone who has researched to see if that opinion is valid and finds out that the facts show they aren't. That's what I have done. You have entered a gunfight trying to throw rocks.
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Tariq Nasheed-Is There Such A Thing As Black Racism?

Wow, you're an authoritarian little prick, aren't you? Maybe the problem with blacks is that too many think like you do. Those that don't listen to your shrill irrelevant voice can and do succeed in life. You sell hate. I'd encourage any black folks, well anyone period, to chose a positive path and optimistic outlook. We choose our own destiny.

It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.

I am not sniveling about race. I am putting in your face the lies you tell yourselves about how people are getting extra things at the expense others by showing you and those like you just how long it has been that whites have been given every right and government handout this nation has had to give at the expse of others. .

So why don't you or one of the other racists here givem e the webstor address the fre black stuff agency so I can get all hat extra stuff I was supposed to be getting because I lived off my skin color.

You have psychosis. That's a real serious mental disorder. Get help.
English. Please! Yes, you are sniveling about race. Not me. I grew up poor and lived dirt poor until maybe 33yo after my business started picking up. Nobody gave me anything. You're a liar. You can only see black/white, you have a toggle switch for a brain. There are millions of dirt poor whites and have no clue what the goodies are that you speak of.

We all know slavery and racism happened. You've brought nothing new to the table, you just want to pick your scab and get sympathy. You get none from me, I chose to not be a victim.

The problem you have with everything you say s that e is documented evidence supporting me. You don't. You cannot show me one law or policy hat was made to deny whites of opportunity. So while there are poor whites, they are not poor because of the same things that made blacks poor. Also as we look at poverty, 1 in 9 whites are poor, 1 in 4 backs. So all your false equivalences simply have no merit based upon the facts..
WTF? Racism happened. You don't need to "document" it. The facts are that you are living in the nation with the most opportunity on Earth. You CHOOSE to think like a loser and dwell on the sins of man, other folks, black, white and other have taken advantage. That's the point here, not whatever cesspool you swim around in.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

That's largely because of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama

Have hope, pilgrim, things are looking better on that front.

See how things are this time next year.

Everybody's poorer and working for less these days.

You know why my black friend's unemployed? Because I am, too.
Wouldn't it be true to say that Blacks benefited from slavery? It got them the Hell out of Africa.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


The lies and excuses are in your post, bub.

You are a racist race baiter. It's old. It's tired. And it is no longer effective.
You know, I had a long discussion with another poster here months ago, insisting that Maine was NOT built by slaves, thanks to slaves for its existence, etc. etc. And technically I was right, but further thought has made me realize that everyone in the country benefited from slave labor whether it was a slave state or not.
Every housewife who bought a cone of sugar. Every lumberjack who got a jug of rum. Every merchant who traded tobacco. A good portion of the construction force that built the WH was slave labor, even. It was so embedded and interwoven into our economic and production systems that no one could exist here without "benefiting" from it, even if they were actively smuggling slaves to northern states and Canada at the same time.

Not sure exactly how this tracks to the 100 years after the war, except blacks were still a dirt cheap labor force--but just about EVERYONE was in that boat during the awfullest of the Industrial age. Chinese, whites, immigrants from Europe--everyone suffered that.

I'm probably way off track. Just not sure where the OP wants to take this past the obvious fact that blacks did not have "equal" rights for the 100 years after the Civil War.
It's not authoritarian to ask to discus the topic at the macro level, because the laws that created the problems were macro level laws and policies.

YOU create hate. But you think your racism is right. Black folks lisen to me and become successful. Why? Because they know I am not going to soft soap them or lie about how racism doesn't matter. .You are crazy if you really think that a whole lot of blacks are going tp listen to you talk about how to be successful telling them to ignore the racism we face that you don't and that you imagine doesn't exist while you practice it.

As for your last post, no that's not how it has been for everyone. And if you want to copy all the wrongs done by every other civiiizaton to make excuses then understand that those civilizations were destroyed. So then do you want to suffer the same fate or do you want to do better?
You are as ass backwards as a human can be. You're the one sniveling about race here, not me. You have all the hallmarks that made a living off of your skin color and are trying to find a way to deal with your guilt.

I don't care if blacks listen to me or a loser like you, I have no invested interest in their success or failure.

I am not sniveling about race. I am putting in your face the lies you tell yourselves about how people are getting extra things at the expense others by showing you and those like you just how long it has been that whites have been given every right and government handout this nation has had to give at the expse of others. .

So why don't you or one of the other racists here givem e the webstor address the fre black stuff agency so I can get all hat extra stuff I was supposed to be getting because I lived off my skin color.

You have psychosis. That's a real serious mental disorder. Get help.
English. Please! Yes, you are sniveling about race. Not me. I grew up poor and lived dirt poor until maybe 33yo after my business started picking up. Nobody gave me anything. You're a liar. You can only see black/white, you have a toggle switch for a brain. There are millions of dirt poor whites and have no clue what the goodies are that you speak of.

We all know slavery and racism happened. You've brought nothing new to the table, you just want to pick your scab and get sympathy. You get none from me, I chose to not be a victim.

The problem you have with everything you say s that e is documented evidence supporting me. You don't. You cannot show me one law or policy hat was made to deny whites of opportunity. So while there are poor whites, they are not poor because of the same things that made blacks poor. Also as we look at poverty, 1 in 9 whites are poor, 1 in 4 backs. So all your false equivalences simply have no merit based upon the facts..
WTF? Racism happened. You don't need to "document" it. The facts are that you are living in the nation with the most opportunity on Earth. You CHOOSE to think like a loser and dwell on the sins of man, other folks, black, white and other have taken advantage. That's the point here, not whatever cesspool you swim around in.

I don' t choose jack sit. That's the lie whites like you tell yourself. .I can oppose white racism and how I has not ended and CHOOSE to do whatever I want. Only dumb fuck white brainwashed right wing ninnies susch as yrouself thinks it's an either or situation. .I can build a business from the ground up and fight racism . I can get a masers degree and fight raicdm by whites. I do not have to be stuck waiting for shit because .some mentally retarded white person has been race bated into believing that.

The point here is that whites have continually benefitted at the expense of others.
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