No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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The problem you have with everything you say s that e is documented evidence supporting me. You don't. You cannot show me one law or policy hat was made to deny whites of opportunity. So while there are poor whites, they are not poor because of the same things that made blacks poor. Also as we look at poverty, 1 in 9 whites are poor, 1 in 4 backs. So all your false equivalences simply have no merit based upon the facts..
WTF? Racism happened. You don't need to "document" it. The facts are that you are living in the nation with the most opportunity on Earth. You CHOOSE to think like a loser and dwell on the sins of man, other folks, black, white and other have taken advantage. That's the point here, not whatever cesspool you swim around in.

I don' t choose jack sit. That's the lie whites like you tell yourself. .I can oppose white racism and how I has not ended and CHOOSE to do whatever I want. Only dumb fuck white brainwashed right wing ninnies such as yourself thinks it's an either or situation. .I can build a business from the ground up and fight racism . I can get a masers degree and fight racism by whites. I do not have to be stuck waiting for shit because .some mentally retarded white person has been race bated into believing that.

The point here is that whites have continually benefitted at the expense of others.
You spell like a grade schooler at best. No wonder success is such an uphill climb. However, blacks today have access to schooling, many choose to put their nose to the grindstone and forge ahead, like any other race. Others are left behind trying to fight racism with racism. Doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
The dunce is the guy criticizing white people for benefiting from slavery 100 years after the fact. Which was 1965. I wasn't working then, as a military brat.

You have officially earned your dumb ass card. I am talking about the laws and policies that occurred denying rights and opportunities to blacks after slavery until 1965.
That was 52 years ago, Sport. Only retirees were working then. Go find an assisted living facility and kick some old white ass if it makes you feel any better. I imagine a black orderly will prone you out in a heartbeat though.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History
You went further down the rabbit hole. I said history is history. Now is now. Your peabrain cannot understand.
The dunce is the guy criticizing white people for benefiting from slavery 100 years after the fact. Which was 1965. I wasn't working then, as a military brat.

You have officially earned your dumb ass card. I am talking about the laws and policies that occurred denying rights and opportunities to blacks after slavery until 1965.
That was 52 years ago, Sport. Only retirees were working then. Go find an assisted living facility and kick some old white ass if it makes you feel any better. I imagine a black orderly will prone you out in a heartbeat though.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History

^^^ Stupid theory of Alternate History used for Racist Race Baiting by Racist Race Baiter ^^^

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
WTF? Racism happened. You don't need to "document" it. The facts are that you are living in the nation with the most opportunity on Earth. You CHOOSE to think like a loser and dwell on the sins of man, other folks, black, white and other have taken advantage. That's the point here, not whatever cesspool you swim around in.

I don' t choose jack sit. That's the lie whites like you tell yourself. .I can oppose white racism and how I has not ended and CHOOSE to do whatever I want. Only dumb fuck white brainwashed right wing ninnies such as yourself thinks it's an either or situation. .I can build a business from the ground up and fight racism . I can get a masers degree and fight racism by whites. I do not have to be stuck waiting for shit because .some mentally retarded white person has been race bated into believing that.

The point here is that whites have continually benefitted at the expense of others.
You spell like a grade schooler at best. No wonder success is such an uphill climb. However, blacks today have access to schooling, many choose to put their nose to the grindstone and forge ahead, like any other race. Others are left behind trying to fight racism with racism. Doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
LOL, you can't understand the conversation. We discussed it. You're a court jester. And a victim, we get it. You can't explain successful blacks because they don't fit into your template.
The dunce is the guy criticizing white people for benefiting from slavery 100 years after the fact. Which was 1965. I wasn't working then, as a military brat.

You have officially earned your dumb ass card. I am talking about the laws and policies that occurred denying rights and opportunities to blacks after slavery until 1965.
That was 52 years ago, Sport. Only retirees were working then. Go find an assisted living facility and kick some old white ass if it makes you feel any better. I imagine a black orderly will prone you out in a heartbeat though.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History
You went further down the rabbit hole. I said history is history. Now is now. Your peabrain cannot understand.

Yes now is now. That's the point of the post about Teflon history. Things did not just magically stop in 1965.
I don' t choose jack sit. That's the lie whites like you tell yourself. .I can oppose white racism and how I has not ended and CHOOSE to do whatever I want. Only dumb fuck white brainwashed right wing ninnies such as yourself thinks it's an either or situation. .I can build a business from the ground up and fight racism . I can get a masers degree and fight racism by whites. I do not have to be stuck waiting for shit because .some mentally retarded white person has been race bated into believing that.

The point here is that whites have continually benefitted at the expense of others.
You spell like a grade schooler at best. No wonder success is such an uphill climb. However, blacks today have access to schooling, many choose to put their nose to the grindstone and forge ahead, like any other race. Others are left behind trying to fight racism with racism. Doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
LOL, you can't understand the conversation. We discussed it. You're a court jester. And a victim, we get it. You can't explain successful blacks because they don't fit into your template.

I can explain myself because I have been successful by whiteys shiny object standard.
As my daughter's social studies teacher said when I asked her about the "Immigration Day" farce that they pulled kids out of regular classes on ELECTION DAY....

"We have to assign bias because otherwise there is none and then the model won't work."
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.

Whitey gets blamed for what whitey has done. Only loser whites think this is racism.

^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.
You spell like a grade schooler at best. No wonder success is such an uphill climb. However, blacks today have access to schooling, many choose to put their nose to the grindstone and forge ahead, like any other race. Others are left behind trying to fight racism with racism. Doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
LOL, you can't understand the conversation. We discussed it. You're a court jester. And a victim, we get it. You can't explain successful blacks because they don't fit into your template.

I can explain myself because I have been successful by whiteys shiny object standard.
It beats your standards. You live in the past, hand wringing incessantly. And expecting what? Nobody knows!
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
You support his racist crap Because he is black.

Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish, so what else is new, eh?

Only losers use their skin color as an excuse for their failings.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
You support his racist crap Because he is black.

Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish, so what else is new, eh?

Only losers use their skin color as an excuse for their failings.
Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish,
You got a link to that? If that's how you twist support for Affirmative Action, you're not wrong. But the above slander is the type of garbage I'd expect from you.
The dunce is the guy criticizing white people for benefiting from slavery 100 years after the fact. Which was 1965. I wasn't working then, as a military brat.

You have officially earned your dumb ass card. I am talking about the laws and policies that occurred denying rights and opportunities to blacks after slavery until 1965.
That was 52 years ago, Sport. Only retirees were working then. Go find an assisted living facility and kick some old white ass if it makes you feel any better. I imagine a black orderly will prone you out in a heartbeat though.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History

^^^ Stupid theory of Alternate History used for Racist Race Baiting by Racist Race Baiter ^^^

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

I don't have to prove anything as I never claimed All Racism Has Ended.


Please work on your reading comprehension. And learn some history.
You spell like a grade schooler at best. No wonder success is such an uphill climb. However, blacks today have access to schooling, many choose to put their nose to the grindstone and forge ahead, like any other race. Others are left behind trying to fight racism with racism. Doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
LOL, you can't understand the conversation. We discussed it. You're a court jester. And a victim, we get it. You can't explain successful blacks because they don't fit into your template.

I can explain myself because I have been successful by whiteys shiny object standard.

If you hate white people so much, why have you adopted "whiteys" standards?

And please, learn how to punctuate properly. You clearly haven't learned that Whitey Standard.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
You support his racist crap Because he is black.

Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish, so what else is new, eh?

Only losers use their skin color as an excuse for their failings.
Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish,
You got a link to that? If that's how you twist support for Affirmative Action, you're not wrong. But the above slander is the type of garbage I'd expect from you.
No slander on my part. You rationalized the racism by saying people should be evaluated according to a racist curve where Jews and Asians had to be held to a more rigorous standard.

Heck, you even bragged about being accepted to a school over better qualified Asians and Jews.
Yes now is now. That's the point of the post about Teflon history. Things did not just magically stop in 1965.
You did.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

That's all you have got to do. You keep talking all this crap about the way people think and all that like it's done. All this bullshit you are talking does not show when racism officially ended. Nor does iI show anything else. But I can show you peer reviewed data and in fact just plain old fact that says white racism still exists today and that there are policies today, right now implemented that have benefitted whites at the expense of blacks. But we aren't going to lay your game. Do not ask me to show you anything until you can show me when racism ended since I stopped in 1965.
As my daughter's social studies teacher said when I asked her about the "Immigration Day" farce that they pulled kids out of regular classes on ELECTION DAY....

"We have to assign bias because otherwise there is none and then the model won't work."

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
"I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent"

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Hey, I know!!! It must be my skin color!!"
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.

Whitey gets blamed for what whitey has done. Only loser whites think this is racism.

^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

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