No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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Who needs an excuse for something they had nothing to do with? You benefited more than any white person but you don't have the spine to own it. You're parasite instead, sucking off the teat you criticize.

But you do have something to do with the years after slavery. Your grandparents benefitted from segregation.
That's a lie. My grandparents came from Germany as did one of my parents. You're just a stupid little racist monkey worthy of nothing less than laughter. The life you ruined was your own doing, not whitey's.

But the problem with what you say is that my life is just fine. When did your grandparents get here?

Now you are just going to face the fact. The root cause of the problems blacks face stem from white racism. just said your life is just fine. So...?

My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..
If you are black and not a failure, why can't all other blacks, or any other race, be successful too?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.
But you do have something to do with the years after slavery. Your grandparents benefitted from segregation.
That's a lie. My grandparents came from Germany as did one of my parents. You're just a stupid little racist monkey worthy of nothing less than laughter. The life you ruined was your own doing, not whitey's.

But the problem with what you say is that my life is just fine. When did your grandparents get here?

Now you are just going to face the fact. The root cause of the problems blacks face stem from white racism. just said your life is just fine. So...?

My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..
If you are black and not a failure, why can't all other blacks, or any other race, be successful too?

Well you see in the state of psychosis whites like you live in, the ability to understand just how much you have been helped escapes you. Fortunately there are also whites who are not so null and void.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


The point I think you are failing to grasp is that negroes aren't even the same species as Whites. So why should we give them equal anything. And if there is any way in which Whites have "benefited" from them, it is FAR outweighed by what they have cost us. As far as I'm concerned, negroes are butt ugly human-monkey hybreds. Does that clear things up for you a little?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.

According to the DOJ it is whites who are not taking responsibility. You are too busy blaming us who have half the crime rate you have.

Half the crime rate in total, or per capita? That's an important distinction.

No it is not an important distinction
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


The point I think you are failing to grasp is that negroes aren't even the same species as Whites. So why should we give them equal anything. And if there is any way in which Whites have "benefited" from them, it is FAR outweighed by what they have cost us. As far as I'm concerned, negroes are butt ugly human-monkey hybreds. Does that clear things up for you a little?

Only on the internet
Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.

According to the DOJ it is whites who are not taking responsibility. You are too busy blaming us who have half the crime rate you have.

Half the crime rate in total, or per capita? That's an important distinction.

No it is not an important distinction

That you say that indicates you don't actually care about what the statistics you point to mean. There is a big difference between overall crime numbers and per capita crime rates, just as there is a difference in population numbers. If you ignore those facts, you are not actually trying to see what the statistics might indicate, but are instead trying to force the statistics to fit into your narrative.

Besides, I don't think race is the statistic to look at when it comes to crime rates. Economic status seems like a better indicator to me.

Still, whites don't have twice the crime rate of blacks. Based on the statistics I've seen, such as the FBI's crime statistics, whites commit twice as many crimes, but blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate. I don't think race is the reason for those numbers, but that is what the numbers show. A rate is a quantity's measure based on another quantity's measure; in this case, crime rate would be total crimes committed in relation to total population.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


The point I think you are failing to grasp is that negroes aren't even the same species as Whites. So why should we give them equal anything. And if there is any way in which Whites have "benefited" from them, it is FAR outweighed by what they have cost us. As far as I'm concerned, negroes are butt ugly human-monkey hybreds. Does that clear things up for you a little?

Only on the internet

Maybe. Thanks to severe "hate crime" laws against saying such and defending them in public.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.

I know who you are, Tracy Andrus, or should I call you TANDRUS?

Tracy Andrus - Wikipedia
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.
Look... I am really sorry for what happened to your ancestors, but I had nothing to do with it. In fact, several of my ancestors fought in Lincoln 's War to end slavery. Can I get a thank you?
The point I think you are failing to grasp is that negroes aren't even the same species as Whites. So why should we give them equal anything. And if there is any way in which Whites have "benefited" from them, it is FAR outweighed by what they have cost us. As far as I'm concerned, negroes are butt ugly human-monkey hybreds. Does that clear things up for you a little?
Looks like IM2 has some new competition for the site's top racist award.
That's a lie. My grandparents came from Germany as did one of my parents. You're just a stupid little racist monkey worthy of nothing less than laughter. The life you ruined was your own doing, not whitey's.

But the problem with what you say is that my life is just fine. When did your grandparents get here?

Now you are just going to face the fact. The root cause of the problems blacks face stem from white racism. just said your life is just fine. So...?

My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..
If you are black and not a failure, why can't all other blacks, or any other race, be successful too?

Well you see in the state of psychosis whites like you live in, the ability to understand just how much you have been helped escapes you. Fortunately there are also whites who are not so null and void.
It is so funny that you think only YOU are right, how dare anyone disagree LOL. I am not in a state of psychosis. The only help I received was my own ability to know I can be whatever I chose to be if I work hard for it. I do not take handouts, I work hard, always have. If ANYONE today choses to succeed, they can, if they work hard. Using the past as a crutch to excuse people from succeeding is so pitiful.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.

According to the DOJ it is whites who are not taking responsibility. You are too busy blaming us who have half the crime rate you have.

Dude, you're in full scale denial. You live in whack-a-doodle land.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.
Look... I am really sorry for what happened to your ancestors, but I had nothing to do with it. In fact, several of my ancestors fought in Lincoln 's War to end slavery. Can I get a thank you?

Since we aren't talking about slavery and your ancestors did not fight end slavery, I can ask don't you have better things t do in your life than troll; treads about race?

Are you that much of a loser?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.
Look... I am really sorry for what happened to your ancestors, but I had nothing to do with it. In fact, several of my ancestors fought in Lincoln 's War to end slavery. Can I get a thank you?

Since we aren't talking about slavery and your ancestors did not fight end slavery, I can ask don't you have better things t do in your life than troll; treads about race?

Are you that much of a loser?
Wrong. Some of my ancestors were ardent abolitionists, as were many in the North.

If you are going to condemn whites today for the actions of whites hundreds of years ago, then you should be willing to commend whites today who's ancestors fought to end slavery.

See? Logic on full display.

I want a thank you NOW!!!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.

Look son, there is lot I can say to this ignorance you are posting. So I am going to tell you this. You have an opinion, but your opinion Is no good here. I am a man with masters degree in sociology. I have studied the issues pertaining to the black community for over 30 years. I helped form an organization that won awards for the programs we implemented in the black community that helped reduce problems. I know what the root cause of the problem is and the solutions that are necessary for things to be levelled off. I am not the only one. I am sure Essen knows just as well. You don't. You are here in a gun fight with your hands tied behind your back facing a man with a loaded gun. Shut up before I make an example out of you.
Look... I am really sorry for what happened to your ancestors, but I had nothing to do with it. In fact, several of my ancestors fought in Lincoln 's War to end slavery. Can I get a thank you?

Since we aren't talking about slavery and your ancestors did not fight end slavery, I can ask don't you have better things t do in your life than troll; treads about race?

Are you that much of a loser?
Wrong. Some of my ancestors were ardent abolitionists, as were many in the North.

If you are going to condemn whites today for the actions of whites hundreds of years ago, then you should be willing to commend whites today who's ancestors fought to end slavery.

See? Logic on full display.

I want a thank you NOW!!!
You two kiss and make up..
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