No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.

Whitey gets blamed for what whitey has done. Only loser whites think this is racism.

^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.
People who live by stereotypes are not generally accurate in their beliefs.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
You support his racist crap Because he is black.

Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish, so what else is new, eh?

Only losers use their skin color as an excuse for their failings.
Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish,
You got a link to that? If that's how you twist support for Affirmative Action, you're not wrong. But the above slander is the type of garbage I'd expect from you.
No slander on my part. You rationalized the racism by saying people should be evaluated according to a racist curve where Jews and Asians had to be held to a more rigorous standard.

Heck, you even bragged about being accepted to a school over better qualified Asians and Jews.
LOL. You are one big lying piece of shit, but this is not a thread on Affirmative Action, so I'll leave it here.

There is nothing wrong with my spelling, but I understand, You have no argument. No one is fighting racism with racism. But you have the dumb ass card, so this is expected.
Your spelling sucks, run it through a spell checker sometimes. You spend a lot of time on people who "have no argument".

My spelling is fine. I am responding to your posts to me.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

Spell check on that.
LOL, you can't understand the conversation. We discussed it. You're a court jester. And a victim, we get it. You can't explain successful blacks because they don't fit into your template.

I can explain myself because I have been successful by whiteys shiny object standard.

If you hate white people so much, why have you adopted "whiteys" standards?

And please, learn how to punctuate properly. You clearly haven't learned that Whitey Standard.

Who says I hate white people? Who says I have adopted whiteys standards?

Because I mentioned whitey's shiny object standards? Well I have a college degree. This indicates I am educated. I own my home. That means I own a little property. I have been successful in what I have done and retired relatively young meaning I am able to successfully do a job. These are are whitey's shiny objects used to judge success. The real standard of success goes far beyond these simple things.

My punctuation is just fine. Why don't you learn how to think properly before you talk about someone's punctuation.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.

Whitey gets blamed for what whitey has done. Only loser whites think this is racism.

^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.

Then post up a racist comment I have made.

Just sayin.
Whitey gets blamed for what whitey has done. Only loser whites think this is racism.

^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.

Then post up a racist comment I have made.

Just sayin.

Go to your first post. You are a Racist Race Baiter as well as a Hypocrite.

As you have adopted "Whiteys (sic)" standards, you have, according to your own POV, benefited from the slavery you claim benefits "Whitey".

Sad little man.
I was not describing all blacks, you silly old woman.

I only described the losers among them who play their little racist game of blame Whitey.
I never paid attention in school". "I have a shitty attitude". "I am irresponsible, vulgar, disrespectful, bigoted, lazy and belligerent""

"Why am I such a failure?"

If you have any posts by Im2 stating he bombed out of school, is irresponsible, lazy or a failure in his personal life, please share. I have not seen such. That's all in your avid imagination because he's black.
You support his racist crap Because he is black.

Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish, so what else is new, eh?

Only losers use their skin color as an excuse for their failings.
Heck, you are on record as supporting the punishment of people for being Asian or Jewish,
You got a link to that? If that's how you twist support for Affirmative Action, you're not wrong. But the above slander is the type of garbage I'd expect from you.
No slander on my part. You rationalized the racism by saying people should be evaluated according to a racist curve where Jews and Asians had to be held to a more rigorous standard.

Heck, you even bragged about being accepted to a school over better qualified Asians and Jews.
LOL. You are one big lying piece of shit, but this is not a thread on Affirmative Action, so I'll leave it here.

View attachment 134575

Oh no old lady, feel free to discuss affirmative action. The real policy and why it does not discriminate against Asians or Jews and how white racists are using Asians in their disingenuous argument..
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.
^^^ Racist Race Baiter Continues Pathetic and Impotent Racist Race Baiting ^^^
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.

Then post up a racist comment I have made.

Just sayin.

Go to your first post. You are a Racist Race Baiter as well as a Hypocrite.

As you have adopted "Whiteys (sic)" standards, you have, according to your own POV, benefited from the slavery you claim benefits "Whitey".

Sad little man.

The post my first post ad explain how that is racist.. The rest of your post is funny.:badgrin:

A prime example of a white man suffering from psychosis.
He has grown up in a system of privilege, after all.

Because of his skin, he gets to express all the racial hatred he wants without being held accountable.

When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.

Then post up a racist comment I have made.

Just sayin.

Go to your first post. You are a Racist Race Baiter as well as a Hypocrite.

As you have adopted "Whiteys (sic)" standards, you have, according to your own POV, benefited from the slavery you claim benefits "Whitey".

Sad little man.

The post my first post ad explain how that is racist.. The rest of your post is funny.:badgrin:

A prime example of a white man suffering from psychosis.

^^^ Yet another Racist Race Baiting Post from a Hypocritical Race Baiting Race Baiter ^^^
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.
When you find something racist I have said here, post it.

You do not get to whine about someone being a racist because they say whites are still racists now or that whites benefitted from a racist system after slavery.

To find something racist you have said, all one has to do is to go to click on your username and select "messages".

Just sayin'.

Then post up a racist comment I have made.

Just sayin.

Go to your first post. You are a Racist Race Baiter as well as a Hypocrite.

As you have adopted "Whiteys (sic)" standards, you have, according to your own POV, benefited from the slavery you claim benefits "Whitey".

Sad little man.

Then post my first post and explain how that is racist.. The rest of your post is funny.:badgrin:

A prime example of a white man suffering from psychosis.

^^^ Yet another Racist Race Baiting Post from a Hypocritical Race Baiting Race Baiter ^^^

Nothing in this post is racist.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


/---- White DemocRATS fought a war to preserve slavery. Thank God Republicans won.

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So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


/---- White DemocRATS fought a war to preserve slavery. Thank God Republicans won.

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Sucks that Republicans won. States rights lost; and Southerners were bailed out on how to solve the black scourge that they created.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.

According to the DOJ it is whites who are not taking responsibility. You are too busy blaming us who have half the crime rate you have.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


/---- White DemocRATS fought a war to preserve slavery. Thank God Republicans won.

Sent from my iPhone using

Sucks that Republicans won. States rights lost; and Southerners were bailed out on how to solve the black scourge that they created.

White racism was never limited to the south. it's not now either.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


/---- White DemocRATS fought a war to preserve slavery. Thank God Republicans won.

Sent from my iPhone using

Well since we are not talking about slavery, what's your point?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

It's true. But what about the progress made in the 1970s. You can't deny the 70s were better for blacks than the 60s, right?

Ok now think about the 80s, 90s and 17 years into the next century. Are you ever gonna stop whining?

Most poor people are trapped in generational poverty. We need the people in the poor communities to strive to get out. To break the cycle. To stop talking eubonics. Stop having kids you can't afford and raise the kids you have.

My grandparents got out of Greece and worked shitty jobs so that we could have a better life. Why can't black people leave the hood? Get out!
You apparently have not read the statistical data pertaining to economic factors between blacks and whites. In relation to whites blacks are still unemployed at rates we were in the 60's. Poverty is still the same relative to whites as it was in the 60's. Income compared to whites is the same as it was in the 60's.

And it's not because we choose to be poor. DEMOS did a study and it shows that it is PUBLIC POICY that has created The problem Today 17 years into the next century whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks. SO then maybe you need to go look at the facts.

Your opinion on this matter is not enough. When you don't know information you need to shut the fuck up.

I know all the things you are saying are true. I've been arguing your arguments for years my brotha. At this point though, enough is enough. Don't expect help but that doesn't mean you can't get out of poverty.

I know you don't want to hear personal opinion but getting out of poverty is very much personal for every person in poverty. You can't tell them do A B & C and you will be out of poverty because everyone is different. So, I would need to hear your personal situation in order to tell you how to overcome the obstacles you seem to think are insurmountable. Trust me, they aren't. But I would be happy to hear any story about any person in America where you think it is impossible for them to get out. I have one that's a toughy. Lets say gramma was on welfare and her kids are all on welfare and so they aren't very good parents. What can we do to help the kids of these people who are in generational poverty? What can we do to help that little kid from now repeating the mistakes her mom and gramma made? There is NOTHING us white people can do for her if they don't change something they keep doing wrong. We can throw all the money and jobs their way. We can give each kid in her inner city school each $5000 more a year. Free tutors. Free 2 year college. Do you think this would break the cycle? What I'm trying to say is nothing whites do will help if black people in poverty don't start changing their behavior.

I love this example. I hear in England black people like to talk like Jaimacians. That's their version of Eubonics. So that tells me black people chose to talk and dress and act the way they do. I know it's because America is a racist nation but trust me, any black run nation you go to is going to be racist towards whites too. The secret is to fit in. Find your nitch. If you want the truth, America is unfair to any of us who aren't rich. I've been poor. It's much better to be middle class. That doesn't mean America is racist to poor blacks. It means it's unfair to all poor people.. I know things suck just a little, sometimes a lot more for blacks, but you people have to get over it and now. No one gives a fuck. Do you see all these Republicans winning elections? That's because white America is sick of your excuses. It's impossible to help the black community in the current state it is in. Black people need to change from within. Trust me, there are lots of jobs outside of the hood. It's not so scary outside the hood. You can make it if you come out of the hood. You will have to work hard and leave the ghetto behind you though. Don't bring that ghetto mentality with you. Many of you do and you don't last very long. You think everyone hates you because you are black but that's not true. It's because you are ghetto. AKA black trash. If you were white we would call you white trash.
The liberals who founded this country loved what's your point?


We aren't talking about slavery anymore. No one today owned slaves so we don't blame those from the past for slavery.
Ain't that right Bear? We don't hold he sons responsible for the sins of their fathers, right Bear?

We are talking about the 100 years after slavery now. Don't be scurred.

Scared of what? It's another one of your moronic posts, you can't go one day with out playing the victim or thinking about your skin color can you?


Not good enough Bear. You think about being white all the time, that's why you just posted what you did. Whites like you can't face the truth.

Are you scared to talk about it?

Don't really give a shit

You gave plenty of shits with all your racist posts about all this free shit we blacks are supposed to want. It's not that you don't care. It's all about you not being man enough to face the truth. .

I did?

.That and you have called me a racist for describing what whites have benefitted from. So now we are tlaking about the days after slavery that lasted for 100 years whereby whites were by law allowed all manner of rights and opportunities blacks did not get. That's what this thread is. about. Not what you care or don't care about. If you don't care then don' t comment. There are all kinds of threads here at USMB that you can participate in if you don' t care about what's being discussed here. So do that.
Women were also denied rights at one time, so? We all have those rights now. PERIOD.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.


Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc....I woiuldn't call these benefits at this point.

These three cities as well as many others are the result pf racist policies implemented after slavery. The white suburbs that were built around those cities benefitted. And they still do.

Really folks, you guys are arguing just to argue because you have with no knowledge. of how these things happened.

I live in the suburbs. There are still lazy, violent blacks that are a scourge. Take responsibility for your own actions.

According to the DOJ it is whites who are not taking responsibility. You are too busy blaming us who have half the crime rate you have.

Half the crime rate in total, or per capita? That's an important distinction.
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