No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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How a person acts is up to that person..When you burn and loot business in your community, no one wants to invest in that community...
How a person acts is up to that person..When you burn and loot business in your community, no one wants to invest in that community...

So I guess that is why white communities still get businesses in them after they riot over winning a college football game.

Try taking about the OP.
The liberals who founded this country loved what's your point?



Conservatives supported owning slaves.

At that time, the conservatives were the Democrats.

RWNJs are quick to lie about this but I never see even one of being against the racism of today's Republican Party. Why is that"

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The liberals who founded this country loved what's your point?


We aren't talking about slavery anymore. No one today owned slaves so we don't blame those from the past for slavery.
Ain't that right Bear? We don't hold he sons responsible for the sins of their fathers, right Bear?

We are talking about the 100 years after slavery now. Don't be scurred.
We aren't talking about slavery anymore.

Your OP begs to differ :wtf:

No it does not.

So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time
I don't think you can make a single post without banging on about slavery. And you haven't managed that here.

What he says is true and actually, worse than what he said here.

Whites continue to benefit and even profit by keeping Blacks down. That's simply fact.

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So you can quote me saying all of these horrible things, right?

We are going to talk about the subject. i am not going to waste time looking for all the things you said just because you want to lie . This thread is about the 100 years after slavery. .

So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.
We are going to talk about the subject. i am not going to waste time looking for all the things you said just because you want to lie . This thread is about the 100 years after slavery. .

So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

I have been homest.
We are going to talk about the subject. i am not going to waste time looking for all the things you said just because you want to lie . This thread is about the 100 years after slavery. .

So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

What was your purpose for post #2? If you did not care, if your feelings about this was so?. then why enter this thread? Why was it so important for you t tell me that just like the white racists' do?

Then after you repeat the same behavior as racists then you want me to go digging all over the internet t find evidence of your racism. When I dnt do it I suddenly can't do it and I am not bring honest when post number 2 showed evidence of your problem.

Because the same thing the OP was about that was done to us was done to you if you are Asian Your ass could not own land on the west coast. f you owned land In Oregon you got your asses beat down by whites. This was after slavery.. If you are Japanese you got put in interment camps and got reparations for it. So exactly what would your problem be with me calling out these whites racists on their accusation of how blacks are getting things at the expense of whites? And still today, you Asians catch the same hell from whites as we do. So then what was your reason for post #2?
So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

I have been homest.
So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

What was your purpose for post #2? If you did not care, if your feelings about this was so?. then why enter this thread? Why was it so important for you t tell me that just like the white racists' do?

Then after you repeat the same behavior as racists then you want me to go digging all over the internet t find evidence of your racism. When I dnt do it I suddenly can't do it and I am not bring honest when post number 2 showed evidence of your problem.

Because the same thing the OP was about that was done to us was done to you if you are Asian Your ass could not own land on the west coast. f you owned land In Oregon you got your asses beat down by whites. This was after slavery.. If you are Japanese you got put in interment camps and got reparations for it. So exactly what would your problem be with me calling out these whites racists on their accusation of how blacks are getting things at the expense of whites? And still today, you Asians catch the same hell from whites as we do. So then what was your reason for post #2?

Actually, DTMB entered the thread asking "So?" about your OP. That seemed to be him asking what the point of your OP was. In response, you implied that he was too frightened to talk about the OP, and his response to that was when he said he didn't give a shit. How, exactly, was that "the same behavior as racists?"

After that, in post #9, you responded with this:
You gave plenty of shits with all your racist posts about all this free shit we blacks are supposed to want. It's not that you don't care. It's all about you not being man enough to face the truth. .

So you claimed that DTMB has made racist posts about blacks wanting free shit, use that claim to accuse him of "not being man enough to face the truth," then refuse to back up the claim with any evidence. After that, you still feel comfortable claiming you have been honest? :lol:

If you could provide a single post from DTMB in which he says, or hell, even implies, that black people want a bunch of free shit, perhaps an objective reader might be convinced to believe you are doing anything other than creating straw men to argue against. As it is, you pretty clearly seem to be projecting your perceptions of racism onto DTMB.

As far as your OP, I would like to echo DTMB's sentiment in asking just what the point of it is? Are you looking for suggestions about how to improve race relations, or how to improve the way government treats members of different races? Are you looking for white posters to acknowledge that systemic racism has been a part of the US? Are there specific posters you are trying to reach (this seems unlikely, considering your interactions with DTMB)? What do you hope to accomplish with this thread?
You say that you came from a poor community, but your life is just fine. What is the difference between you and someone who's life is not just fine?

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5
Racism itself may be a traumatic experience.
Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Oh noes, I must have PTSD for hearing prejudiced dumb Polak jokes.

Racism is not about telling jokes.

Try again.

I told a sensitive snowflake Black guy to go "Dance with a girl, because Blacks are good dancers" and he replied all upset "That's offensive"

Aw, sniff, sniff complimenting Blacks is such a racist traumatizing experience.

You weren't trying to compliment hm. But this s a traumatizing experience:


Polish are not getting done like this. And certainly not in the same number.

Why are Black cops more likely to kill Blacks than White cops?

Black suspects more likely to be shot by black cops, not white officers

Among a sample of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, the study found that the odds of a black suspect being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than the odds of a black suspect getting killed by a white officer.

“When either the violent crime rate or the demographics of a city are accounted for, we find that white police officers are not significantly more likely to kill a black suspect,” wrote co-authors John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center.
You say that you came from a poor community, but your life is just fine. What is the difference between you and someone who's life is not just fine?

Nothing. You need to understand just exactly what racism is and what it does to people. .Then you won't ask dumb ass questions..
Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5
Racism itself may be a traumatic experience.
Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes
Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes

Psychophysiology in African-American Samples: Howard University Studies
Psychophysiology in African-American Samples: Howard University Studies

This is not about he made it why can't other blacks. That's looking at things from the white perspective. Whites have not faced white racism or anything close to it. Therefore looking at things as they do is a mistake.

So, racism affected other people but not you?

C' mon man! Questions like this are irritating.

Why in the FUCK do you think I worked 32 years in the black community?

Dealing with the effects of racism is a lifelong struggle just like dealing with any other form of abuse.

If it's so bad for Blacks in the U.S.A, then why don't more of them leave?
Are they lazy idiots, or masochists?

It's funny, during the post Civil War segregation in the U.S South, Blacks overwhelmingly stayed in the Southern states.
Doesn't that suggest that something's wrong, no?

If it's so bad for your polish ass why don't YOU leave?

No. What .this suggests s that blacks were freed with no money and were unable to move.

Well, I'm certainly considering a move to Poland, eventually.
Because Poland's safer than the U.S.A, because you know who aren't there.

But, where I am I wouldn't say it's particularly bad, because my area isn't very Black.
Didn't think so.

Don't want to. And don't have to. This issue s not about me, it is about we. Therefore I do not have to specifically tell you where my hometown is. I can point to almost every lack community in the country and say the same thing. When you guys talk about blacks you paint with the broadest brush possible. .
I just proved you're a lying asshole. Don't get cute with me. I didn't ask where you live or what you fuck or anything else of a personal nature. You claimed whitely ruined your black community and you can't say how.

That says it all.

I will do what want to do with you and you will like it. .Redlining and building a highway right down the middle of our community to name 2.

Good enough? Now why is it that I gotta prove every mother fucking word but your bitch ass can cast all kids of aspersions on me personally with no prof time after fucking time?

I don't lie about these things you lousy son of a bitch. But you have lied about me and about blacks in general.
I'm not your slave boy, put your dick down. You can't back up your shit, don't try to make it my shortcoming.

You are what I make you. And I just gave you 2 examples of how white racism destroyed our community. I don't make your shortcoming boy, you make hem yourself by being white and not bale to face the truth.

Oh okay, so Whites make it so a lot of Black males leave behind fatherless homes?

When in doubt, blame Whitey.
Nothing. You need to understand just exactly what racism is and what it does to people. .Then you won't ask dumb ass questions..
Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5
Racism itself may be a traumatic experience.
Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes
Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes

Psychophysiology in African-American Samples: Howard University Studies
Psychophysiology in African-American Samples: Howard University Studies

This is not about he made it why can't other blacks. That's looking at things from the white perspective. Whites have not faced white racism or anything close to it. Therefore looking at things as they do is a mistake.

So, racism affected other people but not you?

C' mon man! Questions like this are irritating.

Why in the FUCK do you think I worked 32 years in the black community?

Dealing with the effects of racism is a lifelong struggle just like dealing with any other form of abuse.

If it's so bad for Blacks in the U.S.A, then why don't more of them leave?
Are they lazy idiots, or masochists?

It's funny, during the post Civil War segregation in the U.S South, Blacks overwhelmingly stayed in the Southern states.
Doesn't that suggest that something's wrong, no?

If it's so bad for your polish ass why don't YOU leave?

No. What .this suggests s that blacks were freed with no money and were unable to move.

Well, I'm certainly considering a move to Poland, eventually.

You've been talking that empty shit since you got here, newbie. Everyone knows you're full of shit by now.
So, racism affected other people but not you?

C' mon man! Questions like this are irritating.

Why in the FUCK do you think I worked 32 years in the black community?

Dealing with the effects of racism is a lifelong struggle just like dealing with any other form of abuse.

If it's so bad for Blacks in the U.S.A, then why don't more of them leave?
Are they lazy idiots, or masochists?

It's funny, during the post Civil War segregation in the U.S South, Blacks overwhelmingly stayed in the Southern states.
Doesn't that suggest that something's wrong, no?

If it's so bad for your polish ass why don't YOU leave?

No. What .this suggests s that blacks were freed with no money and were unable to move.

Well, I'm certainly considering a move to Poland, eventually.

You've been talking that empty shit since you got here, newbie. Everyone knows you're full of shit by now.

I wouldn't want to raise kids in a White minority country, thus far I don't have kids, but if I did I'd definitely want to raise them in Poland, away from the savages.
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

My ancestors were Indians, so bite me.
Who needs an excuse for something they had nothing to do with? You benefited more than any white person but you don't have the spine to own it. You're parasite instead, sucking off the teat you criticize.

But you do have something to do with the years after slavery. Your grandparents benefitted from segregation.
That's a lie. My grandparents came from Germany as did one of my parents. You're just a stupid little racist monkey worthy of nothing less than laughter. The life you ruined was your own doing, not whitey's.

But the problem with what you say is that my life is just fine. When did your grandparents get here?

Now you are just going to face the fact. The root cause of the problems blacks face stem from white racism. just said your life is just fine. So...?

My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..

I oppose black racism. (white racism, too)

I really don't meet any Indian or Asian racists much.

Where is exactly did you you grow up, IM2? City is good enough.
So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

I have been homest.
So you really don't know what you're talking about do you

I. chose not to look for your comment. Not that they do not exist. There is a difference.

I am not going to allow you guys to take this topic off the subject and to make personal attacks until the thread gets shut down like the other one that questioned the beliefs whites have relative to who has been given things. This thread is about the 100 years after slavery ended. If you don't care, then why are you here?

Why should anyone give you the slightest credibility when you can't even be honest?

I have been honest. My credibility is not in question The facts support me. It is n YOU and the others here who must show different.

No, you have not. You conclusively stated that I have made racist comments to your posts in the past (which is amusing seeing as how I'm Asian and not white) and when I asked you to cite them you can't produce anything.

What was your purpose for post #2? If you did not care, if your feelings about this was so?. then why enter this thread? Why was it so important for you t tell me that just like the white racists' do?

Then after you repeat the same behavior as racists then you want me to go digging all over the internet t find evidence of your racism. When I dnt do it I suddenly can't do it and I am not bring honest when post number 2 showed evidence of your problem.

Because the same thing the OP was about that was done to us was done to you if you are Asian Your ass could not own land on the west coast. f you owned land In Oregon you got your asses beat down by whites. This was after slavery.. If you are Japanese you got put in interment camps and got reparations for it. So exactly what would your problem be with me calling out these whites racists on their accusation of how blacks are getting things at the expense of whites? And still today, you Asians catch the same hell from whites as we do. So then what was your reason for post #2?

Yep, you've definitely been homest. Also homiest and homerist, too.
How did the slave trade work out for modern blacks like LeBron James, Beyonce, Oprah, etc.?
So now we have heard all the excuses about how no one today owned slaves. But what we never seem able to discus is the 100 years after slavery where blacks were denied equal rights ,equal protection under the law, equal access to public accommodations, education, housing and jobs. Many whites here benefitted from things that occurred during this time.

Bring your popcorn. Here comes more lies and excuses.

I'm white and my ancestors in the old country were serfs (slaves). Yet, I don't go whining around about how some people benefitted from that, and whine about how someone should give me money...
Blacks today are benefitting from AA, which is reverse discrimination, and I'm not all whiny about it. Some of us are actually ok will STILL giving you all another hand up. A thank you would be nice.
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