No remorse or mention of the young girls today by Trump and Acosta while Acosta was resigning.

No where to sleep, can't brush their teeth, they haven't bathed, and they are packed in there like cord wood. We've seen this picture before; Holocaust trains - Wikipedia

If Trump had the power, he would execute the whole lot of them. And don't any of you "EVER" forget that. This is a political party that has turned to evil. We are witnessing the American Nazi Trump party in action. They keep graduating, one step at the time in that direction.
Sending people home is hardly executing them. Just think all of this inconvenience could be avoided by not breaking into this country in the first place.

Don't come here. People want to execute you.
They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place. And by the way, as a constant reminder, these Trump cowards on this board cannot argue those facts either. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

If you can't construct an intelligent rebuttal to mine, explaining why they should not be breaking into this country, then shut your ignorant ass up.

They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place.

Should Trump invade their shitholes and install better governments?
We already have. That's why they have to come here.
You want us to do it again, right?
What good would that do? Mission accomplished. The invasions are complete, and now you produced a refugee crisis. Congratulations!
Have you proven that Clinton raped these girls? I have not, so we will be seeing if you are lying or not?

If we learned anything from the Mueller investigation or the Kavanaugh hearings, we know its the responsibility of the accused to prove their innocence. Clinton has not done that, so how can I exonerate him?
I'm not exonerating anyone, and you announced Clinton's guilt without evidence, while Clinton has not been accused. What lawful indictment is there of Clinton? There is none. So you made it all up, therefore you are nothing but a liar and a waste of time. You have nothing of value to debate. It's all total nonsense from you. You are wasting everyone's time over stupid talk by inventing shit that doesn't exist.

If Clinton is innocent, fine.

Let him testify, openly and under oath.

My guess is that he can easily be nailed for obstruction and perjury charges.

But if he can't be, that's fine too, it will be up to 12 angry men.
The thread isn't about Clinton. You are a loser, because you cannot debate the topic.

Sure its about Clinton. His tight relationship with Jeff Epstein is well documented and that's why the Palm Beach state attorney didn't want to prosecute Epstein in the first place.
These Trump Toads are some more kind of stupid. My thread topic has nothing to do with Clinton.
Sending people home is hardly executing them. Just think all of this inconvenience could be avoided by not breaking into this country in the first place.

Don't come here. People want to execute you.
They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place. And by the way, as a constant reminder, these Trump cowards on this board cannot argue those facts either. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

If you can't construct an intelligent rebuttal to mine, explaining why they should not be breaking into this country, then shut your ignorant ass up.

They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place.

Should Trump invade their shitholes and install better governments?
We already have. That's why they have to come here.
You want us to do it again, right?
What good would that do? Mission accomplished. The invasions are complete, and now you produced a refugee crisis. Congratulations!

What good would that do?

What good is fixing a shithole?
These are barriers? White males historically have had the majority of places in colleges and it has been women and minorities who have had to fight their way into our institutions of higher learning. I know. I applied to Georgetown. They had a set limit on how many female students they would accept. I think it was a 10 percent ceiling for females. I got on a "waiting list." Other then that, it was all "affirmative action" for white boys, some of whom might have gotten accepted with lesser credentials than mine. I will never know.

There are plenty of colleges that don't take fellows to this day- they accept only girls. Wellesley College, example given, is Hillary Clinton's alma mater, and if you identify as a male, you can't get in.
United Negro College Fund. I applied. I was turned down! Damn racism!

This organization was formed to pay for more "Negros" to go to college. Try figuring out why our nation's institutions of higher learning, both public and private, openly discriminated by sex, race, and religion, instead of responding in a childish manner.

You are promoting the open discrimination by race and gender, Hysteria.

You really are quite stupid.

How am I promoting open discrimination by race and gender?

By your support of discriminatory colleges that base admission on gender and race.

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag....
They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place. And by the way, as a constant reminder, these Trump cowards on this board cannot argue those facts either. Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

If you can't construct an intelligent rebuttal to mine, explaining why they should not be breaking into this country, then shut your ignorant ass up.

They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place.

Should Trump invade their shitholes and install better governments?
We already have. That's why they have to come here.
You want us to do it again, right?
What good would that do? Mission accomplished. The invasions are complete, and now you produced a refugee crisis. Congratulations!

What good would that do?

What good is fixing a shithole?
It's only a shithole when the US makes it one, which is exactly what we did.
There are plenty of colleges that don't take fellows to this day- they accept only girls. Wellesley College, example given, is Hillary Clinton's alma mater, and if you identify as a male, you can't get in.
United Negro College Fund. I applied. I was turned down! Damn racism!

This organization was formed to pay for more "Negros" to go to college. Try figuring out why our nation's institutions of higher learning, both public and private, openly discriminated by sex, race, and religion, instead of responding in a childish manner.

You are promoting the open discrimination by race and gender, Hysteria.

You really are quite stupid.

How am I promoting open discrimination by race and gender?

By your support of discriminatory colleges that base admission on gender and race.

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag....

So what action have you taken against institutions that have discriminated historically by race and gender? As I said above, Georgetown discriminated against females.
They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place.

Should Trump invade their shitholes and install better governments?
We already have. That's why they have to come here.
You want us to do it again, right?
What good would that do? Mission accomplished. The invasions are complete, and now you produced a refugee crisis. Congratulations!

What good would that do?

What good is fixing a shithole?
It's only a shithole when the US makes it one, which is exactly what we did.

"We"? The very deep state actors and agencies like the CIA that overthrew those duly elected leaders are trying to do the same thing to Trump....or are you too fucking stupid to see that? I suspect that is indeed the case.
They have no choice. They are being forced out because of the policies the US put in place.

Should Trump invade their shitholes and install better governments?
We already have. That's why they have to come here.
You want us to do it again, right?
What good would that do? Mission accomplished. The invasions are complete, and now you produced a refugee crisis. Congratulations!

What good would that do?

What good is fixing a shithole?
It's only a shithole when the US makes it one, which is exactly what we did.

If we go in and shoot all the leaders, we can install new ones. Should be easy, eh?

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