Non Cliquity Clack Club

So glad it's friday !

I have so much anxiety lately it's causing nightmares LOL

Have you done any square breathing? That helps a lot.

What is square breathing? :dunno:

Either do three-count or four-count. Breathe in slowly through your nose over a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. The focus on breathing helps slow everything down. One of the symptoms of stress/anxiety is rapid breathing. Get a handle on the breathing, and the rest will follow.
When they were doing a biopsy on my breast, I hummed this mantra.

When they were injecting dye into my nipple, I hummed this mantra (And the tech hummed it with me. He knew that chant).

When I woke up in the middle of my colonoscopy and the pain hit me, I hummed this mantra. (the assisting nurse thought I was speaking in tongues...the doc was from India, and he chanted along with me, too).

When I am stressed out, or sad, or just feeling down..I hum this mantra.

Try it. And it helps even more if you hold a crystal. Which I had with me in all the above medical procedures.:)

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All is well, Dot. All is well. :)

Drifter, I am not having a yard sale. I am going to 12 of them tomorrow and I hope to score. :)

This is a big step for me. I have been reclusive for the past 4 years but I aim to get out of the house tomorrow and go with hubby and DIG in boxes, root around barns and see what treasures I can find.

Start in on the yoga again. And if not that, just take some time out for yourself and listen to soothing music. Or, chant a mantra. It does help.

Neat !

Sometimes I go to them with my mother in the summer. I like to look for books. :)
Have you done any square breathing? That helps a lot.

What is square breathing? :dunno:

Either do three-count or four-count. Breathe in slowly through your nose over a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. The focus on breathing helps slow everything down. One of the symptoms of stress/anxiety is rapid breathing. Get a handle on the breathing, and the rest will follow.

I will try it :)
When they were doing a biopsy on my breast, I hummed this mantra.

When they were injecting dye into my nipple, I hummed this mantra (And the tech hummed it with me. He knew that chant).

When I woke up in the middle of my colonoscopy and the pain hit me, I hummed this mantra. (the assisting nurse thought I was speaking in tongues...the doc was from India, and he chanted along with me, too).

When I am stressed out, or sad, or just feeling down..I hum this mantra.

Try it. And it helps even more if you hold a crystal. Which I had with me in all the above medical procedures.:)

I'll listen to it tonight before sleeping I can put it on my mp3
I think I am going to turn the patio room the inlaws are using into a library when they move. I want to put a comfy chair in there with a footstool, and the walls lined with oodles of books. Anyone that just wants a quiet area that looks out into the flowering back yard and feel sun streaming through the window as they read can use it. I can't do it until June 1st, but I can start collecting what I want in there.
When they were doing a biopsy on my breast, I hummed this mantra.

When they were injecting dye into my nipple, I hummed this mantra (And the tech hummed it with me. He knew that chant).

When I woke up in the middle of my colonoscopy and the pain hit me, I hummed this mantra. (the assisting nurse thought I was speaking in tongues...the doc was from India, and he chanted along with me, too).

When I am stressed out, or sad, or just feeling down..I hum this mantra.

Try it. And it helps even more if you hold a crystal. Which I had with me in all the above medical procedures.:)

I'll listen to it tonight before sleeping I can put it on my mp3

I hummed and hummed and hummmed...and it is beautiful music along with the chant. It got me through some really painful procedures. And..I'm still breathing. That's a plus. :lol:
I think I am going to turn the patio room the inlaws are using into a library when they move. I want to put a comfy chair in there with a footstool, and the walls lined with oodles of books. Anyone that just wants a quiet area that looks out into the flowering back yard and feel sun streaming through the window as they read can use it. I can't do it until June 1st, but I can start collecting what I want in there.

Sounds like a sanctuary, I'd love a private space like that :lol:
Me too, lol. I want an overstuffed chair. But, if I can't find one, I have a wooden rocking chair out front..I will repaint it rust color to match the area rug I am going to put back that is now in the shed, and I have lots of throw pillows. I also have leftover wood so instead of bookshelves, I will just make rows of shelves on the wall and put books there. Lots of candles too. It is a half Cathedral ceiling, so I may hang some spider plants and a boston fern or two.
Actually...I need a cd stereo for in there too. Soft music. And earphones. It will be completely closed off to the rest of the house so everyone that wants to use it will have complete privacy.
The room kinda looks like this in size, along with the window but mine is not as big. Still...this is the size of the room in question so you get an idea. And that outside the window? Looks just like my yard!

I forgot all about the wingback chair I have. I will put this in there....(similar but mine is brown)...and I have an antique footstool to place in front of it.


Don't belong to any particular clique?

Don't belong to any particular group?

Don't belong to any particular political leanings? (but if you do, you can still coexist with folks regardless)

Tired of being labeled if you like the Swings or the Slides and must choose one or the other?

Tired of being told where you can post and where you can't otherwise you will be a traitor or hurt someone's feelers?

Then THIS is the thread for you!!

Have fun, visit, chitchat, joke, laugh, and enjoy USMB at it's finest without the Drama Club dictating what you can and cannot do! This is the Free Zone of all cliquity clack approved hogwash!

Now...whether this thread takes off or not is up to those who populate it. Or not. I am the OP, but I don't "own" it. USMB does. Feel free to do what you want as long as you remember this is in the NO FIGHTING on who is Queen or King, who started what threads or when or where. Just....enjoy. Simple, eh?

And with that ya go. The NCCT club. No entry fees. No hidden agendas. No ruler. :lol:

just to clarify :)

How are you Dot Com?

can't complain. Thanks for asking.
Nice and peaceful tonight.....were that it would always be like that....:)
Meanwhile...I am very sleepy. But...I don't want to go to bed until midnight. That way, hubby gets me up at 7:30am and we are out the door 15 minutes to 8.
Meanwhile...I am very sleepy. But...I don't want to go to bed until midnight. That way, hubby gets me up at 7:30am and we are out the door 15 minutes to 8.

You're able to dress in 15 minutes? I need at least 1 hour....very slow.....I am....:)

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