Non Cliquity Clack Club

Feeling a smidge better. Got some kinda of bug wrecking havoc on my innards so.....kinda MIA until it passes. Literally. :lol:
I think what's been going around recently is like a bug on steroids. It hung on to me for ten days.

I wish you well!
I'm over it all ready...thankfully. Feeling EXTREMELY well today. Things are falling into place nicely. Got a new potential roomie I will be showing the room to her next week...BIL is back to "huh?" calm mode, SIL is packing her stuff, not too cold outside, but not too hot either. Overall...turning out to be a pretty good day!

I am eager to meet the new possible roomie and her little dog. His name is macaroon. Too funny. :)
I'm over it all ready...thankfully. Feeling EXTREMELY well today. Things are falling into place nicely. Got a new potential roomie I will be showing the room to her next week...BIL is back to "huh?" calm mode, SIL is packing her stuff, not too cold outside, but not too hot either. Overall...turning out to be a pretty good day!

I am eager to meet the new possible roomie and her little dog. His name is macaroon. Too funny. :)

I hope that happens for you to get a new roomie some money coming in and a nice person to boot.
I'm so exhausted what a long week.

I have so many deadlines but I am also in gratitude that my partner pulled through life support.

What a scare !

I am so happy to hear he is going to be ok, hon. Give him my regards, will you?

LMFAO!!!!!! That is just so spot on hahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man that's awesome!
Try to relax this weekend, Drifter. Do you do yoga? Or meditations?

Right now, I am making a list of yard sales for tomorrow. I hope I score something so I can finally get the vet paid off. My car needs to be smogged but there seems to be a problem. I see dollar signs floating out of my hand...again. :(

I need to score BIG tomorrow.
Try to relax this weekend, Drifter. Do you do yoga? Or meditations?

Right now, I am making a list of yard sales for tomorrow. I hope I score something so I can finally get the vet paid off. My car needs to be smogged but there seems to be a problem. I see dollar signs floating out of my hand...again. :(

I need to score BIG tomorrow.

You should do angel or animal spirit readings at your yard sale and make some extra money, maybe that will help.

No I do not do Yoga anymore, but I am working out again now.

Sometimes I meditate :)
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Don't belong to any particular clique?

Don't belong to any particular group?

Don't belong to any particular political leanings? (but if you do, you can still coexist with folks regardless)

Tired of being labeled if you like the Swings or the Slides and must choose one or the other?

Tired of being told where you can post and where you can't otherwise you will be a traitor or hurt someone's feelers?

Then THIS is the thread for you!!

Have fun, visit, chitchat, joke, laugh, and enjoy USMB at it's finest without the Drama Club dictating what you can and cannot do! This is the Free Zone of all cliquity clack approved hogwash!

Now...whether this thread takes off or not is up to those who populate it. Or not. I am the OP, but I don't "own" it. USMB does. Feel free to do what you want as long as you remember this is in the NO FIGHTING on who is Queen or King, who started what threads or when or where. Just....enjoy. Simple, eh?

And with that ya go. The NCCT club. No entry fees. No hidden agendas. No ruler. :lol:

just to clarify :)
All is well, Dot. All is well. :)

Drifter, I am not having a yard sale. I am going to 12 of them tomorrow and I hope to score. :)

This is a big step for me. I have been reclusive for the past 4 years but I aim to get out of the house tomorrow and go with hubby and DIG in boxes, root around barns and see what treasures I can find.

Start in on the yoga again. And if not that, just take some time out for yourself and listen to soothing music. Or, chant a mantra. It does help.

Don't belong to any particular clique?

Don't belong to any particular group?

Don't belong to any particular political leanings? (but if you do, you can still coexist with folks regardless)

Tired of being labeled if you like the Swings or the Slides and must choose one or the other?

Tired of being told where you can post and where you can't otherwise you will be a traitor or hurt someone's feelers?

Then THIS is the thread for you!!

Have fun, visit, chitchat, joke, laugh, and enjoy USMB at it's finest without the Drama Club dictating what you can and cannot do! This is the Free Zone of all cliquity clack approved hogwash!

Now...whether this thread takes off or not is up to those who populate it. Or not. I am the OP, but I don't "own" it. USMB does. Feel free to do what you want as long as you remember this is in the NO FIGHTING on who is Queen or King, who started what threads or when or where. Just....enjoy. Simple, eh?

And with that ya go. The NCCT club. No entry fees. No hidden agendas. No ruler. :lol:

just to clarify :)

How are you Dot Com?

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