Norway mosque shooting: Man arrested as one injured in Oslo attack


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
It appears he chose to attack on one of the Islamic holy days,

Suspect described as young, white man wearing uniform and helmet

Police were called to the Al-Noor Islamic Centre in Baerum, Norway, on Saturday afternoon
A man has been arrested after a shooting at a mosque in Norway, say police.

One person was injured during the attack at the Al-Noor Islamic centre in Baerum, around 20km from Oslo.

Police described the gunman as a “young, white-skinned man” but added that they had no further information about his identity.

“There has been a shooting episode inside the mosque,” the Oslo operations centre announced in a tweet on Saturday afternoon.

”One person is shot. Unknown extent of injury. A perpetrator has been arrested. The police are at the scene.

“Nothing indicates that there have been more people involved.”

The incident took place shortly after 4pm local time, on the day before the celebration of the holiest Islamic holiday, Eid-al-Adha or “Feast of the Sacrifice”.

Irfan Mushtaq, a board member of the mosque, told Norwegian media that the gunman was wearing a uniform and a helmet.

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He said that the suspect opened fire but was quickly overpowered by another member.

“The man carried two shotgun-like weapons and a pistol. He broke through a glass door and fired shots,” said Mr Mushtaq on TV2.

The victim, who suffered minor injuries, is believed to be a 75-year-old member of the congregation.

According to the mosque’s website, the building is equipped with two large prayer rooms on the first floor and rental apartments on the second and third floors.

It implemented extra security measures earlier this year following the massacre of more than 50 people at two New Zealand mosques by a suspected right-wing extremist.​

Man arrested as one injured in Norway mosque shooting
I fear we are going to keep seeing more of these type of things :( Let the justifications begin.
calm down folks------so far no one seems to have any idea why
the jerk decided to shoot up the mosque or whatever is known
is not yet made public It is, certainly, clear that his plan was
not well developed
Doesn’t he know that you’re supposed to car bomb mosques? Geez, what a lack of etiquette. :crying:
I fear we are going to keep seeing more of these type of things :( Let the justifications begin.

I wonder what type of things it was. So far there is no information I have seen that provides so much as a clue as to who the shooter
is and what he is about
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Doesn’t he know that you’re supposed to car bomb mosques? Geez, what a lack of etiquette. :crying:

he walked into the mosque holding a PISTOL ---and two shot guns?
how did this jerk expect to function?------a really half (or 1/4) baked
plan. Then he BROKE THRU A GLASS DOOR? Last person
I saw who fell thru a glass pane had cuts head to foot.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.
Who cares?
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

it does? You don't need much information to conclude a HUGE
DIAGNOSIS. Does "young white male" mean all that much?
Imagine that, there are young white men in Norway. Maybe we need to boycott the country.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I wonder how many muslims died at the hands of other muslims in the 3 minutes since you posted this thread. How many little girls raped, how many clitori cut off?
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I read the article.

I missed where the 'evil right' is mentioned.
.....yes, the muslims-islamics have never murdered anyone---never committed terrorists acts..that's a Western trait
so sick of that left turd bullshit narrative...when the New Zealand mosque shooting took place,everyone around the world was in deep solidarity and all tha crap...yet,in the same week,250 Christians were massacred in three incidents (two in Africa and on in Malaysia if I remember correctly)....but for those,the left had no tears or any emphaty....sick of the double standard,sick of the lies sick of the left...
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I read the article.

I missed where the 'evil right' is mentioned.
We all know what he is Will.
One person injured in Norway mosque shooting

A man has been arrested in Norway after a shooting inside a mosque left one person injured.

Police say a gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, near the capital Oslo, on Saturday.

The suspect has not been named, but police have described him as a "young white man".

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

Well it certainly looks like the evil right is on the march.

I read the article.

I missed where the 'evil right' is mentioned.
We all know what he is Will.
We all know what you are too. That would be someone that defends an ideology/religion that terrorized and raped your children and murdered your citizens. You wear it well.
Why is this limey leftist turd posting agitprop on USMB?

Don't they have a EuroweenieMB?

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