Not A Single Democrat Voted For...

Nice collection of lies! Did you get that from your daily DNC talking points?
AGAIN: Why do you say stupid shit that's so easy to prove wrong?

I must admit that I was amazed than not a single dem voted to protect children and even more so not to protect women.

It does clear the air in one regard as it left no doubt that all the dems are enemies of the Republic so if something were to happen to one/some of them you would not have to worry about it and look upon it as a blessing.
I expected it.
There you have it women..

The Democrats have just officially thrown you aside so you can be exploited by their preferred victim group, trans.

Where did all the leftists feminists go?? They aren’t saying a darned thing, and their precious political party just sold out all women athletes.

I’ll say one thing, todays left knows how to keep their women in line.. head down, submissive, meek, and obedient. Im sure it would make the biggest chauvinist and abuser of women impressed. Not only does the left make it that women know their place, but they have to actively support and celebrate the men who are taking from them… or else.

All that women’s lib, women’s strength, women’s rights… all up in smoke.. poof. You’re cast off, unnecessary, yesterdays victim to exploit. Now sit down and think about it, toots
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  • Not a single Republican voted for lowering the cost of baby formula when there was a shortage.
  • Not a single Republican voted for an increase in mental health, after blaming shootings on mental issues.
  • Not a single Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. They want more inflation.
  • Not a single Republican voted to lower gas prices.
  • Not a single House Republican voted for lowering costs for American families, universal pre-K, or historic climate investments.
  • Not a single Republican voted for lowering prescription drug costs.
  • Not a single Republican voted for lowering the cost of insulin.
  • Not a single Republican voted for lowering energy costs.
  • Not a single Republican voted for reducing the deficit.
  • Not a single Republican voted for capping seniors drug costs.
Show how closed minded both political parties are. I would have voted no on the Inflation Reduction Act because it raised debt and raised inflation and you were dumb enough to fall for it because you are like partisan blind Republicans except you are a blind partisan Democrat. Amazing how each side is much alike.
Show how closed minded both political parties are. I would have voted no on the Inflation Reduction Act because it raised debt and raised inflation and you were dumb enough to fall for it because you are like partisan blind Republicans except you are a blind partisan Democrat. Amazing how each side is much alike.

You are a partisan Republican according to your definition. You can support or oppose it without being partisan.
You are a partisan Republican according to your definition. You can support or oppose it without being partisan.
I not a Republican, I haven’t voted for a Republican President for a Ming long time. In my local elections I vote for the best candidate and party rarely factors into in. I am Conservative on spending, this I didn’t support Trump or Biden.
Putin dick-sucker calls other people Commies.

For Republicans, every accusation is a confession.

Well stupid, xiden admitted the inflation reduction act was nothing but an advancement of climate wars on the American public. It had nothing to do with inflation. In fact the additional spending made inflation worse.

Republicans are about money and ensuring they get as much as possible. That is why they do the bidding of big oil.

Dumb ass, big oil is the only reason the worlds economies can function. How about you stop using all the products big oil makes possible. Then we wouldn't be subjected to you ignorance any more.


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