Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Why doesn't Hillary pay her fair share on taxes? There is no maximum tax law. She can lead by example and pay her fair share right now.

How about the Clinton slush fund that is the Clinton Foundation and all the money that was collected for the Haitian people after the earthquake of which only 5 percent ever made it to the people???? Was there a tax on that because that certainly wasn't money the Clintoons earned.

How about Trump bribing an AG, paying his own legal debts with charity money, and paying 10 grand for a portrait of himself using charity money? Oh, and he hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008. BAAAHAHAHAAH!!!
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Actually the law making ability of congress has been diminished by the executive branch who evidently can pick and choose what laws they want to enforce as which ones they do not.

Trey Gowdy looks like a frog-haired penis head.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.

She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.

I hate Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" for a plethora of reasons and would throw a party if they both croaked........champagne all around.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.

She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.

Nice language there pal. If you can't be civil and have a conversation with anyone here without telling them to kill themselves them maybe you aren't mentally tough enough to post on a message board. You need to have a word with yourself.

Grow up.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

Apply the same principles to Hitlery that you do Trump and then we can talk. The IRS is the biggest bunch of crooks there none.

She's not being audited. And if Trump had to have the same expectations as Hillary, he never would've survived past July 2015.

Because she is part of the protected class....duh-huh???
I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.
Why doesn't Hillary pay her fair share on taxes? There is no maximum tax law. She can lead by example and pay her fair share right now.

How about the Clinton slush fund that is the Clinton Foundation and all the money that was collected for the Haitian people after the earthquake of which only 5 percent ever made it to the people???? Was there a tax on that because that certainly wasn't money the Clintoons earned.

How about Trump bribing an AG, paying his own legal debts with charity money, and paying 10 grand for a portrait of himself using charity money? Oh, and he hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008. BAAAHAHAHAAH!!!

That's against the law, no????? So why wasn't he convicted?????? OH wait! One set of rules for the Hildebeast, another for Trump...I "get it".
Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......
Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

That does make him smart. Only a complete moron would try to maximize the taxes he pays... this is a whole field onto itself, and apparently Donald is a master at it too just by default.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Curious how much extra, above and beyond your legally required amount, do you pay?

Or is this another typical BS thread started by a moron?

The latter
Liberals are so greedy. Always wanting more of other people's money. They did nothing to earn it, but truly believe they are entitled to it.

It's a mandatory part of being a left loon. They have to be told what to think, taken care of and w/o the government teat they would be lost
Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.
Oh look, another silly lib that pays more than required by law. Interesting. How much extra did you contribute, or did you screw all of us?
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.

She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

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