Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

So you don't use any legal deductions when you pay your taxes? Do you find everyone that takes legal deductions to be categorized as assholes?
They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.

She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

No actually I was thinking of the other progressive.... FDR. Woodrow Wilson only had his at 78%.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.
He reminds me of Warren Buffet who whines that he doesn't pay enough in taxes yet he only pays himself 100K a year instead of 10 million

Buffet is paid in stock options. Apples to oranges.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

Its called fair right? Say it one time...go ahead, I dare you
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.
Trump logic = I'm smart because the tax code is rigged in my favor and we manipulate and bend it as much as possible and get away with everything we can, while average Americans pay their fair share.

Define "fair share"???????

When you are heavily invested in the market, you rely on American infrastructure, military, government, and, yes, safety nets, to protect your investment.

When you own millions of shares and say, Target stock, then that stock performs well because the trucks can reach the Target stores, and banks can lend Target money to make payroll...

Jesus, just go take an econ class.

When you benefit the MOST off the America system and American work force and pay the smallest percentage, you are not paying your fair share.

There is a tax on dividends from stock holdings but we are talking about an income tax. BTW, did you know that USA.INC pays no taxes on their profits from stock market investments? Money invested in the market was taxed to begin with unless you are "gubermint". Take a class on learning how to read the CAFR......
Why doesn't Hillary pay her fair share on taxes? There is no maximum tax law. She can lead by example and pay her fair share right now.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue
Why doesn't Hillary pay her fair share on taxes? There is no maximum tax law. She can lead by example and pay her fair share right now.

As a matter of fact the government welcomes gifts in the form of tax over payments. All the left loons should lead by example and pay more than their "fair" share
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Same tax code that conservatives complain about when a family of four making $20,000 doesn't pay taxes

Is Trump going to demand food stamps next?
Maybe we can get his 10 year old son into a Charter School

I never complain when someone legally doesn't pay taxes. I get pissed at Congress for allowing the loopholes that allow the rich to pay less. Congress is the problem, not anyone else.
They're trying to make this into a debate on whether its legal or not.

Just ask them about the poor who dont pay taxes and watch them do a 180
Why doesn't Hillary pay her fair share on taxes? There is no maximum tax law. She can lead by example and pay her fair share right now.

How about the Clinton slush fund that is the Clinton Foundation and all the money that was collected for the Haitian people after the earthquake of which only 5 percent ever made it to the people???? Was there a tax on that because that certainly wasn't money the Clintoons earned.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

Apply the same principles to Hitlery that you do Trump and then we can talk. The IRS is the biggest bunch of crooks there none.

And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.

She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Actually the law making ability of congress has been diminished by the executive branch who evidently can pick and choose what laws they want to enforce as which ones they do not.

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

Apply the same principles to Hitlery that you do Trump and then we can talk. The IRS is the biggest bunch of crooks there none.

She's not being audited. And if Trump had to have the same expectations as Hillary, he never would've survived past July 2015.

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