Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.

Have you seen this video?

Psst... it's pneumonia. Causes one to collapse walking, act bug-eyed bizarre at times and and have a cough for 9 months.

It's called being sick, and you get better from it. It's not Parkinson's. Where'd you get your medical license?


FULL COMPILATION: Trump sniffs - how many times did Donald Trump sniff speech at Presidential Debate

I'm guessing this was AIDS.

Or Hillary's musk perfume.
How can Trump have enough money to claim he could fund his own campaign without any of it being taxable?
You are making what's called an assumption.

Since Trump is hiding his tax returns he is inviting us to make assumptions about them.
He isn't hiding them, the IRS has them. The fact that you and everyone else haven't seen them proves wrong doing. But you have no problem with 33,000 emails being deleted after getting a subpoena. So you can't be taken seriously.

You lie.

btw, Trump has equated his taxes with those supposed emails.
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

You're the one with a problem with it. You want a flat tax because you OBJECT to all those 'legal' deductions.

So what?

I said that right up front. But the fact is all those deductions are legal right now aren't they? So they are neither right nor wrong they are merely legal.

So something illegal is neither right or wrong?
What lie? And saying he'll release tax info when Hillary turns over the missing emails isn't equating the two. Hers was illegal and his not.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%
How can Trump have enough money to claim he could fund his own campaign without any of it being taxable?
You are making what's called an assumption.

Since Trump is hiding his tax returns he is inviting us to make assumptions about them.
He isn't hiding them, the IRS has them. The fact that you and everyone else haven't seen them proves wrong doing. But you have no problem with 33,000 emails being deleted after getting a subpoena. So you can't be taken seriously.

You lie.

btw, Trump has equated his taxes with those supposed emails.
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

You're the one with a problem with it. You want a flat tax because you OBJECT to all those 'legal' deductions.

So what?

I said that right up front. But the fact is all those deductions are legal right now aren't they? So they are neither right nor wrong they are merely legal.

So something illegal is neither right or wrong?
What lie? And saying he'll release tax info when Hillary turns over the missing emails isn't equating the two. Hers was illegal and his not.

You lied to say the IRS 'has' Trump's taxes.
She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

She shakes about a million hands per week, but yeah, she couldn't have gotten sick. That doesn't happen.

When will Don kick his coke habit?
Oh, she's been hacking for months from getting sick hand shaking. You are special.
LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

She shakes about a million hands per week, but yeah, she couldn't have gotten sick. That doesn't happen.

When will Don kick his coke habit?
Oh, she's been hacking for months from getting sick hand shaking. You are special.

Did she cough or shake last night?

I'll hang up while you answer....
You are making what's called an assumption.

Since Trump is hiding his tax returns he is inviting us to make assumptions about them.
He isn't hiding them, the IRS has them. The fact that you and everyone else haven't seen them proves wrong doing. But you have no problem with 33,000 emails being deleted after getting a subpoena. So you can't be taken seriously.

You lie.

btw, Trump has equated his taxes with those supposed emails.
And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

You're the one with a problem with it. You want a flat tax because you OBJECT to all those 'legal' deductions.

So what?

I said that right up front. But the fact is all those deductions are legal right now aren't they? So they are neither right nor wrong they are merely legal.

So something illegal is neither right or wrong?
What lie? And saying he'll release tax info when Hillary turns over the missing emails isn't equating the two. Hers was illegal and his not.

You lied to say the IRS 'has' Trump's taxes.
Huh? He hasn't set them in? I suppose he has or he would be behind bars.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%

Audits get triggered, or are more likely, if certain claims are made, right?
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

She shakes about a million hands per week, but yeah, she couldn't have gotten sick. That doesn't happen.

When will Don kick his coke habit?
Oh, she's been hacking for months from getting sick hand shaking. You are special.

Did she cough or shake last night?

I'll hang up while you answer....
I have no idea, I only saw her for 90 minutes after a week's rest.
Since Trump is hiding his tax returns he is inviting us to make assumptions about them.
He isn't hiding them, the IRS has them. The fact that you and everyone else haven't seen them proves wrong doing. But you have no problem with 33,000 emails being deleted after getting a subpoena. So you can't be taken seriously.

You lie.

btw, Trump has equated his taxes with those supposed emails.
You're the one with a problem with it. You want a flat tax because you OBJECT to all those 'legal' deductions.

So what?

I said that right up front. But the fact is all those deductions are legal right now aren't they? So they are neither right nor wrong they are merely legal.

So something illegal is neither right or wrong?
What lie? And saying he'll release tax info when Hillary turns over the missing emails isn't equating the two. Hers was illegal and his not.

You lied to say the IRS 'has' Trump's taxes.
Huh? He hasn't set them in? I suppose he has or he would be behind bars.

Please. You implied that he can't release them because he doesn't have them.
I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%

Audits get triggered, or are more likely, if certain claims are made, right?
The IRS is used to target people sometimes.
Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.
Oh look, another silly lib that pays more than required by law. Interesting. How much extra did you contribute, or did you screw all of us?

Nice deflection, join the club
So you are full of shit. Got it. Please stop screwing us. Greedy scum.

Not falling for you deflection is easy...You can try again but you'll get the same results
Asking you to live up to the demands you make of others is not a deflection. Greedy scum. Now pay up.
I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%

Audits get triggered, or are more likely, if certain claims are made, right?

Correct. It takes a LOT to trigger an audit, too, because they have so few resources to expend toward auditing. The statistical likelihood of Trump being audited -- randomly -- twice in a row is something on par with winning the state lottery.
The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%

Audits get triggered, or are more likely, if certain claims are made, right?
The IRS is used to target people sometimes.
Still ongoing.
Who cheated on their taxes? You follow the law and it is called legal, there isn't any cheating.

It's not normal for a guy to be audited every year. It's pretty clear Trump is a crook.

You know no such thing. What you nutters on both sides make up and ASSume is absolutely ridiculous. A year ago you nutjobs didn't care about audits or how much he was worth, now, he is broke and a criminal. LOL!!! Crazy nutty stuff.

I'm a tax attorney. Random audits rarely happen. Targeted audits happen because the people at the IRS sense something's up. If you're audited every year, you're a crook. 9999/10,000.

But maybe you're right, and maybe he's the .001%

Audits get triggered, or are more likely, if certain claims are made, right?
The IRS is used to target people sometimes.

Ahh yes, the "they hate conservatives" line. That must explain why he was audited while he was a Democrat, donating to Democratic candidates, etc.
She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.

Nice language there pal. If you can't be civil and have a conversation with anyone here without telling them to kill themselves them maybe you aren't mentally tough enough to post on a message board. You need to have a word with yourself.

Grow up.

Who are you, miss manners? And generally Miss Manners doesn't say "you're too stupid to vote" and call it "civility". Fuck you.

Well based on your posts it's easy to see why someone would question your intelligence.
The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
He does not pass laws dumbass.
He isn't hiding them, the IRS has them. The fact that you and everyone else haven't seen them proves wrong doing. But you have no problem with 33,000 emails being deleted after getting a subpoena. So you can't be taken seriously.

You lie.

btw, Trump has equated his taxes with those supposed emails.
So what?

I said that right up front. But the fact is all those deductions are legal right now aren't they? So they are neither right nor wrong they are merely legal.

So something illegal is neither right or wrong?
What lie? And saying he'll release tax info when Hillary turns over the missing emails isn't equating the two. Hers was illegal and his not.

You lied to say the IRS 'has' Trump's taxes.
Huh? He hasn't set them in? I suppose he has or he would be behind bars.

Please. You implied that he can't release them because he doesn't have them.
You are loopy as all hell. I never said anything close to that. Being in business for over 31 years I know to keep copies, along with my book keeper. The issue is releasing them out into public domain while under audit, not smart. And not the same as a politician with fixed incomes.

Look at what they did with Romney, he paid legit taxes on capital gains and the leftists used it to proclaim he didn't pay "his fair share". Over and over until many thought there must be some truth to it.
LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.

Nice language there pal. If you can't be civil and have a conversation with anyone here without telling them to kill themselves them maybe you aren't mentally tough enough to post on a message board. You need to have a word with yourself.

Grow up.

Who are you, miss manners? And generally Miss Manners doesn't say "you're too stupid to vote" and call it "civility". Fuck you.

Well based on your posts it's easy to see why someone would question your intelligence.

Where did I fall short in your view? By not declaring Hillary dead due to pneumonia?

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