Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
He does not pass laws dumbass.

No, his team just writes them.
She is wise and moralistic

LMAO, how is she weak, healthwise? Trump appeared to be snorting back sugar-boogers, or had a nasty cold. Hillary didn't cough once, and was poised for 90 straight minutes.

Trump appears to be one brisk jog to the kitchen away from a heart attack.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

She shakes about a million hands per week, but yeah, she couldn't have gotten sick. That doesn't happen.

When will Don kick his coke habit?

Funny I don't remember any other presidential candidate collapsing as they were trying to get into a van. Is she the only candidate in history to touch people?
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.
Oh look, another silly lib that pays more than required by law. Interesting. How much extra did you contribute, or did you screw all of us?

Nice deflection, join the club
So you are full of shit. Got it. Please stop screwing us. Greedy scum.

Not falling for you deflection is easy...You can try again but you'll get the same results
Asking you to live up to the demands you make of others is not a deflection. Greedy scum. Now pay up.

Requesting anything from me is a deflection. This is a message board not a request board. You cant talk about the topic so you want to make it a pissing match. No thanks
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

^This BULLSHIT is two fold.

1. low income households may not pay very progressive FEDERAL INCOME taxes, but they do pay other taxes.

2. Not paying a tax when you DON'T MAKE ENOUGH is very different from being a rich guy boasting about how your income-is-UGGE and not paying it.

PS. 3/4 number is also bullshit, but who's counting at this point.
Let's be real. It's his tax attorney/accountants who are smart with regard to his tax minimization strategies and tactics.

Who hires them?

Of course Trump hired them. Are you seriously telling me that you'd adjudge a person smart merely because they hire a tax professional? That's something, for folks in Trump's income bracket, that I'd say one does if one isn't just abjectly stupid, but I wouldn't depict the decision to hire a tax professional as indicative of being smart.

It appears to me you've confused "not stupid" with "being smart." Believe it or not, there's a range of intellectual acuities between "stupid" and "smart."
Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

I take every possible legal deduction I can and will always do so, nothing wrong or illegal. The Clinton's take all the tax deductions allowed by law. They also use the Clinton Foundation to write off some very questionable travel expenses, it is all legal. Buffett takes all his tax deductions, GE a multi-billion dollar business and supporter of Obama paid nothing in taxes. It was all legal and all made possible by our government. Trump is a political disaster however, him taking legal deductions and you bitching about it is pretty ignorant on your part.

This is a problem in government and a paid off Congress is in no hurry to change the tax laws.So no matter who is elected, this type of stuff will continue on because the rich, write laws for the rich and Trump, Clinton and Congress are the rich and you want to blame those that take advantage of the laws.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.

Nice language there pal. If you can't be civil and have a conversation with anyone here without telling them to kill themselves them maybe you aren't mentally tough enough to post on a message board. You need to have a word with yourself.

Grow up.

Who are you, miss manners? And generally Miss Manners doesn't say "you're too stupid to vote" and call it "civility". Fuck you.

Well based on your posts it's easy to see why someone would question your intelligence.

Where did I fall short in your view? By not declaring Hillary dead due to pneumonia?

It's fair to question her health. She is old and older people don't fight off health issues.

Unless your saying it was only fair to question a candidates health when it was obama vs McCain?
The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
He does not pass laws dumbass.

No, his team just writes them.
Congress creates/modifies the tax laws.
It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.
The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
He does not pass laws dumbass.

No, his team just writes them.
Congress creates/modifies the tax laws.

And I guess Reagan and Bush's tax-cuts don't exist. :rolleyes:

President works with congress to change tax policy, that's how it works.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

filing your taxes in compliance with the tax code makes you an honest American taxpayer.

If you don't like the tax code, talk to the those that wrote it-----------the dems that have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years. Your issue is with them, not Trump.
The Devil is always in the Details, and when it comes to taxes, it is not the marginal tax rates that everyone is always debating and arguing over from either side of the aisle in the Public's eye...but it is.... what is behind the curtain.

And what is behind the curtain, that never is made an issue of, is all the tax breaks and tax loopholes and tax credits, and tax writes off that are added to the tax codes, that reduces the tax burdens of the wealthiest to a degree that is beyond reason.

the IRS deduction rules are 12 feet tall if stacked and in paper. It never started out this way, but all of these tax breaks/write offs/credits etc etc etc etc...are basically done in secret, without major debate and in the public's eye and affect our NET tax rates paid in the end, more than a new marginal rate could ever do...

The system is Rigged alright, but rigged in the millionaire's and billionaire's favor...all through tax CODE, and not through the marginal tax rates that are always shoved in our face as being unfair.
Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

It is fair if it is done legally, maybe we need to vote out those in Congress that write the damn laws and not get pissed that someone takes advantage of the laws that the government is allowing.

Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?
The problem is not limited to Trump paying no Federal income taxes, it's also that his tax policy also adds up to him and his companies PAYING EVEN LESS taxes.

So Trumpsters saying "well he is just taking advantage of existing law" doesn't fly as HE IS THE ONE PROPOSING LAWS.
He does not pass laws dumbass.

No, his team just writes them.
Congress creates/modifies the tax laws.

And I guess Bush's tax-cuts don't exist. :rolleyes:

President works with congress to change tax policy, that's how it works.

Obama continued Bush's tax cuts, so in reality they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.

If you don't like the way the tax code treats the rich, talk to the people who wrote it----------the dems
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

^This BULLSHIT is two fold.

1. low income households may not pay very progressive FEDERAL INCOME taxes, but they do pay other taxes.

2. Not paying a tax when you DON'T MAKE ENOUGH is very different from being a rich guy boasting about how your income-is-UGGE and not paying it.

PS. 3/4 number is also bullshit, but who's counting at this point.
you mean like sales tax from free tax money? Lol yea, good point.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

filing your taxes in compliance with the tax code makes you an honest American taxpayer.

If you don't like the tax code, talk to the those that wrote it-----------the dems that have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years. Your issue is with them, not Trump.

TRUMP hates it...because zero federal income tax is still too much tax burden for him. o_O

And it is for this that he must be ridiculed.
The Devil is always in the Details, and when it comes to taxes, it is not the marginal tax rates that everyone is always debating and arguing over from either side of the aisle in the Public's eye...but it is.... what is behind the curtain.

And what is behind the curtain, that never is made an issue of, is all the tax breaks and tax loopholes and tax credits, and tax writes off that are added to the tax codes, that reduces the tax burdens of the wealthiest to a degree that is beyond reason.

the IRS deduction rules are 12 feet tall if stacked and in paper. It never started out this way, but all of these tax breaks/write offs/credits etc etc etc etc...are basically done in secret, without major debate and in the public's eye and affect our NET tax rates paid in the end, more than a new marginal rate could ever do...

The system is Rigged alright, but rigged in the millionaire's and billionaire's favor...all through tax CODE, and not through the tax rates that are always shoved in our face.

Who wrote the tax code, bitch? Who? any idea? The party that has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years-----------your beloved democrats.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

filing your taxes in compliance with the tax code makes you an honest American taxpayer.

If you don't like the tax code, talk to the those that wrote it-----------the dems that have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years. Your issue is with them, not Trump.

TRUMP hates it...because zero federal income tax is still too much tax burden for him. o_O

^^^^^stupid post^^^^^^^

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