Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

They aren't billionaires.
Who gives a shit how much someone makes or how little... it's none of your fucking business nor is it the federal government's business. They just fuck everything up they touch

So break up the country into 50 little countries, then you can complain that the government of your new little country shouldn't have the power to collect taxes, and then you can dissolve that country and let the county governments have their own little countries, and then you can complain about your county government, and get rid of that,
and then when you're all by yourself hiding in your cellar waiting for the next band of post-apocalyptic marauders to come through,

you'll be happy.
Are you blind? The country and the world for that matter are falling apart. Debt and overspending with overtaxing a recipe for disaster...
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

They aren't billionaires.
Who gives a shit how much someone makes or how little... it's none of your fucking business nor is it the federal government's business. They just fuck everything up they touch

Wrong. Constitutionally it's very much the government's business how much you make.
Na, not originally… LOL
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Trump didn't allow himself to be fleeced by the international bankers that own USA.INC and that pisses you off!!!!! That is fucking PRICELESS!!!!!! Income taxes do not benefit ANYONE living in this country...period and a FACT!!
Piss and moan all you want because you just proved yet again how utterly ignorant you actually are.

Well, the first statement is another one of your assertions followed by a judgement on me...again. Sad.

Then you deflect to whether you believe income taxes help anyone when the point isnt if you think it helps. Its that Trump paid NOTHING. I'm waiting for you to tell me that paying nothing in Taxes is fair. If you cant do that, I win.

Fair is a subjective term

IMO it would be fair if everyone had to pay 10% of their gross income to the federal government for income tax

You just said this, though:

"But I don't argue right and wrong good or bad as those terms are too subjective."

And where did I use the terms right or wrong or good or bad.

I gave you my opinion of what would be fair and yes that is still subjective

If there's nothing wrong with the current tax system why do you want to change.

If there is going to be an income tax then everyone with an income should pay the income tax. No one should be exempt from any tax
Obama continued Bush's tax cuts, so in reality they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.

If you don't like the way the tax code treats the rich, talk to the people who wrote it----------the dems

The point was that president DOES strongly influence tax policy.

Obama extended Bush tax cuts EXCEPT top bracket tax-cut (aka "for the rich"), where the rate was raised back from 35% to 39%.

I have a more direct idea to get rich guys like Trump to pay in more - vote Hillary instead of Trump, vote Democrat instead of Republicans.

you could put a 100% income tax on the top 5% and it would be a drop in a bucket towards fixing the national debt and deficit.

Our government spends too much. That is the problem. Driving rich people out of the country by raising taxes on them would be counter productive.
Trump had the sniffles and you ignore Hillary bobbing and doing a face plant, canceling events for rest and resting a full week before this debate.

You are too stupid to vote, please don't.

20 year olds get pneumonia, dude. It's not some rare condition. And yes, you need to rest. A week at least.

Go ahead, hate hillary for Libya or for Whitewater or for supporting Iraq. But pneumonia? LMAO, you sound like a fucking clown. Kill yourself, please.
Only a mental midget like you could believe Hillary got non-contagious pneumonia from her office staff. Plus she's been coughing for a long while now. Like I said, please don't vote, you have the mentality of an out of control toddler.

She shakes about a million hands per week, but yeah, she couldn't have gotten sick. That doesn't happen.

When will Don kick his coke habit?

Funny I don't remember any other presidential candidate collapsing as they were trying to get into a van. Is she the only candidate in history to touch people?

Kennedy was notorious for being near-death for health issues. LBJ had serious heart issues and passed out a lot. Ford fell down the stairs of a plane. Reagan and Bush were both hospitalized while president (not counting Reagan's assassination attempt). Bush almost choked to death on a pretzel. Obama never got sick, true.

Are you 12, or just never paid attention until now?
None of that is relevant to electing a potential basket case. She has to rest after a couple of days on the trail.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

So how does taxing them put more money in poors people's pocket?
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.
Cuban is supporting Hillary so his opinion is worthless to me. I don't know what Trump pays in taxes, neither do you. Neither does Cuban, he's just blowing foul gas out of his ass.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

But they pay more in sales tax regardless. Compare the taxes on a Lexus compared to a Prius. Most wealthy invest, look at capital gain taxes they pay
you could put a 100% income tax on the top 5% and it would be a drop in a bucket towards fixing the national debt and deficit.

Our government spends too much. That is the problem. Driving rich people out of the country by raising taxes on them would be counter productive.

False dichotomy.

Government spending less or rich contributing more is a false choice.

Reality is that we need both to tackle our deficit problems - from purely mathematical perspective AND from what is politically possible perspective.

Democrats can give on spending if Republicans can give on revenues and only then will something substantive will happen on that front.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

there will always be rich and there will always be poor.

Under the libtardian system that you seem to want, there will be a few mega rich running things and everyone else will be living in poverty------------can you say North Korea? You fools want a system like theirs, where the government dictates how everyone much live and all the money and power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites. Wake the fuck up and understand what you are asking for.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Here are some facts about the "income tax".

#1 Unless you are an employee of the federal "gubermint", work within the District of Columbia or one of their territories like Guam, Puerto Rico, etc, etc, you are not subject to a tax on your labor.

#2 The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states for it to pass. Bill Conklin, famous income tax protester has over 17,000 original documents proving it was never ratified by enough states.

#3 The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is actually the collection arm of the International Monetary Fund Trust #62 since the IMF took USA.INC into receivership as "successor to contract" due to the Chapter Bankruptcy of 1950 to provide the essential enumerated "gubermint" services.

#4 The SCOTUS has ruled 4 times that the 16 amendment gave the government no new taxing authority.

#5 Less than 10 percent of the income tax is ever returned to USA.INC to fund any of the "gubermint" services per the Grace Report of 1984.

#6 Per the Constitution, the taxing of one wages for bartering one's labor was not to be allowed.

#7 A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto as is a central bank which explains why leftards are so adamant about income taxes and defending the unconstitutional, internationally owned Federal reserve central bank.
Who cares? You're not voting. You are not a citizen, remember?
there will always be rich and there will always be poor.

Under the libtardian system that you seem to want, there will be a few mega rich running things and everyone else will be living in poverty------------can you say North Korea? You fools want a system like theirs, where the government dictates how everyone much live and all the money and power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites. Wake the fuck up and understand what you are asking for.

I have no clue what you are rambling about, pretty sure neither do you.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

filing your taxes in compliance with the tax code makes you an honest American taxpayer.

If you don't like the tax code, talk to the those that wrote it-----------the dems that have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years. Your issue is with them, not Trump.

TRUMP hates it...because zero federal income tax is still too much tax burden for him. o_O

And it is for this that he must be ridiculed.

We ridicule you all the time, the people green with envy ..

How does it feel to know you are a loser?

you could put a 100% income tax on the top 5% and it would be a drop in a bucket towards fixing the national debt and deficit.

Our government spends too much. That is the problem. Driving rich people out of the country by raising taxes on them would be counter productive.

False dichotomy.

Government spending less or rich contributing more is a false choice.

Reality is that we need both to tackle our deficit problems - from purely mathematical perspective AND from what is politically possible perspective.

Democrats can give on spending, while Republicans can give on revenues and only then will something substantive will happen on that front.

OMG, are you really that stupid? The top 5% pays 60% of the federal tax revenue. How much more should successful people be punished for being successful?

BTW, do you know how much money the Clintons have? hundreds of millions and they have been civil servants their entire lives. Never created a product or a job, but got rich selling influence.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

They aren't billionaires.
Who gives a shit how much someone makes or how little... it's none of your fucking business nor is it the federal government's business. They just fuck everything up they touch

Wrong. Constitutionally it's very much the government's business how much you make.
Na, not originally… LOL

The original Constitution is obsolete. I'm not surprised you didn't know that.
Let's be real. It's his tax attorney/accountants who are smart with regard to his tax minimization strategies and tactics.

Who hires them?

So Trump's super smart because his money buys good CPAs? Hell, he probably didn't even pick them. He has assistants to his assistants. I doubt he even knows what a Schedule C is.

Bingo what we have been saying all along hire the best and go play golf, that's what a smart CEO does.

That's among the things every CEO may do, but it's not what they are paid expressly to do or do well. Moreover, it's typically a firm's general counsel that engages outside attorneys, and a CEO is way too deep "in the weeds" if s/he has a role in actually hiring any attorney other than the company's general counsel. Most of the time, that hiring decision is actually made either collectively by the board or by the CFO, COO and/or President.

What are CEO's there to do?
  • Creating, communicating and implementing the organization's vision, mission, and overall direction. Leading the development and implementation of the overall organization's strategy.
  • Leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of other executive leaders including presidents, vice presidents, and directors, depending on the organization's reporting structure.
  • Soliciting advice and guidance, when appropriate, from a Board of Directors.
  • Formulating and implementing the strategic plan that guides the direction of the business or organization.
  • Overseeing the complete operation of an organization in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans.
  • Evaluating the success of the organization.
  • Maintaining awareness of both the external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry developments and standards, and so forth.
  • Representing the organization for civic and professional association responsibilities and activities in the local community, the state, and at the national level. (Other executive leaders bear responsibility for these ventures as interested or assigned as well.)
  • Demonstrating the leadership necessary to make the organization's mission a success. This leadership includes providing leadership vision, leadership that attracts followers, and all other aspects of successful leadership
Truly, in all my years of consulting at the C-level, I'm not aware of any Fortune 500 (or comparable) CEOs who take an active role in the hiring of anyone other than other C-level employees. (I'm not saying there are none who do or have. I'm just saying that of the one's I've consulted for -- about a dozen -- none ever have taken a role in hiring attorneys other than a general counsel.) Even that process is generally more about whom one/board members knows and is willing to invite to consider the position than it does with folks actively applying for it. You have to remember, the world of C-level-eligible workers is very small, as is the world of folks who sit on corporate boards and so on, and it's dramatically smaller if a firm seeks someone from within their own industry.

I think you may be underestimating the role and depth of "network" at that level. Just how small are we talking? Well, small enough that members of a corporation's leadership are, at most, a day and a phone call away from the person with whom they want to discuss taking a C-level position, and that's if they don't already have a personal connection with them. It's actually difficult to find a C-level person in the Fortune 500 who has never met, belonged to the same organization with, gone to school with, lived in same neighborhood with, has no close friends, acquaintances or close business associates in common with -- i.e., have at least one of those connections with -- most other C-level folks from the Fortune 500.
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