Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the crooked media and crooked Hillary would pull out one page and make up lies about it and Trump would have to waste lots of time correcting those lies.

Everyone knows that this would happen, the dems a desperate for anything to take the attention away from hillary's lies, corruption, and ill health.

You think Trump is the first President to have a long tax return? John Kerry was married to the heiress to the Hienz company. You don't think he had a long tax return? You don't think previous Presidential candidates had several business ventures? It's no excuse, yet Trump has been telling a lie to keep from releasing his, that he is under audit and can't legally do it. Then when he was caught in his lie, when Holt said the IRS said that being under audit couldn't stop him from releasing them publicly, Trump changed to, "I'll do it when Hillary releases her 30,000 deleted emails." He's got something to hide, we all know it. He's made excuse after excuse, and now he has been caught in a lie about why he hasn't released them. It's BS.
no one expects you to understand. your service motion sucks, by the way.

I see the fish is not only stupid but also quite small.

just making a comment, why do liberals have no sense of humor? is it that defective gene?

Well you'd have to post something ACTUALLY funny for someone to laugh about it, but that requires some wit and so ties into the whole stupid side of the problem.
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

What republican candidate for president in their right mind would release them? So Harry Reid can lie about them like he did to Romney and later say he was glad he lied about it?

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Do you think Hillary's corporate masters pay taxes?
She has many masters and she handed out US tax dollars to all of them while heading State.

Diplomacy for sale in exchange for donations to the Clintoon "slush fund" cleverly disguised a s a "foundation". Seems that the most favored charity of the Clintoons is themselves.
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

There is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns so he doesn't have to.

Hillary has no idea if he paid taxes or not so it doesn't matter what Trump said in reply as the first statement was meaningless

If he holds a government position his income tax becomes public record... how would trump supporters feel if they found out after he was elected President, that he isn't a Billionaire like he says he is? That he fudges the books to not pay any taxes? Etc.? Wouldn't you like to know these things before the election?

Tax returns even of government officials are private.
They are not public record and there is no requirement that any public official release their tax returns

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

Yep, you're right, it's just been that every Presidential candidate and President since 1970 has done so. Odd that Trump is the first one that hasn't. Didn't Clinton say something last night about Donald having to turn in his tax returns to a state for some kind of business project one year and that made them of public record?
no one expects you to understand. your service motion sucks, by the way.

I see the fish is not only stupid but also quite small.

just making a comment, why do liberals have no sense of humor? is it that defective gene?

Well you'd have to post something ACTUALLY funny for someone to laugh about it, but that requires some wit and so ties into the whole stupid side of the problem.

you continue to confirm the allegations that all liberals have a defective gene. BTW, its been identified as DRD4. Look it up, you might learn something about yourself.

Hang in there, someday medical science may find a cure.
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

What republican candidate for president in their right mind would release them? So Harry Reid can lie about them like he did to Romney and later say he was glad he lied about it?


EVERY Presidential candidate and President has released their tax returns to the public since 1970. EVERYONE, but Trump.
There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

There is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns so he doesn't have to.

Hillary has no idea if he paid taxes or not so it doesn't matter what Trump said in reply as the first statement was meaningless

If he holds a government position his income tax becomes public record... how would trump supporters feel if they found out after he was elected President, that he isn't a Billionaire like he says he is? That he fudges the books to not pay any taxes? Etc.? Wouldn't you like to know these things before the election?

Tax returns even of government officials are private.
They are not public record and there is no requirement that any public official release their tax returns

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

Yep, you're right, it's just been that every Presidential candidate and President since 1970 has done so. Odd that Trump is the first one that hasn't. Didn't Clinton say something last night about Donald having to turn in his tax returns to a state for some kind of business project one year and that made them of public record?

If they were public record she would have been able to get them.

She didn't get them because she couldn't therefore she was merely speculating about whether he paid taxes or not.

And I don't care if other people released their tax returns. There is absolutely no legal requirement that they do so. That is all that matters
no one expects you to understand. your service motion sucks, by the way.

I see the fish is not only stupid but also quite small.

just making a comment, why do liberals have no sense of humor? is it that defective gene?

Well you'd have to post something ACTUALLY funny for someone to laugh about it, but that requires some wit and so ties into the whole stupid side of the problem.

you continue to confirm the allegations that all liberals have a defective gene. BTW, its been identified as DRD4. Look it up, you might learn something about yourself.

Hang in there, someday medical science may find a cure.

By telling you that your jokes are not funny and your ideas are stupid? Yea I'm totally broken.
There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

There is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns so he doesn't have to.

Hillary has no idea if he paid taxes or not so it doesn't matter what Trump said in reply as the first statement was meaningless

If he holds a government position his income tax becomes public record... how would trump supporters feel if they found out after he was elected President, that he isn't a Billionaire like he says he is? That he fudges the books to not pay any taxes? Etc.? Wouldn't you like to know these things before the election?

Tax returns even of government officials are private.
They are not public record and there is no requirement that any public official release their tax returns

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

Yep, you're right, it's just been that every Presidential candidate and President since 1970 has done so. Odd that Trump is the first one that hasn't. Didn't Clinton say something last night about Donald having to turn in his tax returns to a state for some kind of business project one year and that made them of public record?

what specifically do you expect to find in his tax return?

tax returns do not identify net worth, assets vs liabilities, or money in the bank.

we all know this is about trying to create a discussion topic to deflect from Hillary's lies, corruption, and failures in every position she has ever held. We get it.
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

What republican candidate for president in their right mind would release them? So Harry Reid can lie about them like he did to Romney and later say he was glad he lied about it?


EVERY Presidential candidate and President has released their tax returns to the public since 1970. EVERYONE, but Trump.

If everyone jumped off the Empire State Building would you?
Trump's tax return is hundreds of pages. If he released it the crooked media and crooked Hillary would pull out one page and make up lies about it and Trump would have to waste lots of time correcting those lies.

Everyone knows that this would happen, the dems are desperate for anything to take the attention away from hillary's lies, corruption, and ill health.

And to take the attention away from the 33,000 emails she destroyed and will not be prosecuted for. And destroyed blackberries, etc. What a bunch of B.S.! And the media and the congress and the democrat voters let her get away with corruption once again!
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

What republican candidate for president in their right mind would release them? So Harry Reid can lie about them like he did to Romney and later say he was glad he lied about it?


EVERY Presidential candidate and President has released their tax returns to the public since 1970. EVERYONE, but Trump.

If everyone jumped off the Empire State Building would you?

Probably...because who would want to live out the rest of their life alone on a planet with no one to talk to or anyone to do anything with?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I gleaned the same conclusion that NY Mag did:

Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?
Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?

When Clinton raised this history, Trump took it as a compliment.
“That makes me smart,” Trump interrupted, at the mention of his tax avoidance.

Moments later, Trump seemed to confirm that he still, to this day, does not pay any income tax. After the GOP nominee argued that America is in debt because Clinton wasted money on interventions overseas, Clinton replied that, actually, we’re in debt because her rival doesn’t pay federal taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.

I've contended from Day One that he won't release his returns because he does not pay his taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.
Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

There is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns so he doesn't have to.

Hillary has no idea if he paid taxes or not so it doesn't matter what Trump said in reply as the first statement was meaningless

If he holds a government position his income tax becomes public record... how would trump supporters feel if they found out after he was elected President, that he isn't a Billionaire like he says he is? That he fudges the books to not pay any taxes? Etc.? Wouldn't you like to know these things before the election?

Tax returns even of government officials are private.
They are not public record and there is no requirement that any public official release their tax returns

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

Yep, you're right, it's just been that every Presidential candidate and President since 1970 has done so. Odd that Trump is the first one that hasn't. Didn't Clinton say something last night about Donald having to turn in his tax returns to a state for some kind of business project one year and that made them of public record?

what specifically do you expect to find in his tax return?

tax returns do not identify net worth, assets vs liabilities, or money in the bank.

we all know this is about trying to create a discussion topic to deflect from Hillary's lies, corruption, and failures in every position she has ever held. We get it.

If there is nothing to see, and it doesn't matter, then just do it. I don't understand what's so hard to get about that? Everyone else did it, Romney even did it despite the fact it hurt him because he paid such a low tax rate. Trump is just making the point of many in the American public. He's stubborn and pig-headed or a liar. Not releasing his tax returns proves that.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I gleaned the same conclusion that NY Mag did:

Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?
Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?

When Clinton raised this history, Trump took it as a compliment.
“That makes me smart,” Trump interrupted, at the mention of his tax avoidance.

Moments later, Trump seemed to confirm that he still, to this day, does not pay any income tax. After the GOP nominee argued that America is in debt because Clinton wasted money on interventions overseas, Clinton replied that, actually, we’re in debt because her rival doesn’t pay federal taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.

I've contended from Day One that he won't release his returns because he does not pay his taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.

I can picture the cringing of Trump's advisers back stage as the Donald uttered those moronic remarks.

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