Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

If it's legal what do you care?

Then why should they get a pass on the income tax?

If its legal what do you care? *slaps knee*
So he obeys the law and follows the tax codes and that's somehow wrong

Yes, paying nothing in taxes is wrong. Do you have a rebuttal?

47% of people pay no income tax so that is wrong?

I have to believe that you know the difference between a guy making 50K and Trump. Why the dopey argument?

Trump has to work very hard to not pay anything in taxes.

There's no difference as far as the tax code is concerned.

If people regardless of their income can take enough legal deductions so as to reduce their taxable income to zero then so the fuck what?

As long as no laws are broken you have nothing to whine about
What republican candidate for president in their right mind would release them? So Harry Reid can lie about them like he did to Romney and later say he was glad he lied about it?


EVERY Presidential candidate and President has released their tax returns to the public since 1970. EVERYONE, but Trump.

If everyone jumped off the Empire State Building would you?

Probably...because who would want to live out the rest of their life alone on a planet with no one to talk to or anyone to do anything with?

Well my wife isn't stupid enough to follow the flock so we'd love it

You said "everyone." Quit trying to move the goal posts to suit your argument.

I'd still be fine.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I gleaned the same conclusion that NY Mag did:

Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?
Did Trump Just Admit He Doesn’t Pay Any Taxes?

When Clinton raised this history, Trump took it as a compliment.
“That makes me smart,” Trump interrupted, at the mention of his tax avoidance.

Moments later, Trump seemed to confirm that he still, to this day, does not pay any income tax. After the GOP nominee argued that America is in debt because Clinton wasted money on interventions overseas, Clinton replied that, actually, we’re in debt because her rival doesn’t pay federal taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.

I've contended from Day One that he won't release his returns because he does not pay his taxes.
“It would be squandered, too,” Trump replied.

I can picture the cringing of Trump's advisers back stage as the Donald uttered those moronic remarks.

A veritable admission of guilt, Mr. Nat. She cornered him. Too bad he didn't prepare better with some bright obfuscation.
Can it be legal and still a bad idea?


That's hilarious coming from the guy who earlier said we should have a flat tax,

which btw you didn't answer my question about.

We should

But I don't argue right and wrong good or bad as those terms are too subjective.

If it is legal then that's that

Until the law gets changed why whine about it.

I will argue for the law to be changed and I will vote for people who say they will try to change the tax laws
But that's all I can do

Too subjective? On an opinion forum? That's another gem.

What will the flat tax apply to?

What tax are we talking about in this thread?
The kind you get returns for and candidates disclose.

That's hilarious coming from the guy who earlier said we should have a flat tax,

which btw you didn't answer my question about.

We should

But I don't argue right and wrong good or bad as those terms are too subjective.

If it is legal then that's that

Until the law gets changed why whine about it.

I will argue for the law to be changed and I will vote for people who say they will try to change the tax laws
But that's all I can do

Too subjective? On an opinion forum? That's another gem.

What will the flat tax apply to?

What tax are we talking about in this thread?
The kind you get returns for and candidates disclose.

Candidates don't have to disclose any of their financial documents if they don't want to
Candidates don't have to disclose any of their financial documents if they don't want to

True....AND pay the price for being the only one to refuse to disclose his tax returns.......I sincerely wish that he will never disclose those returns....the bad press is even better to bring the clown down.............LOL
Loopholes for rich people. I for one want Donald to pay some taxes. But who wrote the laws? Who created the loopholes? Politicians. Politicians like the extremely rich clintons. The problem isn't trump, the problem is our rich politicians are making the laws and they are not making them with you in mind. Don't hate the player hate the game, the tax game.
Candidates don't have to disclose any of their financial documents if they don't want to

True....AND pay the price for being the only one to refuse to disclose his tax returns.......I sincerely wish that he will never disclose those returns....the bad press is even better to bring the clown down.............LOL

It really doesn't seem to be hurting him too much
Hypocrisy much ??????

Trump criticized 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney for delaying the release of his returns. Romney, a former private-equity executive, had come under fire for paying a low tax rate because most of his income came from investments.

“It’s a great thing when you can show that you’ve been successful and that you’ve made a lot of money,” Trump said at the time.

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.
Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.
So you are saying trump knows what's going on and he doesn't like it but since he is not the president there's nothing he can do about it. This is with the democrat Obama in charge. With Hillary it will just magically be fixed like all the other politicians. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE, ITS TIME FOR THE PEOPLE TO RUN THIS COUNTRY AGAIN AND NOT CORRUPTED POLITICIANS.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

My guess is NOBODY in the low information, democrat category pay any taxes nor file any returns...ever. And they are Crooked Hillary's main voting block... :p

And like everything else you think you know, you would be wrong. 40% of the people who pay no taxes vote Republican. The states receiving the most federal welfare are the southern Red States.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

My guess is NOBODY in the low information, democrat category pay any taxes nor file any returns...ever. And they are Crooked Hillary's main voting block... :p

And like everything else you think you know, you would be wrong. 40% of the people who pay no taxes vote Republican. The states receiving the most federal welfare are the southern Red States.
What makes you think those are Republicans? And what about farmers? Nobody ever considers those moochers..
That's hilarious coming from the guy who earlier said we should have a flat tax,

which btw you didn't answer my question about.

We should

But I don't argue right and wrong good or bad as those terms are too subjective.

If it is legal then that's that

Until the law gets changed why whine about it.

I will argue for the law to be changed and I will vote for people who say they will try to change the tax laws
But that's all I can do

Too subjective? On an opinion forum? That's another gem.

What will the flat tax apply to?

What tax are we talking about in this thread?
The kind you get returns for and candidates disclose.

Candidates don't have to disclose any of their financial documents if they don't want to

They don't have to do lots of things. They don't have to debate. They don't have to hold rallies.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

My guess is NOBODY in the low information, democrat category pay any taxes nor file any returns...ever. And they are Crooked Hillary's main voting block... :p

And like everything else you think you know, you would be wrong. 40% of the people who pay no taxes vote Republican. The states receiving the most federal welfare are the southern Red States.
What makes you think those are Republicans? And what about farmers? Nobody ever considers those moochers..

Does it matter what they are? If they are Republicans, they are Republicans.
So you are saying trump knows what's going on and he doesn't like it but since he is not the president there's nothing he can do about it.

Well, that's YOUR interpretation.......Tell you what, Trump could offer a PUBLIC SERVICE by telling the rest of us HOW we too can avoid paying any taxes.......Has that for a 'service" he could render to us poor slobs that work for a living?
Look flat out. A guy brags about making MILLIONS of dollars EVERY year...and how he turned himself into a BILLIONAIRE, but he gets away without owing any taxes? Yet a guy who makes $100,000 a year has to pay taxes? How can people NOT see the problem there? The fact Trump has plans on how to fix the infrastructure and military with tax dollars? Yet he isn't paying taxes? Why is it so hard for people not to see the problem there?

Here is a twitter video of Mark Cuban talking about Trump's comment. I don't like that Cuban supports Hillary, but his comment here is right on.

Stefan Becket on Twitter

There is one glaring piece of information missing here.

Trump's tax return. No one here knows how much he paid or didn't pay in taxes since he has not published his returns. This was all a what if speculation by Hillary

And BTW he does not have to publish them

Hillary flat out made the point of saying he paid no taxes. Trump didn't deny it, and instead took it as a chance to be braggadocios about it, and say, "That makes me smart."

Everyone that has run for President the last 40 years has released their tax returns. He should do it. And saying that being audited is stopping him, has now been put out there as a lie. The IRS said nothing is stopping him. It's ridiculous.

Nothing is stopping him from releasing years that aren't under audit. Which would be every year but this most recent one.

There is a wealth of years of tax filings that aren't being audited.

I wonder why trump doesn't release those.

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