Now Can You Imagine If That School Shooting Took Place In Chicago?

and then what? we all arm ourselves with pop tarts and tuna cans?
Only if you don't chew your poptart into a gun-like shape.
i propose a national "Make A 44Mag Out Of Your Pop-Tarts" day.
Shit, when we were kids, we made guns, and bows and arrows, out of pretty much anything we could lay our hands on. Pop tarts hadn't even been invented back then. Funny thing, my generation hasn't been going out and killing people wholesale, have we? Maybe it has little to do with gun control and LOTS more to do with...well, there's definitely something happening that wasn't so common "back in the day".
Dr Spock fucked up an entire nation in 2 generations.
Yeah, and my parents never read Dr. Spock...thank goodness! I got my ass kicked for doing wrong, was sent outside to play, and family night included poker, Monopoly, and building wood projects to sell. We did chores and did not receive an allowance, beat the hell out of each other and the neighbor kids when deemed warranted, and many other things that would be considered...well, non-PC nowadays.
I remember asking dad about Dr. Spock. He said he would "Spock" me where it would do the most good.
There's a black market because of crappy gun nut states make it so easy . Other first world countries don't have the same issues we do.

And Arron Burr shot Hamilton back in the day . Gun violence isn't new .

More BS. It's illegal to transfer guns over state lines unless it is being transferred between licensed dealers. Another case where the law obviously doesn't stop criminals, only us law-abiding folk are affected.

Other countries have even worse issues that we do, not the least of which is the fact that they don't enjoy the same freedoms that we have...freedoms that ninnies like you would gladly give away for a little false security.

Uh, Burr and Hamilton had this thing called a duel...which you should probably be glad we don't still do today.
Gun laws are weak and ineffective because they are designed to be. The gun lobby makes sure of that. Our gun laws have no chance of really reducing the killing. They are like taking an aspirin to cure cancer.

More bullshit. Gun laws are weak and ineffective because CRIMINALS DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT LAWS. Such a simple truth, yet allegedly intelligent people can't seem to grasp it.
Some criminals will always be able to acquire firearms. The question is how easy do we want to make that acquisition . Drug smugglers, Gun runners, terrorists, other professional criminals will always have access to guns but these are not the criminals that the general public is likely to encounter. Drug addicts robbing businesses, gang violence, housebreakers, burglars, perpetrators of domestic violence, suicide victims, and the mentally ill are major cause of gun violence. These people are very dependent on easy access to guns. Gun laws can reduce their access to guns and to gun violence.

The more laws you pass, the the more you arm government, the easier it is for criminals to obtain firearms. The other simple truth you don't seem to grasp is that laws and regulation breed black markets that governments cannot control. Have you not learned anything from the drug war or prohibition either?
Laws and regulation breed black markets when the public does not support those laws and regulations. That was certainly the case with prohibition. American support of drug laws varies depending on the law. There is little support for marijuana laws but support is much greater for hard drugs. Similarly, American strongly support a ban on automatic rifles but not hand guns.

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