Now freedom must be earned.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the observation that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed ot repeat them. As we watch a former US President being charged with third world political crimes we would do well to remember Santayana's warning. When the former president got elected in 2016 it came as a shock to the status quo that thought it owned the hearts and minds of the people. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 its purpose was not lost on the American intellectuals and academics that envied its power. After decades of poor education in the US an odious establishment of corrupt political professionals went right to work to bring the hive mind of totalitarian control to Amrerica. It seems unbelievable that this could happen here but it has. Now the people must show they are willing to fight for the freedom that is being taken away. This is the eleventh hour. We can't just sit back and let it happen hoping the culprits will see the light. They see only power. Sometimes freedom has to be earned. Now is that time.
Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the observation that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed ot repeat them. As we watch a former US President being charged with third world political crimes we would do well to remember Santayana's warning. When the former president got elected in 2016 it came as a shock to the status quo that thought it owned the hearts and minds of the people. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 its purpose was not lost on the American intellectuals and academics that envied its power. After decades of poor education in the US an odious establishment of corrupt political professionals went right to work to bring the hive mind of totalitarian control to Amrerica. It seems unbelievable that this could happen here but it has. Now the people must show they are willing to fight for the freedom that is being taken away. This is the eleventh hour. We can't just sit back and let it happen hoping the culprits will see the light. They see only power. Sometimes freedom has to be earned. Now is that time.
Without the ridiculous Electoral College where would the MAGA-Putin party be? They`ve lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. Do you think another riot would be good for the GOP? Just grow a pair and do it!
Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the observation that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed ot repeat them. As we watch a former US President being charged with third world political crimes we would do well to remember Santayana's warning. When the former president got elected in 2016 it came as a shock to the status quo that thought it owned the hearts and minds of the people. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 its purpose was not lost on the American intellectuals and academics that envied its power. After decades of poor education in the US an odious establishment of corrupt political professionals went right to work to bring the hive mind of totalitarian control to Amrerica. It seems unbelievable that this could happen here but it has. Now the people must show they are willing to fight for the freedom that is being taken away. This is the eleventh hour. We can't just sit back and let it happen hoping the culprits will see the light. They see only power. Sometimes freedom has to be earned. Now is that time.
Felons must pay for their crimes
Anyone who rises up against the law will be put down.
Just like the Democrat's good ole days of the KKK and courts denying rights to Americans. Once again, we see Democrats on the wrong side of Law and History.
The Dred Scott case, also known as Dred Scott v. Sandford, was a decade-long fight for freedom by a Black enslaved man named Dred Scott. The case persisted through several courts and ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1857, the nation's top court ruled that living in a free state and territory did not entitle Dred Scott to his freedom because, as an enslaved man, he was not a citizen, but essentially another person's property. The court's decision incensed abolitionists, gave momentum to the anti-slavery movement and served as a stepping stone to the Civil War.
Without the ridiculous Electoral College where would the MAGA-Putin party be? They`ve lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. Do you think another riot would be good for the GOP? Just grow a pair and do it!
That is not normal. In a society where people have comforts, they do not automatically rise up. even the Revolutionary War did not have a majority that wanted to do so. At least at the start. The end result though is near the same in these situations. Tyranny. Totalitarianism. Dictatorship. The loss of most unalienable rights in which we have lost some already. It is difficult to get these to return without violence though. And you can experience this in any political locality.
Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the observation that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed ot repeat them. As we watch a former US President being charged with third world political crimes we would do well to remember Santayana's warning. When the former president got elected in 2016 it came as a shock to the status quo that thought it owned the hearts and minds of the people. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 its purpose was not lost on the American intellectuals and academics that envied its power. After decades of poor education in the US an odious establishment of corrupt political professionals went right to work to bring the hive mind of totalitarian control to Amrerica. It seems unbelievable that this could happen here but it has. Now the people must show they are willing to fight for the freedom that is being taken away. This is the eleventh hour. We can't just sit back and let it happen hoping the culprits will see the light. They see only power. Sometimes freedom has to be earned. Now is that time.
Since you're bringing up Germany here's a lesson; when Hitler attempted his infamous coup in 1923 he used the later criminal trial to spread his vile message and the court was cowed into giving him preferential treatment, allowing for the later takeover of the country by his Nazi ideology. Today we see MAGA attempting the same thing, and you idiots go around crying about "the eleventh hour." Good grief ❄️
Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the observation that those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed ot repeat them. As we watch a former US President being charged with third world political crimes we would do well to remember Santayana's warning. When the former president got elected in 2016 it came as a shock to the status quo that thought it owned the hearts and minds of the people. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 its purpose was not lost on the American intellectuals and academics that envied its power. After decades of poor education in the US an odious establishment of corrupt political professionals went right to work to bring the hive mind of totalitarian control to Amrerica. It seems unbelievable that this could happen here but it has. Now the people must show they are willing to fight for the freedom that is being taken away. This is the eleventh hour. We can't just sit back and let it happen hoping the culprits will see the light. They see only power. Sometimes freedom has to be earned. Now is that time.
Holy cow Raynine. Where have you been??? It is so refreshing to see an intelligent, well written post by a person who knows his/her history, understands the dynamics at play, and also has the ability to see and understand what is happening and the intellectual honesty to say it.

I think we are fighting back. I see person after person, many of limited means, who didn't take to the streets to riot, burn, vandalize, destroy, assault as the leftists do. But they sent in a small donation after the verdict on Wednesday. It was the most effective way they had at the time to express what they thought of a weaponized government using its power illegally and unconstitutionally to destroy a political opponent. More than $50 million is now reported to have come in to the Trump campaign in the first 24 hours after the verdict.

What else we can do is to take all opportunities to express ourselves on the internet just as intelligently and effectively as you did here. And vote straight GOP in November.

Any other choice is not fighting back. It is allowing a totalitarian minded left to do its worst.

Thank you.

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