Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

I didn't say you mentioned it. I was just checking to see if you believed the swift boat vets.

After traitor Kerry testified the following to Congress,

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

I would believe anyone other than that traitorous bastard.

Why is he a traitor? Was he charged? Most of the above happened at My Lai alone, let alone the other decade of that war.

They were prosecuted for the My Lai massacre and that was not what the traitor was talking about. Kerry is a traitor IMO because he was giving aid and comfort to the enemy by his testimony while we were still engaged in an armed conflict and soldiers were being killed every day.
What has Trump sacrificied? Comrade Donald's words eat his guts daily.

What's the Hildebeast sacrificed ...beside 4 men at Benghazi,that is?

learn to spell her name, troll.

she didn't claim to have sacrificed. your white supremacist hero did.

benghaaaaaaaazzzzzzzziiiiiiiii!!!! :cuckoo:
True, she sacrifice others. Then lied to cover it up.

so much ignorance from your posts.

you should probably complain to baby bush for destabilizing the middle east.

the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.

All this time I thought the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon at bin Laden's direction was sufficient reason to attack the middle east. Some really stupid dipshits actually believe the middle east was stable before that happened.
.....the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.
1) Hillary was State. She had nothing to do with the CIA and, therefore, OBLs demise.

2) Hillary didn't sacrifice anyone, much less OBL. How could she? She exclusively used a private server for her email and claims to never have received nor sent classified information. Ergo, she was out of the loop regarding security problems in Libya and the search and attack on OBL.
What has Trump sacrificied? Comrade Donald's words eat his guts daily.

What's the Hildebeast sacrificed ...beside 4 men at Benghazi,that is?

learn to spell her name, troll.

she didn't claim to have sacrificed. your white supremacist hero did.

benghaaaaaaaazzzzzzzziiiiiiiii!!!! :cuckoo:
True, she sacrifice others. Then lied to cover it up.

so much ignorance from your posts.

you should probably complain to baby bush for destabilizing the middle east.

the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.
Carter destabilized the ME by back stabbing the Shah. Iraq was won with the surge. Obie is the one that fucked that up.

What did Hillery have to do with Bin Laden, did she crawl down a spider hole with her Ka-Bar clenched between her teeth and pull him out like she did with Sadaam?
.....the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.
1) Hillary was State. She had nothing to do with the CIA and, therefore, OBLs demise.

2) Hillary didn't sacrifice anyone, much less OBL. How could she? She exclusively used a private server for her email and claims to never have received nor sent classified information. Ergo, she was out of the loop regarding security problems in Libya and the search and attack on OBL.

my point wasn't that hillary was state. it was that we should take the words of a CIA director who served both republicans and democrats seriously.

as for bin laden, she was there at the planning. again, what she "sacrificed" is irrelevant because she isn't the one saying she sacrificed...donald is. and the fact that he's saying it in response to a gold star family seems to have finally derailed him because it finally put his narcissism on display for everyone.
.....the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.
1) Hillary was State. She had nothing to do with the CIA and, therefore, OBLs demise.

2) Hillary didn't sacrifice anyone, much less OBL. How could she? She exclusively used a private server for her email and claims to never have received nor sent classified information. Ergo, she was out of the loop regarding security problems in Libya and the search and attack on OBL.

my point wasn't that hillary was state. it was that we should take the words of a CIA director who served both republicans and democrats seriously.

as for bin laden, she was there at the planning. again, what she "sacrificed" is irrelevant because she isn't the one saying she sacrificed...donald is. and the fact that he's saying it in response to a gold star family seems to have finally derailed him because it finally put his narcissism on display for everyone.
Then you should speak more plainly and with less bullshit. Claiming that Hillary "sacrificed" bin Laden is bullshit.

I was at the Superbowl, does that mean I was part of winning the game? State has nothing to do with the CIA or SpecOps.
They were prosecuted for the My Lai massacre and that was not what the traitor was talking about. Kerry is a traitor IMO because he was giving aid and comfort to the enemy by his testimony while we were still engaged in an armed conflict and soldiers were being killed every day.

Oh, ok. So if soldiers from your country goes around murdering and raping people they should STFU until the conflict is over? Gotcha. You're fucking evil and warped.
Oh, ok. So if soldiers from your country goes around murdering and raping people they should STFU until the conflict is over? Gotcha. You're fucking evil and warped.
How does throwing someone else's medals over a fence stop "murdering and raping"?

Thanks for confirming the LW view that all soldiers are murderers and rapists who deserve to be spat upon when they returned from Vietnam. ;)
.....the only one hillary "sacrificed" was bin laden.

please go to school. pretty please. or at least read. because you clearly are uninformed.
1) Hillary was State. She had nothing to do with the CIA and, therefore, OBLs demise.

2) Hillary didn't sacrifice anyone, much less OBL. How could she? She exclusively used a private server for her email and claims to never have received nor sent classified information. Ergo, she was out of the loop regarding security problems in Libya and the search and attack on OBL.

my point wasn't that hillary was state. it was that we should take the words of a CIA director who served both republicans and democrats seriously.

as for bin laden, she was there at the planning. again, what she "sacrificed" is irrelevant because she isn't the one saying she sacrificed...donald is. and the fact that he's saying it in response to a gold star family seems to have finally derailed him because it finally put his narcissism on display for everyone.
Then you should speak more plainly and with less bullshit. Claiming that Hillary "sacrificed" bin Laden is bullshit.

I was at the Superbowl, does that mean I was part of winning the game? State has nothing to do with the CIA or SpecOps.

i thought i did speak plainly. and i was responding to the sock troll who was shrieking about benghazi and ignoring the fact that the orange fascist said he made sacrifices

actually, she was supposedly supportive from the beginning. and "State" might not. but "trusted advisors" as she was.... do.

that's why she was "in the room where it happens" (with kudos to lin manuel-miranda).
i thought i did speak plainly. and i was responding to the sock troll who was shrieking about benghazi and ignoring the fact that the orange fascist said he made sacrifices

actually, she was supposedly supportive from the beginning. and "State" might not. but "trusted advisors" as she was.... do.

that's why she was "in the room where it happens" (with kudos to lin manuel-miranda).
Thanks for walking back Hillary's participation in OBL's demise.
i thought i did speak plainly. and i was responding to the sock troll who was shrieking about benghazi and ignoring the fact that the orange fascist said he made sacrifices

actually, she was supposedly supportive from the beginning. and "State" might not. but "trusted advisors" as she was.... do.

that's why she was "in the room where it happens" (with kudos to lin manuel-miranda).
Thanks for walking back Hillary's participation in OBL's demise.

i didn't.

you are. *shrug*
Thanks for confirming the LW view that all soldiers are murderers and rapists who deserve to be spat upon when they returned from Vietnam. ;)

Never said that.
You were careful to dance around it without committing. Nonetheless, your post implied it was a common problem, not isolated incidents like My Lai.

BTW, who was President for most of Vietnam including My Lai? Need a hint? Here's a picture:
i didn't.

you are. *shrug*
Disagreed. You went from awarding Hillary with credit for killing OBL to she was an advisor. No shit. So was most of the cabinet.

I'm what? Go ahead, you can say it. I'm used to highly emotional, often unstable, people calling me names.
I know there is no sharia in the US. But he is saying flat out there is no sharia. I'm reading the transcript. That has jack shit to do with Breitbart or how to interpret his very specific words.

"There is no such thing. " Pretty cut and dry. Most offensive is his bullshit that he doesn't stand for any Sharia. Oh kiss my ass. He's a renowned scholar on Sharia and believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution or any other man made laws like many Muslims.

Sharia is divine.
Reading his quote in context...

"Sharia law as we have titled it, there is no such thing as Sharia law. These are laws of various Muslim countries, which are hodgepodge of Finnish laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any sharia law because there is no such thing."
He doesn't believe in Sharia law as it's the antithesis of the Constitution.

Yo, he did writings on Sharia and others!

Turns out Khizr Khan is very pro-Sharia Law!

View attachment 84367
That was some 33 years ago when he first came to America. Are you saying Crazy Donald is still pro-choice even though he says he isn't because there was a time, years ago, when he said he was?

Really? Really? He founded the Islamic Journal to defend Sharia. This son of a bitch is a hardliner. Look I have for three decades fought against men like this. You want to tell me this sharia loving mother fucker is a good guy you show your colors. Fine by me.

Line up your daughter for the little nick. Get her clitoris removed.
Yes, really. That was 33 years ago. At least try to be relevant.

A hardliner never changes. You don't know any Muslims do you? You are just trying to be some weirdo understanding lib. You don't get them at all.

Because you don't know any. I on the other hand do. And love many of them to death with the exception of the hardliners. Guys like Khan are freaking sharia bots. For them it's all about control and domination.

Women and children are to be dominated. Beaten (allowed by sharia) if they step out of line. They are freaks. Sadistic freaks. Khan is like ISIS except in a suit. And you embrace him because you don't understand this radical element that shrouds itself in a perverted Islam.

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