Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

You should have read the link first and the interview in its entirety. He clearly states that in Muslim countries around the world they live under a mismash of British, Portuguese and French laws.

Oh and he's a recognized scholar and promoter of Sharia. He adores Sharia.

Here ya go sparky!

"These are laws of various Muslim countries which are hodgepodge of British laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of the United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought.

How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any Sharia Law because there is no such thing"..

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart
I saw his interview and heard his own words. Unlike you, I don't need Breitbart to interpret them for me. He was talking about in the U.S. and the Constitution. There is no Sharia law here.

I know there is no sharia in the US. But he is saying flat out there is no sharia. I'm reading the transcript. That has jack shit to do with Breitbart or how to interpret his very specific words.

"There is no such thing. " Pretty cut and dry. Most offensive is his bullshit that he doesn't stand for any Sharia. Oh kiss my ass. He's a renowned scholar on Sharia and believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution or any other man made laws like many Muslims.

Sharia is divine.
Reading his quote in context...

"Sharia law as we have titled it, there is no such thing as Sharia law. These are laws of various Muslim countries, which are hodgepodge of Finnish laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any sharia law because there is no such thing."
He doesn't believe in Sharia law as it's the antithesis of the Constitution.

Yo, he did writings on Sharia and others!

Turns out Khizr Khan is very pro-Sharia Law!

View attachment 84367
That was some 33 years ago when he first came to America. Are you saying Crazy Donald is still pro-choice even though he says he isn't because there was a time, years ago, when he said he was?

Yo, once a Muslim, always a Muslim!

200 (18).gif
Then you would be wrong because the swift boat vets were caught lying about that.

I don't believe that. Did any of them throw their bronze stars and other awards over the White House wall to protest the war? Kerry did.
What does that have to do with the swift boat vets lying?

Kerry dishonored the military awards and himself. When it is their word against his, I will accept their word every time.
I guess you're just stupid that way to accept folks' word. Especially of those who were caught bald-faced lying.

Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?
I saw his interview and heard his own words. Unlike you, I don't need Breitbart to interpret them for me. He was talking about in the U.S. and the Constitution. There is no Sharia law here.

I know there is no sharia in the US. But he is saying flat out there is no sharia. I'm reading the transcript. That has jack shit to do with Breitbart or how to interpret his very specific words.

"There is no such thing. " Pretty cut and dry. Most offensive is his bullshit that he doesn't stand for any Sharia. Oh kiss my ass. He's a renowned scholar on Sharia and believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution or any other man made laws like many Muslims.

Sharia is divine.
Reading his quote in context...

"Sharia law as we have titled it, there is no such thing as Sharia law. These are laws of various Muslim countries, which are hodgepodge of Finnish laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any sharia law because there is no such thing."
He doesn't believe in Sharia law as it's the antithesis of the Constitution.

Yo, he did writings on Sharia and others!

Turns out Khizr Khan is very pro-Sharia Law!

View attachment 84367
That was some 33 years ago when he first came to America. Are you saying Crazy Donald is still pro-choice even though he says he isn't because there was a time, years ago, when he said he was?

Yo, once a Muslim, always a Muslim!

View attachment 84479
Who said he was no longer a Muslim?
Thanks for confirming the LW view that all soldiers are murderers and rapists who deserve to be spat upon when they returned from Vietnam. ;)

Never said that.
You were careful to dance around it without committing. Nonetheless, your post implied it was a common problem, not isolated incidents like My Lai.

BTW, who was President for most of Vietnam including My Lai? Need a hint? Here's a picture:
LBJ was a piece of shit who lied to get us into that war. It's a big reason he wasn't reelected. Your point is....?
Reading his quote in context...

"Sharia law as we have titled it, there is no such thing as Sharia law. These are laws of various Muslim countries, which are hodgepodge of Finnish laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any sharia law because there is no such thing."
He doesn't believe in Sharia law as it's the antithesis of the Constitution.

Yo, he did writings on Sharia and others!

Turns out Khizr Khan is very pro-Sharia Law!

View attachment 84367
That was some 33 years ago when he first came to America. Are you saying Crazy Donald is still pro-choice even though he says he isn't because there was a time, years ago, when he said he was?

Really? Really? He founded the Islamic Journal to defend Sharia. This son of a bitch is a hardliner. Look I have for three decades fought against men like this. You want to tell me this sharia loving mother fucker is a good guy you show your colors. Fine by me.

Line up your daughter for the little nick. Get her clitoris removed.
Yes, really. That was 33 years ago. At least try to be relevant.

A hardliner never changes. You don't know any Muslims do you? You are just trying to be some weirdo understanding lib. You don't get them at all.

Because you don't know any. I on the other hand do. And love many of them to death with the exception of the hardliners. Guys like Khan are freaking sharia bots. For them it's all about control and domination.

Women and children are to be dominated. Beaten (allowed by sharia) if they step out of line. They are freaks. Sadistic freaks. Khan is like ISIS except in a suit. And you embrace him because you don't understand this radical element that shrouds itself in a perverted Islam.
You're too fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You first ask if I personally know any Muslims, and then proceed to attack your own strawman by acting as though I don't after actually saying, "because you don't...."

A rational person would wait for an answer to their own questions rather than answer their own questions with erroneous answers.

And the answer is yes, I know Muslims. I work with them and live near them. I'm a software engineer. A career which has always brought me together with very diverse multicultural teams. There are several Muslims on the team I'm currently on. I also live in a multicultural part of the country. My next door neighbors, who we get together with for football games, bbq's, dinners, etc., is an ER physician and his wife a nurse, are Muslim.

At any rate, other than Khan writing about Sharia law 33 years ago, you have no fucking clue where he stands on it today other than what he's said in the news over the past week. But hey, since when do you allow pesky reality interfere with your blinded ideology?
They were prosecuted for the My Lai massacre and that was not what the traitor was talking about. Kerry is a traitor IMO because he was giving aid and comfort to the enemy by his testimony while we were still engaged in an armed conflict and soldiers were being killed every day.

Oh, ok. So if soldiers from your country goes around murdering and raping people they should STFU until the conflict is over? Gotcha. You're fucking evil and warped.

The Army disciplines the soldiers if that even happened. Anyone that advertises it publicly is a fucking traitor and you are the evil, warped anti-American POS in this thread.
I don't believe that. Did any of them throw their bronze stars and other awards over the White House wall to protest the war? Kerry did.
What does that have to do with the swift boat vets lying?

Kerry dishonored the military awards and himself. When it is their word against his, I will accept their word every time.
I guess you're just stupid that way to accept folks' word. Especially of those who were caught bald-faced lying.

Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
What does that have to do with the swift boat vets lying?

Kerry dishonored the military awards and himself. When it is their word against his, I will accept their word every time.
I guess you're just stupid that way to accept folks' word. Especially of those who were caught bald-faced lying.

Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
That's what they said decades later when swiftboating Kerry. Meanwhile, their citations at the time, including Thurlow's (even though he tried to hide it), stated they were under fire.
Last edited:
Kerry dishonored the military awards and himself. When it is their word against his, I will accept their word every time.
I guess you're just stupid that way to accept folks' word. Especially of those who were caught bald-faced lying.

Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
That's what they said decades later when swiftboating Kerry. Meanwhile, their citations at the time, including Thurlow's (even though he tried to hide it), stated they were under fire.

Thurlow swore in an affadavit that he was not under fire, and tow other Swift boat skippers said the same thing. The CO that wrote up the awards would not comment on where he got his info from. I suspect traitor Kerry filled him in on the alleged under fire tale.
I guess you're just stupid that way to accept folks' word. Especially of those who were caught bald-faced lying.

Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
That's what they said decades later when swiftboating Kerry. Meanwhile, their citations at the time, including Thurlow's (even though he tried to hide it), stated they were under fire.

Thurlow swore in an affadavit that he was not under fire, and tow other Swift boat skippers said the same thing. The CO that wrote up the awards would not comment on where he got his info from. I suspect traitor Kerry filled him in on the alleged under fire tale.
And Thurlow lied to a swear on his affadavit. It was later revealed that he too was awarded a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for heroism under enemy fire during that same rescue.
Got a link to that lie Kerry loving jerkoff?
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
That's what they said decades later when swiftboating Kerry. Meanwhile, their citations at the time, including Thurlow's (even though he tried to hide it), stated they were under fire.

Thurlow swore in an affadavit that he was not under fire, and tow other Swift boat skippers said the same thing. The CO that wrote up the awards would not comment on where he got his info from. I suspect traitor Kerry filled him in on the alleged under fire tale.
And Thurlow lied to a swear on his affadavit. It was later revealed that he too was awarded a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for heroism under enemy fire during that same rescue.

Even the Naval Officer that gave Kerry the medal questioned Kerry's actions in Vietnam. He should have listened to the other boat skippers instead of taking Kerry's word for it.

Thurlow said last night after being read the full text of his Bronze Star citation. "My personal feeling was always that I got the award for coming to the rescue of the boat that was mined. This casts doubt on anybody's awards. It is sickening and disgusting."

Thurlow said he would consider his award "fraudulent" if coming under enemy fire was the basis for it. "I am here to state that we weren't under fire," he said. He speculated that Kerry could have been the source of at least some of the language used in the citation.

The Bronze Star recommendations for both Kerry and Thurlow were signed by Lt. Cmdr. George M. Elliott, who received reports on the incident from his base in the Gulf of Thailand. Elliott is a supporter of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and has questioned Kerry's actions in Vietnam. But he has refused repeated requests for an interview after issuing conflicting statements to the Boston Globe about whether Kerry deserved a Silver Star.
This is such old news, how could you not know it? They wrote a book which neglected to mention swift boat vet Larry Thurlow, like Kerry, earned a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for rescuing Lt. Rassman while under fire. Like his other medals, they tried to claim Kerry didn't earn his Bronze Star. Thurlow even swore in an affidavit they were not under fire -- then it was discovered, with no help from Thurlow, he too earned a Bronze Star for heroism under fire. They lied.

Records Counter a Critic of Kerry

Why do you think the term, "swiftboat," has become a verb meaning to lie about someone's past record in order to discredit them?

Your link has three other sailors that were there that did not see or hear any gunfire.

"John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star," says Van Odell, a gunner on PCF-23, one of the boats that came to the rescue of the stricken boat. "I know. I was there."

Last month, Thurlow swore in an affidavit that Kerry was "not under fire" when he fished Lt. James Rassmann out of the water. He described Kerry's Bronze Star citation, which says that all units involved came under "small arms and automatic weapons fire," as "totally fabricated."

Two other Swift boat skippers who were direct participants in the March 13, 1969, mine explosion on the Bay Hap, Jack Chenoweth and Richard Pees, have said they do not remember coming under "enemy fire."
That's what they said decades later when swiftboating Kerry. Meanwhile, their citations at the time, including Thurlow's (even though he tried to hide it), stated they were under fire.

Thurlow swore in an affadavit that he was not under fire, and tow other Swift boat skippers said the same thing. The CO that wrote up the awards would not comment on where he got his info from. I suspect traitor Kerry filled him in on the alleged under fire tale.
And Thurlow lied to a swear on his affadavit. It was later revealed that he too was awarded a Bronze Star with combat 'V' for heroism under enemy fire during that same rescue.

Even the Naval Officer that gave Kerry the medal questioned Kerry's actions in Vietnam. He should have listened to the other boat skippers instead of taking Kerry's word for it.

Thurlow said last night after being read the full text of his Bronze Star citation. "My personal feeling was always that I got the award for coming to the rescue of the boat that was mined. This casts doubt on anybody's awards. It is sickening and disgusting."

Thurlow said he would consider his award "fraudulent" if coming under enemy fire was the basis for it. "I am here to state that we weren't under fire," he said. He speculated that Kerry could have been the source of at least some of the language used in the citation.

The Bronze Star recommendations for both Kerry and Thurlow were signed by Lt. Cmdr. George M. Elliott, who received reports on the incident from his base in the Gulf of Thailand. Elliott is a supporter of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and has questioned Kerry's actions in Vietnam. But he has refused repeated requests for an interview after issuing conflicting statements to the Boston Globe about whether Kerry deserved a Silver Star.
Repeating Thurlow's lie doesn't make it magically true.
Kerry didn't write the citation and there's no evidence Kerry had anything to do with it. Many others there also said they were under fire, including Rassman, who said he dove under water and held his breath as long as possible to avoid enemy fire. A lifelong Republican, he still thanks Kerry for risking his own life to save him.

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