Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

Wait, so it's okay for you to try Venezuela shit as long as you fail?

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all week. Congrats, moron. You have proven to be an elite level hack. Truly, goal medal contender in the Olympics of partisan hackery.

You assholes didn't keep anyone off the ballot, you just tried to make it so BALLOTS DON'T EVEN MATTER.

That's the Venezuela bullshit and you're going to vote for that wannabe dictator again because you're a hack.

All you do is use the Pee Wee Herman school of debating. It's pathetic.

Because we know your side are cheating hacks.

Cheating shouldn't be rewarded.
You're fucking damn right I'm FURIOUS over you scumbags trying to FORCE your retarded Marxist Leninist revolution on WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!
Call it triggered and laugh all you want, one way or another, this darkness got to give....... :evil:

Dude’s gonna stroke out on us
Like when the Republicans were trying to keep Obama off the ballot?

Or like when Trump tried to replace electors with his own?

Or like when Texas tried to remove 6 states from the electoral college?

Or like when Trump tried to have heavily Democratic counties in Wisconsin taken out of the vote total?

You guys started this Venezuela shit.


It as Hillary who started with the attempt to get Obama off the ballot.

Alternate electors are picked by the parties ahead of time, and the state legislature is who counts and forwards them to Congress, so there is no way to "replace electors".

It as Hillary who started with the attempt to get Obama off the ballot.

Alternate electors are picked by the parties ahead of time, and the state legislature is who counts and forwards them to Congress, so there is no way to "replace electors".
Hey look. TheKremlin troll is back
The Colorado communists will be stuck down, and MAGA IS GOING TO CRUSH THE CHEATING DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!
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The real crime was the 2 bogus impeachments and 91 grand jury ham sandwiches.
I look forward to Red States disqualifying key Democrats from the ballot for insurrection. Not even a charge is required per the new rules, let alone a conviction.

All of the Midwest can now be Democrat free at their will now.

New Rules now.
Too bad almost all "Red States" are governed by Uniparty RINOs who have absolutely zero intention of representing us and fighting back against their tyranny.
I mean, why not?

We all know Biden is corrupt….so red states should pull him off ballots.

Finger rape Joe does not have a chance in Florida, so let’s take him off the ballot.
With Biden there's actually legitimate grounds to charge him with treason.
Except of course that Golfing Gator never said that, but please do not let that get in the way of your lies about me, seems you just cannot help but talk about me.

Golfing Gator - "Perhaps you missed it, but In November, a trial court in Denver found that the events on Jan. 6 satisfy the definition of insurrection, and concluded that Trump engaged in insurrection through incitement."

A decision made without due process, without hearing evidence, no precedent, and without jurisdiction.

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