Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Not for me, I voted for President Trump.
Yes I know. You voted for the loser, the guy you’re calling a dementia patient won.
Yes the Depends wearing, diaper filling, strained pea eating nursing home resident you voted for.
If a guy like that can beat Trump then that’s gotta humiliating to Trump and those who see the world like you do. I’m sorry, sounds like you will be very embarrassed to be an American in a President Biden world
Not at all, I and we know we are not the wacko idiots who would elect a rock like Diaper Joe.
If your characterization were true then Biden would not have gotten elected. You just sound like a hateful little person who is now a soar loser. Can’t say I expected anything more from people like you though. Youve displayed Extremely low charter And self discipline much like your leader. Time to clear y’all out of the spotlight
Spare us the pretend humility. You created a virus hoax and used it to get/create even more dreg voters than in the past, stalled counts to calculate differences to make up, and made up the difference in states the President was leading. I everyone except military and students weree required to vote in person you would win 2 states.
My characterization is spot on
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. You just sound like a bitter political hack. Get a grip man or it’s gonna be a long 4 years for ya
Well sure it will I am not a Dem dreg sitting around waiting for a check....I work and need my job which Diaperman will try to eliminate and export. What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday.

" What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday."""

Oh the virus doesn't care that America has elected a new POTUS.
118,000 new cases yesterday.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
So what? Death rate down, severe case rate down, testing number up. Without the increased testing nobody would even know they had it.

You forgot to mention that 241,000 have died in 8 months, you stupid fucking idiot.
Its rates not raw numbers idiot. Since Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors killed half that total the testing has increased, cases have increased, and severe cases and death rates have gone down. Killer Cuomo started us off with a 7% mortality rate and since then we are down to 2.4%. I know facts interfere with the wind blowing through your ears but try to grasp wackos turned the flu into a murder weapon.
How many have died from the flu this year? How many from Covid?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup says a lot for the similar schmucks who vote for such a rock.
It says even more about those who couldn’t win what should be a walk in the park if reality was how you paint it... which is obvious BS
A true election would have shown you what a walk in the park it was. Cant beat the mail in machine
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Not for me, I voted for President Trump.
Yes I know. You voted for the loser, the guy you’re calling a dementia patient won.
Yes the Depends wearing, diaper filling, strained pea eating nursing home resident you voted for.
If a guy like that can beat Trump then that’s gotta humiliating to Trump and those who see the world like you do. I’m sorry, sounds like you will be very embarrassed to be an American in a President Biden world
Not at all, I and we know we are not the wacko idiots who would elect a rock like Diaper Joe.
If your characterization were true then Biden would not have gotten elected. You just sound like a hateful little person who is now a soar loser. Can’t say I expected anything more from people like you though. Youve displayed Extremely low charter And self discipline much like your leader. Time to clear y’all out of the spotlight
Spare us the pretend humility. You created a virus hoax and used it to get/create even more dreg voters than in the past, stalled counts to calculate differences to make up, and made up the difference in states the President was leading. I everyone except military and students weree required to vote in person you would win 2 states.
My characterization is spot on
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. You just sound like a bitter political hack. Get a grip man or it’s gonna be a long 4 years for ya
Well sure it will I am not a Dem dreg sitting around waiting for a check....I work and need my job which Diaperman will try to eliminate and export. What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday.

" What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday."""

Oh the virus doesn't care that America has elected a new POTUS.
118,000 new cases yesterday.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
So what? Death rate down, severe case rate down, testing number up. Without the increased testing nobody would even know they had it.

You forgot to mention that 241,000 have died in 8 months, you stupid fucking idiot.
Its rates not raw numbers idiot. Since Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors killed half that total the testing has increased, cases have increased, and severe cases and death rates have gone down. Killer Cuomo started us off with a 7% mortality rate and since then we are down to 2.4%. I know facts interfere with the wind blowing through your ears but try to grasp wackos turned the flu into a murder weapon.
How many have died from the flu this year? How many from Covid?
Flu is estimated and many were changed to were car deaths, gunshot wounds, hit by falling piano.....anything to met your narrative. But again, without Killer Cuomo and the Dem states, even if their mortality rates were as low as other states, deaths would be half of what they are.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Ah, so Biden scored eh?

You mean Hunter? Yes, he probably scored a couple hundred dollar rocks of crack tonight, and a new laptop.

Bet you can't wait to see the Hunter Biden/Kamala Harris fuck videos coming out soon. I heard she can suck the chrome of a trailer hitch ball.

Ooooh. Serious butthurt going on here.
Better order buttcream now, I heard it's pretty much sold out in Fly-Over Country, otherwise known as Trump's base.

The person you replied to isn't in fly over country or even in America.

That one is a russian troll in russia hired to help trump stay in the White House.

Yes that one is very upset. That one knows what is in store for russia if Biden becomes president.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Ah, so Biden scored eh?

You mean Hunter? Yes, he probably scored a couple hundred dollar rocks of crack tonight, and a new laptop.

Bet you can't wait to see the Hunter Biden/Kamala Harris fuck videos coming out soon. I heard she can suck the chrome of a trailer hitch ball.

Ooooh. Serious butthurt going on here.
Better order buttcream now, I heard it's pretty much sold out in Fly-Over Country, otherwise known as Trump's base.

The person you replied to isn't in fly over country or even in America.

That one is a russian troll in russia hired to help trump stay in the White House.

Yes that one is very upset. That one knows what is in store for russia if Biden becomes president.
Hahahahahahaha Russian trolls and melty glaciers and Easter Bunnies and the Sandman and.....
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

Do you realize that many people will see this as a bait and switch and not be too pleased about it?
You beat me to posting this exact thought, although I should learn from you as I tend to be a bit verbose in my responses;)

Here we have US citizens (presumably) on this message board openly stating that Biden needs to be put out to pasture, that he did his job luring in voters so now his job is done. Wow! The election has yet to be officially called and some are calling for his removal. Even vipers and African rock pythons take care of their young for two weeks. Incredible.

Everyone has the right to vote for whichever candidate they feel is best suited for the job, but using deceptive tactics doesn't go over well with the majority of the country- which includes, Republicans, Democrats, and independents. If there's one thing most Dems/Reps/independents share is how they feel about being lied doesn't go over well.

Btw- Is someone considered to be an honest person if they don't reveal their honest intentions until after something happens? My thought is no.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup

A guy in his basement beat Trump.
That's how much people hated Trump.
Very the additional votes those haters created when they were behind.
How did they create votes? Your pulling shit out of your ass. But please go ahead and try to back it up
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup says a lot for the similar schmucks who vote for such a rock.
It says even more about those who couldn’t win what should be a walk in the park if reality was how you paint it... which is obvious BS
A true election would have shown you what a walk in the park it was. Cant beat the mail in machine
The mail in machine is simply people voting which yes you're right Trump could not beat. Instead of using it he idiotically fought against it and it bit him in the ass.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Not for me, I voted for President Trump.
Yes I know. You voted for the loser, the guy you’re calling a dementia patient won.
Yes the Depends wearing, diaper filling, strained pea eating nursing home resident you voted for.
If a guy like that can beat Trump then that’s gotta humiliating to Trump and those who see the world like you do. I’m sorry, sounds like you will be very embarrassed to be an American in a President Biden world
Not at all, I and we know we are not the wacko idiots who would elect a rock like Diaper Joe.
If your characterization were true then Biden would not have gotten elected. You just sound like a hateful little person who is now a soar loser. Can’t say I expected anything more from people like you though. Youve displayed Extremely low charter And self discipline much like your leader. Time to clear y’all out of the spotlight
Spare us the pretend humility. You created a virus hoax and used it to get/create even more dreg voters than in the past, stalled counts to calculate differences to make up, and made up the difference in states the President was leading. I everyone except military and students weree required to vote in person you would win 2 states.
My characterization is spot on
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. You just sound like a bitter political hack. Get a grip man or it’s gonna be a long 4 years for ya
Well sure it will I am not a Dem dreg sitting around waiting for a check....I work and need my job which Diaperman will try to eliminate and export. What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday.

" What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday."""

Oh the virus doesn't care that America has elected a new POTUS.
118,000 new cases yesterday.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
So what? Death rate down, severe case rate down, testing number up. Without the increased testing nobody would even know they had it.

You forgot to mention that 241,000 have died in 8 months, you stupid fucking idiot.
Its rates not raw numbers idiot. Since Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors killed half that total the testing has increased, cases have increased, and severe cases and death rates have gone down. Killer Cuomo started us off with a 7% mortality rate and since then we are down to 2.4%. I know facts interfere with the wind blowing through your ears but try to grasp wackos turned the flu into a murder weapon.
How many have died from the flu this year? How many from Covid?
Flu is estimated and many were changed to were car deaths, gunshot wounds, hit by falling piano.....anything to met your narrative. But again, without Killer Cuomo and the Dem states, even if their mortality rates were as low as other states, deaths would be half of what they are.
Way to NOT answer the question. Go away. You got nothing
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup

A guy in his basement beat Trump.
That's how much people hated Trump.
Very the additional votes those haters created when they were behind.
How did they create votes? Your pulling shit out of your ass. But please go ahead and try to back it up
I won't be the one backing anything up. The appropriate suits or recount requests will be filed and whatever comes out comes out. Mail in votes are a sham and a scam.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup says a lot for the similar schmucks who vote for such a rock.
It says even more about those who couldn’t win what should be a walk in the park if reality was how you paint it... which is obvious BS
A true election would have shown you what a walk in the park it was. Cant beat the mail in machine
The mail in machine is simply people voting which yes you're right Trump could not beat. Instead of using it he idiotically fought against it and it bit him in the ass.
The virus hoax mail in machine is what I am talking about.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Not for me, I voted for President Trump.
Yes I know. You voted for the loser, the guy you’re calling a dementia patient won.
Yes the Depends wearing, diaper filling, strained pea eating nursing home resident you voted for.
If a guy like that can beat Trump then that’s gotta humiliating to Trump and those who see the world like you do. I’m sorry, sounds like you will be very embarrassed to be an American in a President Biden world
Not at all, I and we know we are not the wacko idiots who would elect a rock like Diaper Joe.
If your characterization were true then Biden would not have gotten elected. You just sound like a hateful little person who is now a soar loser. Can’t say I expected anything more from people like you though. Youve displayed Extremely low charter And self discipline much like your leader. Time to clear y’all out of the spotlight
Spare us the pretend humility. You created a virus hoax and used it to get/create even more dreg voters than in the past, stalled counts to calculate differences to make up, and made up the difference in states the President was leading. I everyone except military and students weree required to vote in person you would win 2 states.
My characterization is spot on
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. You just sound like a bitter political hack. Get a grip man or it’s gonna be a long 4 years for ya
Well sure it will I am not a Dem dreg sitting around waiting for a check....I work and need my job which Diaperman will try to eliminate and export. What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday.

" What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday."""

Oh the virus doesn't care that America has elected a new POTUS.
118,000 new cases yesterday.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
So what? Death rate down, severe case rate down, testing number up. Without the increased testing nobody would even know they had it.

You forgot to mention that 241,000 have died in 8 months, you stupid fucking idiot.
Its rates not raw numbers idiot. Since Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors killed half that total the testing has increased, cases have increased, and severe cases and death rates have gone down. Killer Cuomo started us off with a 7% mortality rate and since then we are down to 2.4%. I know facts interfere with the wind blowing through your ears but try to grasp wackos turned the flu into a murder weapon.
How many have died from the flu this year? How many from Covid?
Flu is estimated and many were changed to were car deaths, gunshot wounds, hit by falling piano.....anything to met your narrative. But again, without Killer Cuomo and the Dem states, even if their mortality rates were as low as other states, deaths would be half of what they are.
Way to NOT answer the question. Go away. You got nothing
The number of flu and pneumonia deaths have both changed all year......few to none somehow because guess why?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Yeah, the republican controlled Senate is just going to step aside and let Biden do some things he wants. :rolleyes-41:
Don't give up on Senate...

  • The two GOP candidates are knees deep in the COVID Shares scandal...
  • Trump is going to cause mayhem and accuse Democrats of everything but Georgia is run by Republicans.
  • Trump could come even more unhinged when he has no one to answer to and the GOP senate won't stand up to him.
  • Will Trump campaign in Georgia to the extend Biden will...
  • Stacey Abrams is going to get a big job in Biden's White House if she wants it. Biden owes her big time..
  • About $100m each will be spent...
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
Which you have NEVER demonstrated.
But the point is we have it.......right libber?
Anyone who supports Trump has ZERO common sense. Never has there been such a collective of parroting submissive cucks in the history of America.
I usually stay out of the back and forth mud-slinging but today is a new day! Generalizations are rarely accurate, unless of course one is talking about how wonderful dogs and cats are as pets! Now that's just not debatable:)

So, back to getting in the mud. I beg to differ with your false generalization about Trump supporters as a collective group as that would mean they live the same life...yes I am using the word "life" because if people think and act exactly the same way they must be clones.

As a mostly (not always admittedly) compassionate person, I have felt embarrassed "for" people on both sides of the political circus arena. There are examples of "stupid" all over the place. We are all individuals first and foremost. You don't have to like or agree with anyone, much less political subsets of people you see on film at a certain street on a certain day for instance.

My only point is that generalizations are inaccurate. Saying that "All Trump supporters are the same" is like saying "All dogs are good". As a dog lover, even I have to admit there are a few dogs that make it really hard to love them (those previously abused).... okay, maybe one dog is unlovable out there but that's as far as I'll go;)
Last edited:
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup

A guy in his basement beat Trump.
That's how much people hated Trump.
Very the additional votes those haters created when they were behind.
How did they create votes? Your pulling shit out of your ass. But please go ahead and try to back it up
I won't be the one backing anything up. The appropriate suits or recount requests will be filed and whatever comes out comes out. Mail in votes are a sham and a scam.
Of course you want back up what you say because you can’t. If you could then you would... you’re full of shit
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup says a lot for the similar schmucks who vote for such a rock.
It says even more about those who couldn’t win what should be a walk in the park if reality was how you paint it... which is obvious BS
A true election would have shown you what a walk in the park it was. Cant beat the mail in machine
The mail in machine is simply people voting which yes you're right Trump could not beat. Instead of using it he idiotically fought against it and it bit him in the ass.
The virus hoax mail in machine is what I am talking about.
Both of which are made up taking points that you can’t back up. Save your breath dude. Nobody is taking you seriously
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Not for me, I voted for President Trump.
Yes I know. You voted for the loser, the guy you’re calling a dementia patient won.
Yes the Depends wearing, diaper filling, strained pea eating nursing home resident you voted for.
If a guy like that can beat Trump then that’s gotta humiliating to Trump and those who see the world like you do. I’m sorry, sounds like you will be very embarrassed to be an American in a President Biden world
Not at all, I and we know we are not the wacko idiots who would elect a rock like Diaper Joe.
If your characterization were true then Biden would not have gotten elected. You just sound like a hateful little person who is now a soar loser. Can’t say I expected anything more from people like you though. Youve displayed Extremely low charter And self discipline much like your leader. Time to clear y’all out of the spotlight
Spare us the pretend humility. You created a virus hoax and used it to get/create even more dreg voters than in the past, stalled counts to calculate differences to make up, and made up the difference in states the President was leading. I everyone except military and students weree required to vote in person you would win 2 states.
My characterization is spot on
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. You just sound like a bitter political hack. Get a grip man or it’s gonna be a long 4 years for ya
Well sure it will I am not a Dem dreg sitting around waiting for a check....I work and need my job which Diaperman will try to eliminate and export. What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday.

" What happened to the horrible virus haven't heard a word about it since Monday."""

Oh the virus doesn't care that America has elected a new POTUS.
118,000 new cases yesterday.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
So what? Death rate down, severe case rate down, testing number up. Without the increased testing nobody would even know they had it.

You forgot to mention that 241,000 have died in 8 months, you stupid fucking idiot.
Its rates not raw numbers idiot. Since Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors killed half that total the testing has increased, cases have increased, and severe cases and death rates have gone down. Killer Cuomo started us off with a 7% mortality rate and since then we are down to 2.4%. I know facts interfere with the wind blowing through your ears but try to grasp wackos turned the flu into a murder weapon.
How many have died from the flu this year? How many from Covid?
Flu is estimated and many were changed to were car deaths, gunshot wounds, hit by falling piano.....anything to met your narrative. But again, without Killer Cuomo and the Dem states, even if their mortality rates were as low as other states, deaths would be half of what they are.
Way to NOT answer the question. Go away. You got nothing
The number of flu and pneumonia deaths have both changed all year......few to none somehow because guess why?
Show the numbers. Feel free to compare to past years if it supports your point
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup

A guy in his basement beat Trump.
That's how much people hated Trump.
Very the additional votes those haters created when they were behind.
How did they create votes? Your pulling shit out of your ass. But please go ahead and try to back it up
Republicans are forever put on the defensive on issue after issue. The Prog propaganda machine can not be beat. Karl Marx to Lenin to Mao to Alinsky to the modern Prog Progressive Party in our nation. The best to keep doing short of violence is to keep telling you.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I think Biden is in pretty good shape. Especially compared to Trump, who is at least 50 lb. overweight if not more.
Biden has no brain that's why he weighs less. Plus his Depends girdle makes him look thinner.
If a guy with no brain can beat Trump in an election then that’s pretty pathetic for Trump and his supporters. Time to regroup

A guy in his basement beat Trump.
That's how much people hated Trump.
Very the additional votes those haters created when they were behind.
How did they create votes? Your pulling shit out of your ass. But please go ahead and try to back it up
Republicans are forever put on the defensive on issue after issue. The Prog propaganda machine can not be beat. Karl Marx to Lenin to Mao to Alinsky to the modern Prog Progressive Party in our nation. The best to keep doing short of violence is to keep telling you.
Says the guys supporting the most dishonest president in our history. Blame the media all you want but both excuses lies and Trump has spouted more lies and divisive rhetoric than any leader Ive ever witnessed. Time for him to leave

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