Now We Know Why “The Squad” Is So Adamant About Canceling Student Debt

We are going to find they co-signed a lot of student loan baloney for shady America haters
President Barack Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf while President.

Like I said, I don't care if he played 12 rounds a day. The outrage against the president playing golf is moronic. I hope the next one plays even more, less time to be fucking things up. :/
They have no desire to actually cancel student debt. They never have. Just like they never intended to "tax the rich". They just dangle that carrot on a stick to entice people to vote for them, that's it.

They use cancelling student debt and taxing the rich as incentive to coax people to their side then they jerk the stick away once they get them.

It's just bait.
LOL.$15K to $50K...and she makes $174K.

Yea...that's killin her. She must be desperate to get THAT off her back huh?

Apparently so since she hasn't paid this so called pittance off.
She incurs the debt and then wants taxpayers to bail her out. That's a nice racket

She can afford designer gowns to wear to the Gala Met Ball but doesn't want to pay back
her student debt, which you claim she can easily afford. That's a nice racket especially when
idiots like you will defend her right to sponge off of others..

This is another nothing New York Post story along the lines of the phony laptop story. There is absolutely no evidence that they support student loan forgiveness because they benefit.
Yet Alexandria Ocasio Cortez does owe the government for her student debt she incurred of her own free
will and she and her fellow travelers will benefit if from it if people with their own debt to worry about
have to step in and cover for well connected grifters like AOC and her squad.
Meh. I really did not pay attention to the media's hair on fire treatment of golfing so I cannot speak to how much of it was falsified. To be quite frank, he could have golfed every single day and I would not care. Same with Obama.

Just do not expect the media not to take their really, really, really low hanging fruit here. Trump brought that particular criticism on himself no matter how much of it was over exaggerated nonsense.
The media has an important job in a Democracy, FA. They need to inform the public so that we can make good choices when we go to the polls. When they don't do that important job we end up with a President and Vice President who are unsuited for the positions they hold. I don't really care that the media was harsh with Trump...he's a big boy and knows how to deal with issue is that they protected Joe Biden during the campaign...hiding how infirm he really is. What we're getting now is the result of that failure by the media.
The media has an important job in a Democracy, FA. They need to inform the public so that we can make good choices when we go to the polls. When they don't do that important job we end up with a President and Vice President who are unsuited for the positions they hold. I don't really care that the media was harsh with Trump...he's a big boy and knows how to deal with issue is that they protected Joe Biden during the campaign...hiding how infirm he really is. What we're getting now is the result of that failure by the media.

But protecting Biden has nothing to do with criticisms of Trump's golfing habits. They are not connected.

A MUCH better expose on the medias covering for Biden comes in the form of election night coverage 2020, Obama's inauguration coverage or all the problems surrounding making Hunter disappear from the news even when the reporting on his activities was accurate and true. When you use the small things but pass over the large ones, your point gets lost in apathy.
The media has an important job in a Democracy, FA. They need to inform the public so that we can make good choices when we go to the polls. When they don't do that important job we end up with a President and Vice President who are unsuited for the positions they hold. I don't really care that the media was harsh with Trump...he's a big boy and knows how to deal with issue is that they protected Joe Biden during the campaign...hiding how infirm he really is. What we're getting now is the result of that failure by the media.
If you don't care about the media demonizing and persecuting Trump, then you don't care if the public is informed. Do you actually believe such behavior doesn't affect how people vote?
Dim politicians always have self-serving motives for everything they do. AOC wants Americans who never went to college to pay off her student loans. I can't imagine anything more loathsome.

Self-serving politicians are easy to spot. They’re different from the actual public servants like Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Marjorie Taylor Greene who gave up so much in order to do what’s best for the country. Self-serving politicians tilt policies to benefit themselves, their families, and the cronies who help to keep them in power.
Many have equated “The Squad” to being the radical progressive version of the ideologues; they may be wrong in their Neo-Marxist perspectives, but at least they’re supposed to be true believers in their cause. Yet time and again, we’ve seen contradictions to this notion. Squad members have universally called to defund police and promote gun control while maintaining expensive personal security that their constituents could never afford. They complain about the rich while voting for their own pay raises. Now, there’s a more direct example of how their proposed policies would help them personally.
According to a report from the NY Post, most members of The Squad are deep in student debt just as they call for the Biden regime to eliminate it for them:
Many of the woke politicians who have pushed for student-loan cancellation are themselves hip-deep in school debt, federal records reviewed by The Post show.
Most members of “The Squad” — the coterie of socialist legislators led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) — fall into this category. Collectively, they owe between $180,004 and $400,000 in student loans, the records show.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez had a balance of between $15,001 and $50,000 in federal student loans as of 2020, according to her most recent personal financial disclosure. Despite her $174,000 annual salary, the economics major hasn’t paid off her balance, despite a zero percent interest rate and no payments due since March 2020.

"The Squad" represents three of the FOUR Holocaust deniers DemoKKKrats currently have serving in Congress. These people are garbage.
Yet Alexandria Ocasio Cortez does owe the government for her student debt she incurred of her own free
will and she and her fellow travelers will benefit if from it if people with their own debt to worry about
have to step in and cover for well connected grifters like AOC and her squad.
Get it, spend it, benefit from it and declare others should pay for it.
Lib 101

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