NRA hates blacks more than they love guns .

We've learned that even shooting someone in the back is even against the law. But you're right tho, if we considered everything that a jury says is right, then OJ didn't do it.
Bill Cosby is just a dude who likes to party. And Capone was just a lazy accountant.

Seems legit.

So you responded to my question without giving an answer. And no, there is no law against shooting somebody in the back. If a police officer is chasing a dangerous suspect, and the officer believes that the suspect will jeopardize the public, he can shoot the suspect down before he reaches the public. Or if a hostage broke free and the suspect is trying to chase the hostage down to recapture them. Or if an outraged husband or boyfriend is chasing their girlfriend or wife down the street with a knife. A police officer (or armed citizen) has the right to use deadly force.

If you know the guy is a dangerous felon !! That Cleveland case was not that . He pulled the guy over for a traffic bullshit stop .

You're going in circles. Which Cleveland case are you talking about? It doesn't matter why he pulled the guy over, what matters is that he didn't listen to the orders of an officer that caused him concern over his own safety.

What you leftists have to understand is that a jury (or prosecutor) has to prove a law was broken by a police officer in order to convict him. So again I ask, what law was the jury supposed to convict the officer of breaking?
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!
The NRA would be out of business yesterday, if minorities joined their racist club!!

The NRA was started specifically to help minories exercise their right to self defense
Get the fuck outta here...if blacks walked around with guns strapped to their sides, inside their trucks, you white mf's, the NRA would go out of business yesterdayView attachment 134338
Oh look, another racist leftist pig. Shocking...
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!

This case right here is why NRA will never get any money from me. A lawful gun owner and concealed carry permit holder is shot in HIS car by a cop pissing all over himself. This is why we get morons like BLM.
Why lie? What is the point? A citizen failed to follow a lawful order and reached for ??? The gun he claimed he had? His wallet? Who knows. We know he was armed and refused to follow lawful orders. I am not a big government or big police guy, but as a practicing CCW holder, I damn well know to follow lawful instructions when dealing with law enforcement.
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!

does that surprise you?
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!
The NRA would be out of business yesterday, if minorities joined their racist club!!

The NRA was started specifically to help minories exercise their right to self defense
Get the fuck outta here...if blacks walked around with guns strapped to their sides, inside their trucks, you white mf's, the NRA would go out of business yesterdayView attachment 134338
Oh look, another racist leftist pig. Shocking...

quiet bigoted trash.
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!
The NRA would be out of business yesterday, if minorities joined their racist club!!

The NRA was started specifically to help minories exercise their right to self defense
Get the fuck outta here...if blacks walked around with guns strapped to their sides, inside their trucks, you white mf's, the NRA would go out of business yesterdayView attachment 134338
Oh look, another racist leftist pig. Shocking...

quiet bigoted trash.
I agree Tigerred has some issues. He needs help.
You can't be serious. A cop was just acquitted. It was the case where he told the passenger to get his id as his wife (girlfriend?) streamed the incident on FB.

The man did as the cop ordered and the cop shot him several times.

The trial JUST ended a few days ago and there literally hundreds of examples.

Why do people pretend Blacks are not being murdered by cops?

Sent from my iPad using
Her streaming started AFTER he was shot

No issue. Only a slave would consider that shooting lagit.

So you now exactly what happened before the video rolled?

Tell me Oh Great and Powerful OZ what will the Powerball numbers be this week?

Fck off dude you and I have both seen white boys with guns do some stupid shit and pigs have let it fly

You do that shit as even a little black boy you're likely to get executed. Much less a grown man

Don't be a douche bag
What's the matter can't spell FUCK?

The idiot said he was carrying a gun and reached behind his back I don't care what color you are you do that to a cop you get dead fast

You are a moron. Cop was on tape pissing his pants. You are cool with it because dude was a black guy with dreads. I do understand your need to give someone your money, for me, I'll give it to a group who actually does something to protect my rights. Now run along and dream of your lynchings fag.
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!

LOL @ "N word"
Her streaming started AFTER he was shot

No issue. Only a slave would consider that shooting lagit.

So you now exactly what happened before the video rolled?

Tell me Oh Great and Powerful OZ what will the Powerball numbers be this week?

Fck off dude you and I have both seen white boys with guns do some stupid shit and pigs have let it fly

You do that shit as even a little black boy you're likely to get executed. Much less a grown man

Don't be a douche bag
What's the matter can't spell FUCK?

The idiot said he was carrying a gun and reached behind his back I don't care what color you are you do that to a cop you get dead fast

You are a moron. Cop was on tape pissing his pants. You are cool with it because dude was a black guy with dreads. I do understand your need to give someone your money, for me, I'll give it to a group who actually does something to protect my rights. Now run along and dream of your lynchings fag.

If you thought somebody was whipping out a gun to kill you, you'd be pissing your pants as well.

Your rights? What about a cops rights that you apparently are against?

You libs have zero knowledge of our laws in this country.
Why lie? What is the point? A citizen failed to follow a lawful order and reached for ??? The gun he claimed he had? His wallet? Who knows.

You have to understand that most liberals are anti-cop. When you make a choice to side between good and evil, liberals always choose evil.
Heres the scenario. A lawful gun owner is pulled over by the government. He informs the government agent that he is a lawful gun carrier , and proceeds to reach for ID . He is shot and killed for no reason .

The gov jackboot is found not guilty of wrong doing .

You'd think the NRA would be all over this . But you won't find anything about this on their webpage !?! Oh that's right. Just another n-word killed by a cop . Nothing to see here!

Was the citizen not armed to give himself a chance to defend himself? As well as the officer?

The NRA isn't responsible for the actions of gun owners, they're responsible for defending the second amendment.
Just saw the video from the cops dashcam he told the idiot THREE TIMES to NOT grab his pistol. I am no cop but I do know they remove you from the car handcuff you and then they remove the weapon and clear it themselves. WHY this idiot didn't listen is beyond me,he had enough brains to inform cop he was armed so why did he not listen when told not to grab it?
If you're a legal CC permit holder and you notify the officer you won't get cuffed

But you also don't reach behind your back after you tell a cop you are armed which is why I carry my drivers' license and carry permit in my shirt pocket not my wallet
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Just saw the video from the cops dashcam he told the idiot THREE TIMES to NOT grab his pistol. I am no cop but I do know they remove you from the car handcuff you and then they remove the weapon and clear it themselves. WHY this idiot didn't listen is beyond me,he had enough brains to inform cop he was armed so why did he not listen when told not to grab it?

Here's the thing tho....he never grabbed his gUn but there is always an excuse. He was coming toward the police, he was walking away, he didn't listen, he did listen but not fast enough, etc etc.

Someone should gun that bitch down and watch the laughs when people claim he was a good person.

Oh and save the boo hooing about how me saying that is worse than taking a man's life. Doesn't fly.
No but he reached behind his back
if a person says he has a gun and then reaches behind his back what do you think he's going to do?

He should have left his hands in plain sight at all times
Huh, you'd think they'd come to his defense. Legal gun owner, shot by police just for having a gun. No laws broken....just having the nerve to be black and thought the 2nd Amendment applied to him.
Huh you'd think a lawful gun owner would know to LISTEN to the cop when he is told THREE times to NOT grab the weapon! Yet he didn't. It was tragic but preventable if idiot would have NOT grabbed his gun.

But he didn't grab anything..but any excuse will do.
but he reached behind his back after telling the cop he had a gun
Just saw the video from the cops dashcam he told the idiot THREE TIMES to NOT grab his pistol. I am no cop but I do know they remove you from the car handcuff you and then they remove the weapon and clear it themselves. WHY this idiot didn't listen is beyond me,he had enough brains to inform cop he was armed so why did he not listen when told not to grab it?

Here's the thing tho....he never grabbed his gUn but there is always an excuse. He was coming toward the police, he was walking away, he didn't listen, he did listen but not fast enough, etc etc.

Someone should gun that bitch down and watch the laughs when people claim he was a good person.

Oh and save the boo hooing about how me saying that is worse than taking a man's life. Doesn't fly.
He was told NOT to grab for it. He did. End of story,cop thought he was pulling a gun and defended himself.

Thinking something doesn't mean it happened. He never grabbed his gun and why would he? He told them there was a gun in the car as soon as he was stopped. The cop got scared and because of it shot someone in front of his entire family.

THINKING he was GOING TO doesn't = he did.

He was already under suspicion as being a suspect in an armed robbery.....and then he reached when told not to.......

Isn't that always the case? Black guy suspected of being a robber, who admits to carrying and had his 4 yeast old in the back of the get away car? Sounds legit.

But again, you guys aren't lying to me, you're lying to yourself and hoping that makes you feel better. I hope it works for you.

If you tell a cop that you are armed and then reach behind your back you get dead fast.

The cop didn't fuck up here Castille fucked up and unfortunately paid the ultimate price for his poor judgement
Here's the thing tho....he never grabbed his gUn but there is always an excuse. He was coming toward the police, he was walking away, he didn't listen, he did listen but not fast enough, etc etc.

Someone should gun that bitch down and watch the laughs when people claim he was a good person.

Oh and save the boo hooing about how me saying that is worse than taking a man's life. Doesn't fly.
He was told NOT to grab for it. He did. End of story,cop thought he was pulling a gun and defended himself.

Thinking something doesn't mean it happened. He never grabbed his gun and why would he? He told them there was a gun in the car as soon as he was stopped. The cop got scared and because of it shot someone in front of his entire family.

THINKING he was GOING TO doesn't = he did.

He was already under suspicion as being a suspect in an armed robbery.....and then he reached when told not to.......

Isn't that always the case? Black guy suspected of being a robber, who admits to carrying and had his 4 yeast old in the back of the get away car? Sounds legit.

But again, you guys aren't lying to me, you're lying to yourself and hoping that makes you feel better. I hope it works for you.

Suspected as a robber why? Cause he's black ?

If you think the guy is a violent robber why do you waddle up to the car yapping about a taillight ? You'd have guns drawn from the jump .
there was a general description out Moron
Her streaming started AFTER he was shot

No issue. Only a slave would consider that shooting lagit.

So you now exactly what happened before the video rolled?

Tell me Oh Great and Powerful OZ what will the Powerball numbers be this week?

Fck off dude you and I have both seen white boys with guns do some stupid shit and pigs have let it fly

You do that shit as even a little black boy you're likely to get executed. Much less a grown man

Don't be a douche bag
What's the matter can't spell FUCK?

The idiot said he was carrying a gun and reached behind his back I don't care what color you are you do that to a cop you get dead fast

You are a moron. Cop was on tape pissing his pants. You are cool with it because dude was a black guy with dreads. I do understand your need to give someone your money, for me, I'll give it to a group who actually does something to protect my rights. Now run along and dream of your lynchings fag.

No I realize the the actual facts

Castille told the cop he was armed and then reached behind his back. Even his companion's statements support that fact.

and what money do I give to anyone? I am not and have not ever been a member of the NRA if that is what you are implying.

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