NRA's new poster child for 2nd Ammend. rights

Our violent crime rate is down to 1960 levels, while our society has added millions of guns. So, if you want to use "logic" on the question, you probably should rethink your answer.
Well, 'logic' would seem to say that if military style semi automatics and handguns are not generally available their use in mass killings will decrease.

so....they will just use shotguns and pistols.......and kill the same number of people..

There are 8,000,000 rifles with detachable magazines in the country........

Over 34 years, 1982-2016 there have been a total of 149 murderes with those rifles in mass shootings....

8,000,000 vs. 149 over 34 years....

Knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014 alone and over 1,000 people each and every year....

Knives are a bigger threat than rifles.........also clubs and bare hands, each method killing more people in 1 year than rifles in 34 years.......

And cars killed 33,000 people in 2014....and over 30,000 people each year....

Do you want to ban them?

Which object kills more people....

And 8,000,000 of these guns in private hands and only 1 or2 a year are used illegally.........each year.......

And in France....where they are already completely illegal and unaccessable by the normal French citizen...criminals and terrorists get them easily.....and used them to murder 140 people......and that doesn't even include the grenades and explosives that are also easy to get in Europe..
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
As soon as someone uses a firearm to commit murder of innocent people they are breaking the law. They no longer follow the Constitution. Gun rights activist are no more responsible for this women's actions than a Liberal is for Muslim terrorist attacks.

And be sure to thank your republican congressman for blocking the democrats from closing the loophole that would have made it illegal for a private individual to sell John Hinkley a firearm. Also, there is a guy on my block who has had 3 DWI's, and his license has been revoked, and is known for his temper and abusive behavior, but since he has not been convicted of a felony, he can decide to order a firearm by passing a background check, and the next time his wife gets out of line, he just might teach her a lesson. still haven't explained how a background check for private sales will prevent a straw buyer from buying the gun....since that is how criminals get around background checks right now........and of course the will need to register guns if you add background checks to private sales...which is the only reason the anti-gun activists want them in the first place.....they know they can't ban or confiscate guns in the future if they don't have them registered first...they saw how they did it in Germany, Britain and Australia....
Imagine this: guns are a problem. And, they are the solution? We need to reconfigure the logic here, guns are a problem,adding more guns just add to that. This is a circular debate. We stop needless gun violence by removing guns from the populace. Sure, we have people that abuse autos, knives or fill in the blank, all worthy of note. One thing at a time, please.

Our violent crime rate is down to 1960 levels, while our society has added millions of guns. So, if you want to use "logic" on the question, you probably should rethink your answer.

Um, we had all these mass shootings, nothing like that ever happened in the early sixties until the 1966 TU clock tower shooter. He may have been ill, and so what? I don't care. All those defenseless kids murdered by a mad man, something is wrong here. They say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity, Let's let crazy people get guns and expect non crazy people to stop them. Right. That doesn't work, it's been proved over and over again. are wrong.......we have added millions and millions of guns......and our gun murder rate went down....not up....that is a fact. more Americans are actually carrying a gun for self defense than ever before....and our gun murder rate went down, not up...that is a fact. The guy was in a tower........a dance club, school and theater are can actually defend yourself with a gun in those situations.......and people have..........

The difference....we now have almost all public spaces as gun free zones....they draw mass shooters like flies...
If some guy is in a tower shooting down at people, the people below cannot defend themselves. Possibly police sharp shooters could do something, possibly, but unlikely.
As soon as someone uses a firearm to commit murder of innocent people they are breaking the law. They no longer follow the Constitution. Gun rights activist are no more responsible for this women's actions than a Liberal is for Muslim terrorist attacks.

And be sure to thank your republican congressman for blocking the democrats from closing the loophole that would have made it illegal for a private individual to sell John Hinkley a firearm. Also, there is a guy on my block who has had 3 DWI's, and his license has been revoked, and is known for his temper and abusive behavior, but since he has not been convicted of a felony, he can decide to order a firearm by passing a background check, and the next time his wife gets out of line, he just might teach her a lesson.
In other news millions of other law abiding gun owning citizens go about their daily lives.

..and not one of these law abiding citizens would have lost anything if it were illegal for a private individual from selling a firearm to a felon or mentally unstable person....

It is already illegal to sell to a felon or an adjudicated mentally dangerous person.......
As soon as someone uses a firearm to commit murder of innocent people they are breaking the law. They no longer follow the Constitution. Gun rights activist are no more responsible for this women's actions than a Liberal is for Muslim terrorist attacks.

And be sure to thank your republican congressman for blocking the democrats from closing the loophole that would have made it illegal for a private individual to sell John Hinkley a firearm. Also, there is a guy on my block who has had 3 DWI's, and his license has been revoked, and is known for his temper and abusive behavior, but since he has not been convicted of a felony, he can decide to order a firearm by passing a background check, and the next time his wife gets out of line, he just might teach her a lesson.
----------------------------------- she oughta get a gun , most guys don't really need a gun in the situation that you describe V.S..

Right. instead of stopping an alcoholic, unstable, abusive person from getting a gun, The wife is remiss for not strapping on, and having a showdown with him on main street.

And how do restraining orders stop the man from burying a hatchet in the wifes head....or setting her on fire with gasoline...? All real world attacks on women......the only thing that could have saved these if they had been carrying a gun......
Imagine this: guns are a problem. And, they are the solution? We need to reconfigure the logic here, guns are a problem,adding more guns just add to that. This is a circular debate. We stop needless gun violence by removing guns from the populace. Sure, we have people that abuse autos, knives or fill in the blank, all worthy of note. One thing at a time, please.

Our violent crime rate is down to 1960 levels, while our society has added millions of guns. So, if you want to use "logic" on the question, you probably should rethink your answer.

Um, we had all these mass shootings, nothing like that ever happened in the early sixties until the 1966 TU clock tower shooter. He may have been ill, and so what? I don't care. All those defenseless kids murdered by a mad man, something is wrong here. They say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity, Let's let crazy people get guns and expect non crazy people to stop them. Right. That doesn't work, it's been proved over and over again. are wrong.......we have added millions and millions of guns......and our gun murder rate went down....not up....that is a fact. more Americans are actually carrying a gun for self defense than ever before....and our gun murder rate went down, not up...that is a fact. The guy was in a tower........a dance club, school and theater are can actually defend yourself with a gun in those situations.......and people have..........

The difference....we now have almost all public spaces as gun free zones....they draw mass shooters like flies...
If some guy is in a tower shooting down at people, the people below cannot defend themselves. Possibly police sharp shooters could do something, possibly, but unlikely.

The Tower shooter is why we had the SWAT t.v. show in the 70s.,.........they created SWAT to deal with shooters like, they have had to change responses to mass shooters after Columbine...the SWAT method of waiting doesn't need to put an armed responder against the shooter immediately....that is why armed citizens are so important........
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling it a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speaking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.
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As soon as someone uses a firearm to commit murder of innocent people they are breaking the law. They no longer follow the Constitution. Gun rights activist are no more responsible for this women's actions than a Liberal is for Muslim terrorist attacks.

And be sure to thank your republican congressman for blocking the democrats from closing the loophole that would have made it illegal for a private individual to sell John Hinkley a firearm. Also, there is a guy on my block who has had 3 DWI's, and his license has been revoked, and is known for his temper and abusive behavior, but since he has not been convicted of a felony, he can decide to order a firearm by passing a background check, and the next time his wife gets out of line, he just might teach her a lesson.
In other news millions of other law abiding gun owning citizens go about their daily lives.

..and not one of these law abiding citizens would have lost anything if it were illegal for a private individual from selling a firearm to a felon or mentally unstable person....

Unless you are poor......and don't have the money to pay the gun store to do a background check.....then you are out of the gun....and living in a democrat hell hole where only the criminals and cops can afford guns......and the cops don't come around....
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.
Imagine this: guns are a problem. And, they are the solution? We need to reconfigure the logic here, guns are a problem,adding more guns just add to that. This is a circular debate. We stop needless gun violence by removing guns from the populace. Sure, we have people that abuse autos, knives or fill in the blank, all worthy of note. One thing at a time, please.

Our violent crime rate is down to 1960 levels, while our society has added millions of guns. So, if you want to use "logic" on the question, you probably should rethink your answer.

Um, we had all these mass shootings, nothing like that ever happened in the early sixties until the 1966 TU clock tower shooter. He may have been ill, and so what? I don't care. All those defenseless kids murdered by a mad man, something is wrong here. They say, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity, Let's let crazy people get guns and expect non crazy people to stop them. Right. That doesn't work, it's been proved over and over again. are wrong.......we have added millions and millions of guns......and our gun murder rate went down....not up....that is a fact. more Americans are actually carrying a gun for self defense than ever before....and our gun murder rate went down, not up...that is a fact. The guy was in a tower........a dance club, school and theater are can actually defend yourself with a gun in those situations.......and people have..........

The difference....we now have almost all public spaces as gun free zones....they draw mass shooters like flies...
If some guy is in a tower shooting down at people, the people below cannot defend themselves. Possibly police sharp shooters could do something, possibly, but unlikely.

The Tower shooter is why we had the SWAT t.v. show in the 70s.,.........they created SWAT to deal with shooters like, they have had to change responses to mass shooters after Columbine...the SWAT method of waiting doesn't need to put an armed responder against the shooter immediately....that is why armed citizens are so important........
Unless you are a highly trained, highly effective sharp shooter, at long, long range, a person on the ground cannot disable a man with a high powered rifle and a lot of ammunition who is firing down upon people from a high tower. Duh and double duh.
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

So you don't think you should have homeowners' insurance because your home being consumed by fire is very unlikely?

SHow us how brave you are and get rid of all your insurance policies
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.

This is another one of your silly, illogical arguments which the gun people repeat ad infinitum.
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.

This is another one of your silly, illogical arguments which the gun people repeat ad infinitum.
you mean like you telling people who own guns that they are afraid of everything?

the only thing you left out was the small penis reference
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.
I don't watch any westerns: it's an expression--everyone knows that.
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.
I don't watch any westerns: it's an expression--everyone knows that.
The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality - Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Apparently she didn't use an AR-15 or any type of assault rifle so the left should at least be happy about that.
No one is happy about this, the murder of two young women, in any since. The woman had mental problems and yet was able to get a gun. You all have been saying that the problem isn't guns, it's mental issues. So why not get on board and call for stronger background checks so that people with mental problems do not have access to guns?
You still have the same problem unless she had a criminal record or had been committed to a mental hosptial nothing would have shown up to prevent her from buying a gun even with stronger background checks. We can't as far as I know Involuntarily committ people so the only way to get their mental history in the record is if they committ themselves which few do. There is the major problem here how do you Involuntarily committ people without violating their civil rights and how do you get their mental history in the record for background checks if you don't?

And that is the center of the problem.

The Right seems to think that liberals are trying to stop mass shootings, and certifiably insane by passing new gun laws. We know that both of these things can not be stopped. Mass shooters, gangsters, and crazy people are going to do their thing, and all we can do is to try to stop them.

What is much worse, is the day-today domestic violence that happens all over America, every day. I'm talking about husbands and wives, and neighbors, and road rage people. I'm talking about drunks, and crack heads, and jealous husbands, and teenagers who can't hold their liquor. Everyone on this board knows someone who is unpredictable, hair triggered, and unstable, to one extent or another. Hell, Jerry Lee Lewis once got drunk and shot a friend in the shoulder with a 45. Elvis used to shoot his TV sets, and always performed in his later years with a pistol in his boot. We had a love triangle in my retirement community that was resolved last year with a 1911. A friend of mine had a 15 year old daughter, who, after he dressed her down for sneaking out to see her boyfriend, went directly out to his car where she knew that he kept a gun, and killed herself. A deputy was killed in my county 2 months ago while responding to an elderly welfare check, only to be shot by the person he was there to check on, through the front door. He was 82 years old, and damned near deaf and senile, but, by golly, he had a gun, even if drooled on it a lot.

I don't have the complete answer to this. All I know is that far too many people in this country are armed and dangerous. I am a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and I patrol. You can take this to the bank. Cops' biggest fear is being called to the scene of a domestic dispute. It is the most dangerous call they have to respond to. Some drunk or crackhead just may decide to off a pig, and his wife, as well. He will, of course, be really sincerely sorry about it when he sobers up.

Yeah.....but the 4 laws they tried to pass....didn't do anything for any of that...did it? didn't even address mass shootings.......which was the event that sparked their tantrum in pass 4 bills that had nothing to do with the mass shooting that actually happened.....

Your post would be more interesting if the reality of the anti-gun agenda had any bearing on actually trying to stop criminals, mass shooters and domestic abusers from killing people......
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.
I don't watch any westerns: it's an expression--everyone knows that.

It is an expression without reality behind it.
I had someone point a gun at me. This was back in 73, I actually took it away from him and had the option to shoot him. I ran away and shot it into the ground. Pop pop pop pop. A pivotal time in my life. Nobody was there to save me, God or the fates, NOBODY. No God, no friends, no armed bystander. And I hate guns NOW. have an irrational fear of guns...and want to make policy for 90 million gun owners based on your irrational it.
People not l liking guns and not wanting to live in a Dodge City type of environment is not a fear, not irrational or otherwise. Calling a fear is like calling 'chicken.' You think if you shout chicken, like little kids in a schoolyard, you will get people to back down on their opinion. It's a childish way of trying to win a debate.

The real fact is that people who don't want guns are people who are NOT so full of fear that they think they need one. It's the people who feel they need to carry or have a gun for protection who, logically speacking, live in fear. You are too afraid to live without a firearm to protect you from an attack that, based on statistics, is very, very unlikely.

No.....having a fire extinguisher in your home is not fear........carrying a gun is not is being prepared.....

Wanting to ban 8,000,000 rifles which are never used in crime or mass shootings because only 1 or 2 are..........that is fear. And it is irrational to make policy on a Civil Right based on fear.......

Actually, Dodge city wasn't a violent watch too many westerns.
I don't watch any westerns: it's an expression--everyone knows that.
The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality - Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Notice from your link......the real problem with violence in the West.......out of control government...again, murdering innocent people...unarmed innocent people.......

The Real Cause of Violence in the American West

The real culture of violence in the American West of the latter half of the nineteenth century sprang from the U.S. government’s policies toward the Plains Indians. I
Another perfect example for why we need stricter gun control; had this woman not had guns, those two beautiful young women would still be alive. It's so sad. They are just considered collateral damage in the war to preserve a literal interpretation of the 2nd amendment at whatever cost
Or she could have just drowned the kids in a bath tub like Andrea Yates

If we didn't allow crazy people to have tubs her kids would be alive today too?

And as far as I can tell there is no right to have a tub
Or she could have just drowned the kids in a bath tub like Andrea Yates

and yates claimed her Jesus told her to do it!!

Yes..and since Jesus never permitted murder...she didn't do it in his name...she should have joined Islam.......

the shooter was only following her jesus

Jezus didn't permit divorce, so I guess that means there's a lot of fake Christian's out there.

I don't remember him mandating anything....and that forgive the sinner thing he was always prattling on about....I think that covers just about most things.....nice try though....

The shooter was only following her Jesus commands


10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

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