NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
Would this really improve the lives of NYC residents?
So who do you include? Hmmm? What minorities.
Asian, Latinos, Blacks and their mixed off spring. It's mixed race babies that are the fastest growing demographic in the country. Up over 200% in the last two decades I believe.
The Latin community is moving right.
I don't find that an alarming long term trend. An influx of older Latin immigrants will probably tend a little more conservative but the younger generations are way more progressive. And they're still a majority democratic voting block.
You’re Chinese, Indian and African with green eyes. Tell me more.
With caramel skin.
This is nothing more than communism overthrowing the culture. Democrats are marxists and their voters are Marxist dupes.
Good luck to them I’m sure this will make the half a percent of the citizens of New York who actually care about this happy the rest not so much.
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As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
Well, I can see their point. They have become a shithole city that isn't even part of the US anymore, so, no reason to have statues to Washington.
Asian, Latinos, Blacks and their mixed off spring. It's mixed race babies that are the fastest growing demographic in the country. Up over 200% in the last two decades I believe.

I don't find that an alarming long term trend. An influx of older Latin immigrants will probably tend a little more conservative but the younger generations are way more progressive. And they're still a majority democratic voting block.

With caramel skin.
1) Asians are a minority? Not according to universities.

2) Young people generally are more liberal. I was until I hit about 34-35. It’s not race based it’s age and idealism based. Aka they don’t know any better.

3) You’re still black.

Speak for yourself poor white. My family has been pretty damn successful.
You mean the white devil didn’t hold you down. The Man is the reason anything bad happened in my life it’s not my fault some statue of a guy who lived 200 years ago is holding me back
1) Asians are a minority? Not according to universities.
Was my context one of Universities? 😄 Again you try to insert your Bingo premise into the conversation.
2) Young people generally are more liberal. I was until I hit about 34-35. It’s not race based it’s age and idealism based. Aka they don’t know any better.
That's certainly the hope of conservatives but it really hasn't worked out much. People's politics shift as they grow older but not by that much.
3) You’re still black.

You're still desperate.
You mean the white devil didn’t hold you down. The Man is the reason anything bad happened in my life it’s not my fault some statue of a guy who lived 200 years ago is holding me back
That's your Bingo strawman. Are you surprised no one is impressed by it? 😄
The erasing of American historical figures is the Democrat Party's cultural genocide politics.
That ain't even the half of it.This bastardized MAjor Political Party
is on a rampage.To defrock true patriots and those who love
being American citizens,who work,pay their taxes and follow
the law.I mean,before long these drat Democrat brats would like nothing
more than to bring back public square episodes of tar and feathering.
I mean,how low down can a political party git.
They just as soon ask a woman who is pregnant ...
Howz the Fetus ?
That's all one need know going into the voting booth in 2024.
Was my context one of Universities? 😄 Again you try to insert your Bingo premise into the conversation.

That's certainly the hope of conservatives but it really hasn't worked out much. People's politics shift as they grow older but not by that much.

You're still desperate.
As Winston Churchill said. Those under 40 who aren’t liberal have no heart. Those over 40 who aren’t conservative have no brain. Politics shift significantly in fact. Problem is, little caramel, we are in unprecedented times and political parties have never been further apart.
I didn't accuse you of abusing any Black people. 😄 That post wasn't even directed at you. Are you that desperate for victimhood? 😄
So which whites abused black people? Are you going to point at a tiny minority again and state it’s most whites, little salty caramel?

PS - you’re still black
As Winston Churchill said. Those under 40 who aren’t liberal have no heart. Those over 40 who aren’t conservative have no brain. Politics shift significantly in fact. Problem is, little caramel, we are in unprecedented times and political parties have never been further apart.
I don't give a shit about Churchills musings. 😄
So which whites abused black people? Are you going to point at a tiny minority again and state it’s most whites, little salty caramel?
Why don't you read the context of the exchange and see if you can sus it out for yourself.
PS - you’re still black
And still Asian.

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