NYC raises cigarette sales age to 21

I do not smoke nor do I advocate it, butt this law is assinine on every level.....:smoke:
Males do not fully mature mentally until 29 years old. 18 year old males are considered adults so they can be used in military service. At a young age humans kill more readily that an older male.
I get what they are trying to do, but it isn't going to stop those who are old enough to buy them from buying them for those who are not old enough to buy them their own selves.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Now it's been raised...

So now, in New York City, you can join the military at 18, fight and die for your country, but you can't drink or smoke...

That is one fucked up burg...
Bloomberg is on another crusade to control the people.
One weird thing I noticed while there was service posters about choking. Do a lot of people choke in NYC?

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