NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

statutory damages in an amount of not less than $10,000 for each abortion that the defendant performed or induced in violation of this subchapter, and for each abortion performed or induced in violation of this subchapter that the defendant aided or abetted; and (3)AAcosts and attorney ’s fees

Winning a lawsuit is not a law paying you, moron. If you are going to enter into someone else's conversation, at least get informed on what the issue is. THE LAW DOES NOT PAY YOU ANYTHING. It does give you the ability to SUE people for damages. You know, like democrats did to Trump for four years. Idiot. STFU.
Wait a minute. Requiring people to prove vaccination status in order to eat inside a restaurant leads to global control of the economy and complete control of all citizens? Seriously? You guys really are a hoot. You will spout off that bullshit and then spend prime time glued to FOX news, and you want to talk about "control of the citizens". You guys are being as manipulated as Pinocchio.
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I think those people are informing you as we speak. Are you unaware of the supply chain problems you morons have created in this country? Haven't watched the news this week either have you? Why do you think THOUSANDS of flights have been cancelled during the holiday. How about that overwhelmed health care system that has more than enough employees if you Nazis didn't try to force experimental therapies on them. Try again moron.
I don't have to watch the news to understand the supply chain problem. I run a multi-million dollar business. I am in communication with some of the country's largest suppliers of beef, pork, and chicken. While I can't speak to other industries as effectively as the food industry I can tell you the biggest problem with the supply chain doesn't have anything to do with Biden or government policies. It centers on a lack of labor. Smithfield is understaffed by 3,000 employees. Lunchables, and Armour, are in short supply because Keebler, the supplier of their crackers, is understaffed and can't produce enough. I scarfed up almost all of the supply of prime grade bone-in ribeyes on the east coast for Christmas, for just me. I completed the schedule for next week today. Budgeted 361 hours and I made do with 320. I gave overtime to my lowest paid employee, and he leaves after next week.

The other problem with the supply chain is pentup demand, due totally to the Covid pandemic. While low wage workers were laid off, and yes, collecting unemployment benefits, professionals began working at home and, with expenses cut, began banking money, lots of it. Now, they are letting it go, rather it is buying the prime rib for Christmas dinner, or new furniture for their home, they are letting it go in a big way.

I have another son that lives at home with me. He has not left the house since last July. He works from home and is probably Doordash's best customer. But he told me today he could not strike a lick for a year and still be fine financially. The landscape of this country has changed, dramatically, and again, it has had nothing to do with government policies. Things will never be the same. You either adapt, or you perish.
A 14 year old has about no threat to die from covid. Insanity that he got the jab at all.
I am not sure if she knew. . . at that time of that tweet, but the life expectancy of those who are diagnosed with that condition, is usually shortened, significantly. 20, 30 years.
While I can't speak to other industries as effectively as the food industry I can tell you the biggest problem with the supply chain doesn't have anything to do with Biden or government policies. It centers on a lack of labor.

Uh, why do you think there is a lack of labor, bub?

When people are paid to not work and are forced to get a Vaxx to work, folks who would otherwise be working Opt Out. This is very much due to Biden and Government policies.
I am not sure if she knew. . . at that time of that tweet, but the life expectancy of those who are diagnosed with that condition, is usually shortened, significantly. 20, 30 years.
I doubt she really knew thst that risks were extremely low to even get the jab st all. The media feeds the lies daily. Most are nit informed like we are in here.
Uh, why do you think there is a lack of labor, bub?

When people are paid to not work and are forced to get a Vaxx to work, folks who would otherwise be working Opt Out. This is very much due to Biden and Government policies.

Bullshit. The additional federal stipend for unemployment ended in the beginning of September, and it was Trump that signed that bill. And if you would rather stay home and be unemployed instead of get the vax your unemployment should be eliminated.
These are lessons we are learning for the mext pandemic.

Next time, we won't wait so long to exclude the plague rats from crowded spaces.

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